Mowen's Merchant/Gathering Supplies - Folklore Items

< Mowen's Merchant
 Mowen's Merchant's other shops:

⚬ Tank - Primal and Warden and Weapon Gear (IL 450-525)
⚬ Tank - Edengate Gear (IL 450)
⚬ Tank - Edengrace Gear (IL 470-475)
⚬ Tank - Edencall Gear (IL 480)
⚬ Tank - Idealized Gear (IL 480)
⚬ Tank - Crystarium Gear (IL 500)
⚬ Tank - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505)
⚬ Tank - Edenmete Gear (IL 510)
⚬ Tank - Cryptlurker Gear (IL 530)
⚬ Tank - Edenmorn Gear (IL 530-535)
⚬ Melee DPS (DRG and RPR) - Primal and Warden and Weapon Gear (IL 450-525)
⚬ Melee DPS (DRG and RPR) - Edengate Gear (IL 450)
⚬ Melee DPS (DRG and RPR) - Edengrace Gear (IL 470-475)
⚬ Melee DPS (DRG and RPR) - Edencall Gear (IL 480)
⚬ Melee DPS (DRG and RPR) - Idealized Gear (IL 480)
⚬ Melee DPS (DRG and RPR) - Crystarium Gear (IL 500)
⚬ Melee DPS (DRG and RPR) - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505)
⚬ Melee DPS (DRG and RPR) - Edenmete Gear (IL 510)
⚬ Melee DPS (DRG and RPR) - Cryptlurker Gear (IL 530)
⚬ Melee DPS (DRG and RPR) - Edenmorn Gear (IL 530-535)
⚬ Melee DPS (MNK and SAM) - Primal and Warden and Weapon Gear (IL 450-525)
⚬ Melee DPS (MNK and SAM) - Edengate Gear (IL 450)
⚬ Melee DPS (MNK and SAM) - Edengrace Gear (IL 470-475)
⚬ Melee DPS (MNK and SAM) - Edencall Gear (IL 480)
⚬ Melee DPS (MNK and SAM) - Idealized Gear (IL 480)
⚬ Melee DPS (MNK and SAM) - Crystarium Gear (IL 500)
⚬ Melee DPS (MNK and SAM) - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505)
⚬ Melee DPS (MNK and SAM) - Edenmete Gear (IL 510)
⚬ Melee DPS (MNK and SAM) - Cryptlurker Gear (IL 530)
⚬ Melee DPS (MNK and SAM) - Edenmorn Gear (IL 530-535)
⚬ Melee DPS (NIN and VPR) - Primal and Warden and Weapon Gear (IL 450-525)
⚬ Melee DPS (NIN and VPR) - Edengate Gear (IL 450)
⚬ Melee DPS (NIN and VPR) - Edengrace Gear (IL 470-475)
⚬ Melee DPS (NIN and VPR) - Edencall Gear (IL 480)
⚬ Melee DPS (NIN and VPR) - Idealized Gear (IL 480)
⚬ Melee DPS (NIN and VPR) - Crystarium Gear (IL 500)
⚬ Melee DPS (NIN and VPR) - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505)
⚬ Melee DPS (NIN and VPR) - Edenmete Gear (IL 510)
⚬ Melee DPS (NIN and VPR) - Cryptlurker Gear (IL 530)
⚬ Melee DPS (NIN and VPR) - Edenmorn Gear (IL 530-535)
⚬ Physical Ranged DPS - Primal and Warden and Weapon Gear (IL 450-525)
⚬ Physical Ranged DPS - Edengate Gear (IL 450)
⚬ Physical Ranged DPS - Edengrace Gear (IL 470-475)
⚬ Physical Ranged DPS - Edencall Gear (IL 480)
⚬ Physical Ranged DPS - Idealized Gear (IL 480)
⚬ Physical Ranged DPS - Crystarium Gear (IL 500)
⚬ Physical Ranged DPS - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505)
⚬ Physical Ranged DPS - Edenmete Gear (IL 510)
⚬ Physical Ranged DPS - Cryptlurker Gear (IL 530)
⚬ Physical Ranged DPS - Edenmorn Gear (IL 530-535)
⚬ Magical Ranged DPS - Primal and Warden and Weapon Gear (IL 450-525)
⚬ Magical Ranged DPS - Edengate Gear (IL 450)
⚬ Magical Ranged DPS - Edengrace Gear (IL 470-475)
⚬ Magical Ranged DPS - Edencall Gear (IL 480)
⚬ Magical Ranged DPS - Idealized Gear (IL 480)
⚬ Magical Ranged DPS - Crystarium Gear (IL 500)
⚬ Magical Ranged DPS - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505)
⚬ Magical Ranged DPS - Edenmete Gear (IL 510)
⚬ Magical Ranged DPS - Cryptlurker Gear (IL 530)
⚬ Magical Ranged DPS - Edenmorn Gear (IL 530-535)
⚬ Healer - Primal and Warden and Weapon Gear (IL 450-525)
⚬ Healer - Edengate Gear (IL 450)
⚬ Healer - Edengrace Gear (IL 470-475)
⚬ Healer - Edencall Gear (IL 480)
⚬ Healer - Idealized Gear (IL 480)
⚬ Healer - Crystarium Gear (IL 500)
⚬ Healer - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505)
⚬ Healer - Edenmete Gear (IL 510)
⚬ Healer - Cryptlurker Gear (IL 530)
⚬ Healer - Edenmorn Gear (IL 530-535)
⚬ Combat Supplies - Materials
⚬ Combat Supplies - Mounts and Miscellany
⚬ Combat Supplies - Materia I
⚬ Combat Supplies - Materia II
⚬ Crafter - Tradecraft Fiend Gear (IL 440)
⚬ Crafter - Professional Gear (IL 470)
⚬ Crafter - Handsaint Gear (IL 500)
⚬ Crafting Supplies - Miscellany
⚬ Crafting Supplies - Materials
⚬ Crafting Supplies - Master Recipes I
⚬ Crafting Supplies - Master Recipes II
⚬ Crafting Supplies - Materia
⚬ Gatherer - Fieldcraft Fiend Gear (IL 440)
⚬ Gatherer - Professional Gear (IL 470)
⚬ Gatherer - Landsaint Gear (IL 500)
⚬ Gathering Supplies - Bait and Miscellany
⚬ Gathering Supplies - Materials
⚬ Gathering Supplies - Folklore Items
⚬ Gathering Supplies - Materia

Red-exclamation2.png This shop is unlocked upon completion of Go West, Craftsman
The Crystarium →  Musica Universalis (10.2-11.9)

Item Statistics Cost

Tome of Botanical Folklore - Abalathia's Spine
Tome of Botanical Folklore - Abalathia's Spine
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from botanists newly arrived to the islets above the Sea of Clouds regarding the location of rare trees and herbs.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 125

Tome of Botanical Folklore - Coerthas
Tome of Botanical Folklore - Coerthas
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from local Coerthan botanists regarding the location of rare trees and herbs.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 125

Tome of Botanical Folklore - Dravania
Tome of Botanical Folklore - Dravania
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from local Dravanian botanists regarding the location of rare trees and herbs.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 125

Tome of Botanical Folklore - Gyr Abania
Tome of Botanical Folklore - Gyr Abania
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from local Gyr Abanian botanists regarding the location of rare trees and herbs.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 250

Tome of Botanical Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty
Tome of Botanical Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from northern botanists regarding the location of rare trees and herbs.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 160

Tome of Botanical Folklore - Norvrandt
Tome of Botanical Folklore - Norvrandt
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from local Vrandtic botanists regarding the location of rare trees and herbs.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 400

Tome of Botanical Folklore - Othard
Tome of Botanical Folklore - Othard
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from local Othardian botanists regarding the location of rare trees and herbs.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 250

Tome of Botanical Folklore - The Sea of Stars
Tome of Botanical Folklore - The Sea of Stars
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from botanists regarding the location of rare trees and herbs.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 160

Tome of Botanical Folklore - The World Unsundered
Tome of Botanical Folklore - The World Unsundered
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from botanists regarding the location of rare trees and herbs.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 160

Tome of Geological Folklore - Abalathia's Spine
Tome of Geological Folklore - Abalathia's Spine
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from miners newly arrived to the islets above the Sea of Clouds regarding the location of rich ore veins and gem deposits.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 125

Tome of Geological Folklore - Coerthas
Tome of Geological Folklore - Coerthas
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from local Coerthan miners regarding the location of legendary ore veins and gem deposits.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 125

Tome of Geological Folklore - Dravania
Tome of Geological Folklore - Dravania
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from local Dravanian miners regarding the location of legendary ore veins and gem deposits.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 125

Tome of Geological Folklore - Gyr Abania
Tome of Geological Folklore - Gyr Abania
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from local Gyr Abanian miners regarding the location of legendary ore veins and gem deposits.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 250

Tome of Geological Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty
Tome of Geological Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from northern miners regarding the location of legendary ore veins and gem deposits.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 160

Tome of Geological Folklore - Norvrandt
Tome of Geological Folklore - Norvrandt
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from local Vrandtic miners regarding the location of legendary ore veins and gem deposits.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 400

Tome of Geological Folklore - Othard
Tome of Geological Folklore - Othard
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from local Othardian miners regarding the location of legendary ore veins and gem deposits.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 250

Tome of Geological Folklore - The Sea of Stars
Tome of Geological Folklore - The Sea of Stars
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from miners regarding the location of legendary ore veins and gem deposits.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 160

Tome of Geological Folklore - The World Unsundered
Tome of Geological Folklore - The World Unsundered
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from miners regarding the location of legendary ore veins and gem deposits.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 160

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Abalathia's Spine
Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Abalathia's Spine
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from fishers newly arrived to the islets above the Sea of Clouds regarding the location of heretofore unseen fish.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 125

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Coerthas
Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Coerthas
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from local Coerthan fishers regarding the location of legendary fish.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 125

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Dravania
Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Dravania
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from local Dravanian fishers regarding the location of legendary fish.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 125

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Gyr Abania
Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Gyr Abania
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from local Gyr Abanian fishers regarding the location of legendary fish.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 250

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty
Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from northern fishers regarding the location of legendary fish.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 160

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Norvrandt
Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Norvrandt
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from local Vrandtic fishers regarding the location of legendary fish.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 400

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Othard
Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Othard
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from local Othardian fishers regarding the location of legendary fish.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 250

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - The Sea of Stars
Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - The Sea of Stars
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from fishers regarding the location of legendary fish.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 160

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - The World Unsundered
Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - The World Unsundered
Map75 Icon.png

Tales gathered from fishers regarding the location of legendary fish.

Purple Gatherers' Scrip
Purple Gatherers' Scrip
 x 160