Mining: The Sea of Blades

Miner Icon 1.pngMining: The Sea of Blades
The Azim Steppe - The Sea of Blades  (35.9-26.4) (Unspoiled Mineral Deposit)
Mining Node
The Sea of Blades-Mining.png
The Azim Steppe Mining Nodes:
Mining: Nhaama's Retreat
Mining: Ragill's Reckoning
Mining: The Towering Still
Last Verified: Patch 5.41
Slot Item   Gathering Information Location Requirements
6 Rarefied Silvergrace Ore Icon.png This item can be gathered as a collectable.Rarefied Silvergrace Ore
Miner icon.png
Node Level/Type: 70 Unspoiled (6 AM/PM)
Gathering Level: 69
The Azim Steppe
The Sea of Blades  (35.9-26.4)
7 Rarefied Raw Azurite Icon.png This item can be gathered as a collectable.Rarefied Raw Azurite
Miner icon.png
Node Level/Type: 70 Unspoiled (6 AM/PM)
Gathering Level: 67
The Azim Steppe
The Sea of Blades  (35.9-26.4)