Memoria Misera (Extreme)

Trialicon.pngMemoria Misera (Extreme)
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Memoria Misera (Extreme).png
The Emperor was said to be a cruel man, ruling Garlemald with an iron fist. But he was no less cruel when still known as High Legatus Varis yae Galvus, commander of armies. Few are the men who would dare recall the dark days of his military career, and yet reliving such memories was the key to Bozja's liberation. As you recount your harrowing journey into the past to the wandering dramaturge, a wan smile plays across his face─inspiration strikes. He quickly sets quill to paper and prepares to immortalize your deeds in words─an otherworldly tale of adventure that would leave even the boldest men aquiver with fear, and the Warrior of Light perhaps aghast at the embellishments to this climactic encounter.


1 to 8 players (2 Tanks, 2 Healers, 4 DPS)
Class: Disciples of War or Magic
※ Limited jobs can participate only in a preformed party meeting party size requirements or an unrestricted party, and if duty rules allow.
Level: 80
※ Level will be synced upon entry.
Average Item Level: 470
※ While synced, all item stats are adjusted.
※ Role and item level restrictions are lifted for parties meeting minimum size requirements.

Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png
2 2 4
Minimum Level: 80 (Sync from 80)
Minimum iLevel: 470
Time Limit: 60 Minutes
Unrestricted Party: Allowed
Echo Icon.png The Echo: Party wipe: +5%
(max +25%)
Epic Echo (Status Effect) Icon.png Epic Echo: Default +30%
Unlock Quest: Talk about Varis
Regular Duty: Trials: Shadowbringers
Type: Trial
Zone: Transmission Control (Zone)
Region: Gangos
Expansion: Shadowbringers
Guide: Memoria Misera (Extreme) Guide
Background Music: Insatiable
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png

Edit Memoria Misera (Extreme)'s Dialogue

Varis yae Galvus

Video Guide

Prepull Assignments

Memoria Misera (Extreme) Clock Positions.png

Before pulling the boss, players should split into 2 light parties (1 tank, 1 healer, and 2 DPS) for the healer stack mechanic and determine which group is going North and which is going South (typically, 1 is North and 2 is South). Then assign each player a "clock" position for spread (and Fortius Clock if your group is using that method).

Tanks should be at North and South, with the remaining 2 melee at East and West. Ranged/Caster DPS typically remain in the North corners, with the healers in the South corners.

Image to the right details an example of clock positions.

As a rule of thumb, players should try and keep to the south of the boss as much as possible (when not avoiding other mechanics) to bait the various line AoEs North/South.

Tanks should take note that the boss moves incredibly slowly but uses ranged attacks, so kiting isn't possible and pulling him out of center can make it very difficult to reposition him. Keep him at center as much as possible due to certain mechanics (listed below).

Full Abilities List

Varis yae Galvus has 5 distinct phases, during which he uses the following moves and mechanics.

Attack Name Description
Wall A short while after starting the fight, the walls of the arena will glow a greyish white. Touching the wall will suck the player into the wall momentarily, making them untargetable, and then spit them back out stuck inside a "Confines of Memory" jail that must be broken to free them. These have extremely little health and can be broken easily. While trapped inside, afflicts target with a DoT that deals heavy damage each tick and can easily kill a non-tank within a few ticks.
Altius Spawns a Blue X on top of each player, facing in the direction they are currently facing. After a short period of time, these will charge in a straight line across the arena in a moderately wide line AoE. Players should try to remain behind the boss and keep these X's moving to the North and South of the arena to keep the sides clear for other mechanics. Being hit by one deals damage and applies a Vulnerability stack.
Citius Tank buster. Must be shared with the cotank. Cleaves the MT and 1 other target standing in a 90° cone in front of the boss. Only tanks should stand in front; other members should keep to the back of the boss.
Alea Iacta Est Turns to face a random party member (other than the MT) and begins casting this ability. Does 4 cleaves in front of him for moderate damage, each applying a Vulnerability stack, and then a final cleave behind him after a short delay that deals heavy damage and applies a Vulnerability stack.
Ignis Est Turns to face a random party member and begins casting this ability, spawning a small rectangular AoE. Leaves behind a Red X. After a short period of time, the X will charge in a straight line across the arena in the direction it was facing when it spawned and also set off a massive AoE around it (the size of the central circle). The location of this AoE is dependent on where it was spawned and will not always be in the center of the arena. Being hit deals damage and applies a Fire Damage Up debuff.
Ventus Est Turns to face a random party member and begins casting this ability, spawning a small rectangular AoE. Leaves behind a Green X. After a short period of time, the X will charge in a straight line across the arena in the direction it was facing when it spawned and also set off a massive roomwide donut AoE around it (leaving a safe spot the size of the central circle). The location of this AoE is dependent on where it was spawned and will not always be in the center of the arena.
Festina Lente / Healer Stack No cast bar. Marks each healer with a stack mechanic. If a healer is dead, picks a random member of the group. At least 3 people must be standing in each stack to prevent it from killing the healers. (It is possible to live with only 2 in the stack with shields but players will take heavy damage.) The boss will jump to one of the healers, with an untargetable illusion jumping to the other group.
[___] Gunshield There are 3 different variations to the gunshield cast. After using, the Charge Bar will appear and begin ticking upwards.
  • Electric Gunshield: Uses a knockback at the end of the Charge Bar cast. The knockback pushes players ~25% of the arena. Can use Arm's Length/Surecast to avoid (pop around ~85% on the Charge Bar), or stand against the inside circle at an inter-cardinal to be knocked back into a safe spot. Longer charge time.
  • Reinforced Gunshield: Uses a reflect shield like Ravana. Spawns 2 giant purple shields at either the boss' front & back or his sides. Hitting a side of him that has a shield deals damage and applies a heavy-hitting DoT, a Vulnerability Up debuff, and knocks the player back a short distance. Auto-attacks count as a hit, so it's safer to sheathe weapons before the Charge Bar finishes. Shorter charge time.
  • Loaded Gunshield: Targets each player with an AoE circle at the end of the Charge Bar cast that afflicts them with a Fire Damage Up debuff. Deals moderate damage; being hit by more than one is lethal damage (upwards of 300k for the 2nd hit due to the debuff). Players should spread out into their predetermined clock positions to bait them away from each other. Longer charge time.
Charge Bar Works in sync with the [___] Gunshield casts; when it reaches 100% charge, the charged mechanic is executed.
Vivare Militare Est Signals the start of Phase 2.
Reinforcements Only used in Phase 3A. Summons 3 targetable Magitek Bit adds and 2 orange tethers. These must be picked up by the tanks; deals heavy to lethal damage to non-tanks, and moderate damage to tanks. Also applies a Fire Damage Up debuff, meaning you cannot take both together without using an invulnerability.
Terminus Est \ North X Line The name of the Blue X's spawned by Altius, but also the name of the X's summoned along the North side of the arena, which is how this mechanic will be referenced. There will be 4 X's along the North side of the arena, leaving a 5th space somewhere along the line empty (effectively a safe spot). Being hit by one deals moderate damage and applies a Vulnerability stack.
Gunshield Used after the triple set of [___] Gunshield in Phase 3. Signals the start of Phase 4. The boss jumps to the North end of the arena and summons a giant shield that must be killed to continue the fight. Uses 2 different abilities in a random order.
  • Magitek Spark: Targets each player for a very thin conal AoE that deals damage and applies a Magic Vulnerability Up debuff. Being clipped by more than one deals heavy damage and will likely kill you. To avoid, players should spread out in a line/arch around the gunshield and avoid standing in front/behind other players.
  • Magitek Torch: Targets a random player with a wide line AoE in an unmarked stack attack. Players should stack together in front of the gunshield to share the damage and avoid death.
Fortius One of the more difficult mechanics to understand, with multiple different strats to handle it (detailed below). The boss will spawn either a blue counter clockwise rotational AoE or an orange clockwise rotational AoE around him while casting; this is important to know for Fan and Shield/Bowtie strats. At the end of the cast, each player will be hit with a large black circular AoE under their feet, and be hit with a conal cleave from the boss. These cleaves will now be anchored in those positions and turn with the boss (about ~30° at a time) which he will do 3 more times after the intial hit. Being hit by one deals damage and applies a Vulnerability stack.

Only appears in Phase 5.

Advice and Tips

  • Each Colored X shows up in the aggro table and displays a cast time when they use their respective abilities, making it easier to dodge accordingly.
  • Due to how the size of the Ignis Est and Ventus Est AoEs sync up with the central circle of the arena, it's recommended to keep the boss as much in the center as possible to make it easier to gauge dodge distance.

Phase 1

There is a strict order to the mechanics of this phase, intended to prepare players for Phase 3 and Phase 5.

Attack Order Explanations & Handling
Altius All players should stack directly behind the boss, facing North. The MT can remain in front of the boss as long as they are facing South. Hold positions until Alea Iacta Est begins casting.
Alea Iacta Est If all players remained at South until this cast started, it will start facing South. All players can now move to the North half of the arena, but don't move very far. After 4 swings, the boss will pause, and players need to move to the South half of the arena to avoid the final backwards cleave. Return to original stack position for upcoming mechanics.
Citius Tankbuster. Both tanks should take this together.
Tip: this initial one works best with Rampart + Reprisal (and a small shield if you so choose) so it's up in time for Phase 2.
Ignis Est The group should still be stacked behind the boss to bait Ignis Est to the South of the arena. After it begins casting, ranged/caster players can move to their assigned Healer Stack positions while melees can continue attacking the boss.
Healer Stacks Goes off at the same time as Ignis Est. Healers should be in their assigned spots and melees should be moving by 50% of the cast at the latest to avoid being hit by Ignis. Being clipped by Ignis and then the stack is instant death. The boss returns to the center after this is complete. Don't worry about repositioning.
Tip: instead of dropping East/West to avoid Ignis Est, both groups can move to either the left or right in their North/South configuration to keep the boss closer when he jumps to one of the groups.
Electrified Gunshield Cast Brings up the Charge Bar for the first time. Group should move to stack position if they are not already in place. When the Charge Bar reaches 85%, you can use Arm's Length/Surecast to avoid the knockback.
Altius Stack at South to bait the blue X's. Remain there until the Ignis Est cast begins to ensure it faces south as well, leaving more safe space to dodge.
Ignis Est Move outside of the central circle once the boss begins casting this; melee can remain in until they see the add casting the ability.
Electrified Gunshield Execution Goes off shortly after the Ignis Est explosion. Knockback immunities should be in place, so can be ignored.
Reinforced Gunshield Cast Keep an eye on the Charge Bar, as it fills much faster than the other two [___] Gunshield abilities.
Citius Tanks should take this together at North. Reinforced Gunshield activates shortly after, so watch the Charge Bar.
Tip: you can use your 30% shields here (eg. Sentinel) along with Reprisal.
Reinforced Gunshield Execution Sheathe weapons momentarily (preferably after finishing your GCD)as this reaches 100%. Your tank should keep the boss facing directly north to make this easier to identify. If there is no purple shield in front of you, continue attacking, otherwise move to the sides of the boss.
Loaded Gunshield Cast Everyone should be stacked at South to bait the Ventus Est; there is more than enough time to spread for the Loaded bait.
Ventus Est Once this begins casting, players can spread into their assigned clock positions. The tank at south will need to stand with another player (preferably one of the healers in their corners) temporarily as there will be a large line AoE going through their assigned spot. As soon as the cast finishes, players can begin moving into their spread positions. Loaded Gunshield activates shortly after, so watch the Charge Bar.
Tip: melees at the cardinals can remain in position around the boss so they can keep uptime; only the ranged need to back step to avoid clipping other players.
Loaded Gunshield Execution Ensure people are spread in their clock positions.
Vivare Militare Est Signals the start of Phase 2. If a tank has died to Loaded Gunshield, they should be priority res'd as if they are not up before the cutscene starts they will not have time to res and make it into their shadow, effectively causing a slow wipe.

Advice and Tips

  • Standing at an inter-cardinal position against the inner circle during Electric Gunshield gives some leeway if you forget your knockback immunity as you will not be pushed into a wall.
  • Auto-attacks count towards the Reinforced Gunshield's reflect; also try to avoid spamming abilities as you can easily get pushed into the wall and/or die immediately due to attacking the wrong side.
  • If a tank is killed during Loaded Gunshield, they must be res'd before Vivare Militare Est finishes casting or it will cause a wipe during Phase 2 as there isn't enough time to resurrect and interact with the shadow before it disappears.

Phase 2

Strictly a burn phase. Two intractable shadows will spawn in the center of the arena. Each tank should pop a longer-lasting cooldown (like Rampart) and any group buffs they wish to give the group before clicking on one of them, starting an Active Time Maneuver. Standing in the shadows grants a DoT that ticks for moderate damage. During the phase, there will be pulses of lower damage going out every few seconds. Missing a shadow or a tank dying while in a shadow causes the tank in the remaining shadow to take increased damage themselves, and the group to take increased damage pulses at a faster rate, which quickly escalates past healable.

DPS have 60 seconds (or until the healers cannot keep the group and tanks topped any more) to kill the giant blue X casting Vivare Militare Est. Failing to kill it in time will cause the raid to wipe. The DPS check for this is quite low however and most group should be able to kill it within 30 seconds, with good groups in ~15 seconds or so.

Upon killing the X, the screen will flash white and the boss will reappear in the center of the room.

Phase 3

There are 3 mini-phases that will happen in a random order during this phase; all 3 will occur before moving on to Phase 4.

A: Electrified

Attack Name Description
Electrified Gunshield Cast
Reinforcements Spawns 3 targetable Magitek Bit adds; try and target the ones on the opposite side of the North X Line safe spot so melees have something to attack when they move there and you don't need to worry about them exploding. Tanks need to pick up the orange tethers so they don't kill another player.
Tip: if the tethers are on the same side and its possible to pick up both without passing to another player, one tank can take both and use their invuln so the other tank doesn't need to run to the other side of the arena to get it.
North X Line Spawns shortly after the Reinforcements cast. Identify the gap in the line for easier movement. Prepare to use your knockback immunity.
Electrified Gunshield Execution Knockback happens shortly after the North X Line; try to be facing into a corner if you are worried about the knockback.
Alea Iacta Est Due to the positioning of the group, players will want to all stack together instead of spreading out to dodge the North X Line so the boss will face the group, making it easier to walk through him to dodge the mechanic.

Advice and Tips

  • Pop knockback immunities at around ~85% of the Charge Bar to avoid Electrified Gunshield.

B: Reinforced

Attack Name Description
Reinforced Gunshield Cast Players should return to their South stack positions for upcoming mechanics.
Altius Remain in place after the cast finishes to bait Ventus Est South.
Ventus Est If players remained standing at South, the Ventus should be facing that direction, giving more space to dodge as well as more easily avoid Reinforced Gunshield.
Tip: the MT should stand at either directly East or West to bait the Reinforced Gunshield to its usual cardinal positions. The boss will turn at most ~120° before using this ability, so this makes sure its facing a way that makes sense to players.
Reinforced Gunshield Execution Sheathe weapons shortly before the Charge Bar finishes so you aren't knocked back. If you do hit the reflect you will be pushed into the Ventus Est AoE and likely die. If the shields are facing East/West, be sure to move North and not South as the Ventus Est line AoE is facing South.
Citius Tankbuster. Tanks should take this together at North, the group should move back to South.

Advice and Tips

  • Make sure you are prepared to move to either the East, West, or North for Reinforced Gunshield and not the South so you don't get hit by the Ventus Est line AoE.
  • Hitting the Reinforced Gunshield will push you into the Ventus Est donut AoE and likely kill you, so be careful.

C: Loaded

Attack Name Description
Loaded Gunshield Cast Remain stacked to bait the Ignis Est South.
Ignis Est At the start of this cast, ranged can preemptively move to their corners while melee will have time to attack for a few more seconds.
Loaded Gunshield Execution Goes off shortly after the Ignis Est AoE executes. Make sure you are standing outside of the central circle so you are not clipped. Identify where the North X Line safe spot is and prepare to move.
North X Line Move into your Healer Stack positions inside the North X Line safe spot.
Healer Stacks Goes off shortly after the North X Line AoEs; ensure you are standing within the safe spot and then prepare to move to the South side of the arena for upcoming mechanics.
Citius The group should have moved South to avoid being clipped by this as the tanks adjust position-wise. The boss returns to the center after this is complete.

Advice and Tips

  • The North X Line safe spot is not always directly East or West, so make sure you are not hugging the wall if there's an X there.

Phase 4

Similar to Phase 2. The boss will jump to the north and summon his Gunshield. The shield will use Magitek Torch and Magitek Spark in a random order; whichever is used first will be immediately followed by the second. After that is a straight burn with no other damage going out (aside from autoattacks?). Once it's dead, prepare to move into your Fortius postions.

Phase 5

The boss will jump back to the middle of the room at the end of Phase 4.

Attack Name Description
Loaded Gunshield Cast Will go off shortly after Fortius finishes.
Fortius Handle with whichever Fortius strat your group is using.
Loaded Gunshield Execution The Charge Bar fills shortly after the final Fortius cleave so make sure you are spread out. Prepare to move for Healer Stack afterwards.
Healer Stacks Stack in your assigned Healer Stack positions and then move South for upcoming mechanics.
Citius Tanks can take this together at North.
Electrified Gunshield Cast
North X Line
Fortius Handle with whichever Fortius strat your group is using.
North X Line Execution Begins casting with the last Fortius cleave. If you are clipped by one, don't sweat it as it's only moderate damage. Prepare for Electrified Gunshield knockback and pop knockback immunities at 85% on the Charge Bar.
Electrified Gunshield Execution Handle the knockback and then move back to the South side of the boss for upcoming mechanics.
Altius Bait the Blue X's at South, then prepare to move to the North X Line safe spot in your assigned Healer Stack positions.
North X Line Identify and move to the safe lane.
Healer Stacks Bait these together in the safe spot, then move quickly to the South side of the boss (he will follow you to the safe spot and the group will remain there until the next Citius).
Ventus Est Try and bait this South to make upcoming mechanics easier to handle, and remain there to bait the Alea Iacta Est.
Alea Iacta Est If the group remained at South, then move to the North and then South again. The next mechanic goes off with the final backwards Alea Iacta Est hit. Remain close to the boss and avoid standing in the Ventus Est X.
Tip: if baiting this South is impossible, make sure that players are baiting the intial hit into the North X Line safe spot so the final cleave will go out over the other half of the arena, leaving an AoE free space to stand in.
Ventus Est/Altius/North X Line Execution All of these will go off at the same time with the final Alea Iacta Est cast. Be close to the boss but not in the way of the Ventus Est X.
Citius Tanks can move forwards after Alea Iacta Est to take this together at North. The boss returns to the center after this is complete.
Ignis Est Bait this towards the South side of the arena and remain in place to give more space to handle upcoming mechanics.
Alea Iacta Est If this was baited properly to South, players should move behind and then outwards. The Ignis Est execution comes in time with the final Alea Iacta Est backwards cleave.
Loaded Gunshield Cast Identical to the pattern that happened at the beginning of Phase 5. Handle accordingly.
Loaded Gunshield Execution
Altius Enrage If the boss finishes this cast, it will kill everyone and cause a wipe.

Advice and Tips

  • With good DPS, its possible to skip the majority of this final phase, up to and including the first Fortius.

Fortius Fan

Not as popular as the clock strat, but more forgiving if there is confusion about movement.

  • Pros: Leaves a massive safe space on the North side of the arena.
  • Cons: Some players may find it difficult to move out of the 2nd cleave fast enough and get clipped, potentially dying. Potential to clip other members with Loaded Gunshield if people scatter.

Memoria Misera (Extreme) Fortius Fan Initial Positions CW CCW.png

Players will fan out around the South side of the boss to bait the initial circle AoE + conal AoE. It may be easier to assign tanks to stand at the West and the healers on the East, then let the DPS array themselves along the remaining space. This ensures people have a general understanding of where they need to be so they aren't standing on each other. It's very important players don't stand in front/behind other players for this strat or they will kill each other with the cleaves, or box someone in with the circles.

If it has the blue counterclockwise marker, then the safe spot will be in the Northwest (A). If it has the yellow clockwise marker, then the safe spot will be in the Northeast (B). This will be looking at the clockwise positioning, but the counterclockwise positioning is just opposite of this.

Memoria Misera (Extreme) Fortius Fan Cleave 1.png
At the end of the cast, each player will be hit with a conal AoE and drop a circle AoE under their feet. They should now move North to get out of the way of the second cleave, and then move towards the safe side of the arena.

Memoria Misera (Extreme) Fortius Fan Cleave 2.png
The second cleave hits in the previously empty spaces between the original cleaves.
After this cleave, players can sidestep into where the previous AoEs were as the spot they are currently standing will be hit with an AoE. The side you move to doesn't matter.

Memoria Misera (Extreme) Fortius Fan Cleave 3.png
Remain in the safe quadrant, shuffling if necessary. Prepare to spread out if the boss is Charging Loaded Gunshield.

Memoria Misera (Extreme) Fortius Fan Cleave 4.png
Avoid the final cleave and prepare for either Loaded Gunshield spread or North X Line.

Fortius Clock

The most popular strat currently used in Party Finder. Players stand against the Wall of the arena in their clock positions, assigned at the start of the fight, to bait the Fortius puddle + initial conal cleave. For this strategy, it doesn't matter if he is turning clockwise or counterclockwise, as all of the cleaves should be evenly spaced.

  • Pros: Can easily dodge back in and out if cleaves are placed correctly. Much easier to spread Loaded Gunshield.
  • Cons: Some players may find the way the cleaves move confusing at first and walk into cleaves, thinking they are the new safe space. Also the possibility that people don't bait them properly and it becomes a sloppy Clock, with a varying amount of safe space between each cleave.

Memoria Misera (Extreme) Fortius Clock Initial Positions CW CCW.png
Players will stand in the clock positions they were assigned at the start of the fight to bait the initial circle AoE + conal AoE.

Memoria Misera (Extreme) Fortius Clock Cleave 1.png
At the end of the cast, each player will be hit with a conal AoE and drop a circle AoE under their feet. They should now move inwards, directly towards the boss. Do not sidestep. The second hit will be in the spaces in between this initial cleave.

Memoria Misera (Extreme) Fortius Clock Cleave 2.png
The second cleave hits in the previously empty spaces between the original cleaves.
After this cleave, players can sidestep into where the previous AoEs were as the spot they are currently standing will be hit with an AoE. The side you move to doesn't matter.

Memoria Misera (Extreme) Fortius Clock Cleave 3.png
Players should sidestep into where the last set of cleaves were as they are now the safe spot. It doesn't matter what side you move to, as long as you remember to move back to your original position if the boss is Charging Loaded Gunshield.

Memoria Misera (Extreme) Fortius Clock Cleave 4.png
Return to your original position and prepare for either Loaded Gunshield spread or North X Line.

Fortius Shield/Bowtie

Extremely rare to see in Party finder, but a variation of the fan strat that helps players with bad ping/slow movement get out of the way sooner. Also called "Fortius Bowtie". The name was given based on the Reinforced Gunshield's appearance with a 90° reflect on either side of the boss, similar to how this mechanic is handled.

  • Pros: Faster to get out of the cleaves, good for players who have bad ping or are slower to move.
  • Cons: The majority of the created safe space is overwritten by cleaves, meaning you will need to move more than you would with Fan strat. Also possible that people spread out too much and make a messy Clock strat instead. Requires tight positioning. Potential to clip other members with Loaded Gunshield if people scatter.

Memoria Misera (Extreme) Fortius Shield Initial Positions CW CCW.png

Players will move into their Healer Stack light parties at either North/South (you can also bait at East/West, but since most of the time Healer Stacks are baited at North/South its easier to remember to move there). Make sure to fan out while still staying close together (~90° spread) to leave safe space on either side to move into.

You'll need to know which direction the boss is turning as the majority of the created safe space will be overwritten by cleaves, forcing you to move further than you would with the Fan strat. This will be looking at the clockwise positioning, but the counterclockwise positioning is just opposite of this.

Memoria Misera (Extreme) Fortius Shield Cleave 1.png
At the end of the cast, each player will be hit with a conal AoE and drop a circle AoE under their feet. They should now move sideways, towards the new safe space closest to them at either East/West.

Memoria Misera (Extreme) Fortius Shield Cleave 2.png
If you weren't sure of the direction the boss was turning, move more towards the middle of the safe space and watch where the cleaves are moving towards so you can walk out of the way.

Memoria Misera (Extreme) Fortius Shield Cleave 3.png
Continue shuffling around the boss; melees will want to snug in between the boss and the puddles to keep uptime.

Memoria Misera (Extreme) Fortius Shield Cleave 4.png
Avoid the final cleave and prepare for either Loaded Gunshield spread or North X Line.


Idealized Chest Gear Coffer (IL 480) Icon.png Idealized Foot Gear Coffer (IL 480) Icon.png Idealized Hand Gear Coffer (IL 480) Icon.png Idealized Head Gear Coffer (IL 480) Icon.png Idealized Leg Gear Coffer (IL 480) Icon.png
(Fixed Rate Drop)

High Legatus Idol

Varis yae Galvus Card

Drop Table (7)
Item Type iLvl Requirements Stats
 High Legatus Idol Icon.png  
High Legatus Idol
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
An almost worshipful graven rendering of Varis yae Galvus.

 Idealized Chest Gear Coffer (IL 480) Icon.png  
Idealized Chest Gear Coffer (IL 480)
Gold chest icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A banded chest containing a piece of idealized attire.

Required level: 80. IL: 480. Chest gear type determined by current job or class at time of opening. Cannot be opened in instanced areas such as dungeons, PvP areas, or raids.

 Idealized Foot Gear Coffer (IL 480) Icon.png  
Idealized Foot Gear Coffer (IL 480)
Gold chest icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A banded chest containing a piece of idealized attire.

Required level: 80. IL: 480. Foot gear type determined by current job or class at time of opening. Cannot be opened in instanced areas such as dungeons, PvP areas, or raids.

 Idealized Hand Gear Coffer (IL 480) Icon.png  
Idealized Hand Gear Coffer (IL 480)
Gold chest icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A banded chest containing a piece of idealized attire.

Required level: 80. IL: 480. Hand gear type determined by current job or class at time of opening. Cannot be opened in instanced areas such as dungeons, PvP areas, or raids.

 Idealized Head Gear Coffer (IL 480) Icon.png  
Idealized Head Gear Coffer (IL 480)
Gold chest icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A banded chest containing a piece of idealized attire.

Required level: 80. IL: 480. Head gear type determined by current job or class at time of opening. Cannot be opened in instanced areas such as dungeons, PvP areas, or raids.

 Idealized Leg Gear Coffer (IL 480) Icon.png  
Idealized Leg Gear Coffer (IL 480)
Gold chest icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A banded chest containing a piece of idealized attire.

Required level: 80. IL: 480. Leg gear type determined by current job or class at time of opening. Cannot be opened in instanced areas such as dungeons, PvP areas, or raids.

 Varis yae Galvus Card Icon.png  
Varis yae Galvus Card
Gold chest icon.png
 Triple Triad Card  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A legendary (★★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 279

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