Mt. Gulg

Dungeon Icon.pngMt. Gulg
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Mt. Gulg.png
Toppled from his seat of power, Vauthry, the final Lightwarden, has fled to Mt. Gulg, whose fiery summit now hangs in the firmament, beyond his enemies' reach. However, with the aid of the myriad peoples of Norvrandt, you succeed in building a gigantic Talos that rises to take the volcano in its grasp. Using the golem's rocky body as a bridge, you begin the arduous ascent to your quarry's newly built paradise, there to put an end to the tyranny of Light.


1 to 4 players (1 Tank, 1 Healer, 2 DPS)
Class: Disciples of War or Magic
※ Limited jobs can participate only in a preformed party meeting party size requirements or an unrestricted party, and if duty rules allow.
Level: 79 (Sync from 80)
Average Item Level: 390
Item Level Sync: 420
※ While synced, all item stats are adjusted.
※ Role and item level restrictions are lifted for parties meeting minimum size requirements.

Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png
1 1 2
Minimum Level: 79 (Sync from 80)
Minimum iLevel: 390 (Sync from 420)
Time Limit: 90 Minutes
Unrestricted Party: Allowed
Epic Echo (Status Effect) Icon.png Epic Echo: Default +30%
Unlock Quest: Extinguishing the Last Light
Regular Duty: Dungeons: Shadowbringers
Duty Roulette: Leveling
Duty Support: Available
Type: Dungeon
Zone: Mt. Gulg (Zone)
Region: Norvrandt
Expansion: Shadowbringers
Guide: Mt. Gulg Guide
Background Music: In the Belly of the Beast
Battle Music: InsatiableTorn from the Heavens
Victory Music: A Victory Fanfare Reborn

Trust System Icon.png Trust System:
Expicon.png 5,439,000
MainIcon78.png Blue Mage Log:
Gil Icon.png 300 Allied Seal Icon.png 10 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 30
  • Arrive on the Perished Path
  • Clear the Perished Path
  • Arrive at the White Gate
  • Clear the White Gate
  • Arrive at the Winding Flare
  • Defeat the forgiven obscenity

Edit Mt. Gulg's Dialogue
Duty Commenced
So it is you...
You will not defile my new paradise!
Scurrying about my domain like insects... I will not suffer it!
Come no closer, filthy creatures!
I am righteousness!
And righteousness shall prevail!
Bah, can't you do anything by yourselves!?
Very well, if you will not be discouraged...
When Forgiven Obscenity reaches around 75% health
Stop them, damn you! I don't care what it takes!

Vauthry's blessing grants your foe a ring of radiance!

When Forgiven Obscenity is readying Gold Chaser

The ring of radiance accelerates magical energy!

Duty Complete
Vauthry awaits.
It's the moment of truth.
No eaters remain to stand in our way.
I feel it above—a powerful light.
All has gone to plan thus far.
...To the extent that there is a plan.
An eater that only makes the others fiercer. Lovely.

Forgiven Cruelty
Attack Name Description
Rake Tankbuster.
Lumen Infinitum A long line AoE in the direction of a random player. Wider than it appears on initial cast. Being hit deals moderate damage and applies a Vulnerability stack.
Typhoon Wing The boss moves to the center of the room and flies into the air, summoning a green triangle beneath him. At each corner of the triangle is a brighter green light with a cone stretching out from it. At the end of the cast, these cones will stretch to the edges of the room in long conal AoEs, dealing instant damage to any players standing inside of them and applies a Vulnerability stack. To avoid, stand along the sides of the triangle, not its corners. Later on, it's paired with Hurricane Wing.
Cyclone Wing Moderate room-wide AoE damage.
Hurricane Wing Appear during Typhoon Wing (either after ~60% HP or 2 Typhoon Wing casts). Small, unassuming green wind currents (similar appearance to small aether currents) will appear around the room. When the boss finishes casting Typhoon Wing, these explode into giant AoEs (much larger than the boss' hitbox) and deal moderate damage while also applying a Vulnerability stack.

Advice and Tips

  • One Hurricane Wing tends to always appear beneath the boss, so try to move away from him into one of the safe spots along the edge, away from the other currents.
  • The Vulnerability stacks can quickly add up, making any Cylone Wings or other abilities hit extra hard. Dodging is very important.
The Forgiven's Circlet of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Circlet of Maiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Circlet of Striking Icon.png The Forgiven's Circlet of Scouting Icon.png The Forgiven's Hat of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Hat of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Hat of Healing Icon.png The Forgiven's Armor of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Mail of Maiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Chestpiece of Striking Icon.png The Forgiven's Chestpiece of Scouting Icon.png The Forgiven's Tabard of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Robe of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Robe of Healing Icon.png The Forgiven's Gauntlets of Fending Icon.png
The Forgiven's Gauntlets of Maiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracers of Striking Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracers of Scouting Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracers of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Gloves of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Gloves of Healing Icon.png The Forgiven's Breeches of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Breeches of Maiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Sarouel of Striking Icon.png The Forgiven's Sarouel of Scouting Icon.png The Forgiven's Breeches of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Skirt of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Skirt of Healing Icon.png
Forgiven Whimsy
Attack Name Description
Sacrament of Penance Room-wide AoE that deals moderate damage.
Exegesis The boss will rearrange the faces on its Rubik's Cube, which will then glow. The 3x3 grid of the boss aligns with the 3x3 grid of the arena floor. Wherever a face is indicates an AoE will erupt on that square, so move to squares where there are no faces. Standing on a face tile causes you to take moderate damage and gain a Vulnerability stack. Later on, this is paired with Donuts.
Catechism Tankbuster.
Judgment Day Spawns meteor towers, each in their own square. At least one player must stand in each tower to avoid it exploding and dealing heavy group-wide damage and inflicting Vulnerability Up.
Donuts Large donut AoEs that spawn around the room, centered on the silver spheres. Paired with Exegesis. Leaves slivers of safe spots for players to stand in to avoid both Donuts and Exegesis.

Advice and Tips

  • Always move to tiles where there are no Exegesis faces. This makes it easier to dodge Donuts later on.
The Forgiven's Armor of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Mail of Maiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Chestpiece of Striking Icon.png The Forgiven's Chestpiece of Scouting Icon.png The Forgiven's Tabard of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Robe of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Robe of Healing Icon.png The Forgiven's Breeches of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Breeches of Maiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Sarouel of Striking Icon.png The Forgiven's Sarouel of Scouting Icon.png The Forgiven's Breeches of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Skirt of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Skirt of Healing Icon.png The Forgiven's Earrings of Fending Icon.png
The Forgiven's Earrings of Slaying Icon.png The Forgiven's Earrings of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Earrings of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Earrings of Healing Icon.png The Forgiven's Necklace of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Necklace of Slaying Icon.png The Forgiven's Necklace of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Necklace of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Necklace of Healing Icon.png
Forgiven Obscenity
Attack Name Description
Orison Fortissimo Room-wide AoE.
Divine Diminuendo Large AoE centered on the boss. Larger than her target circle. Applies a Vulnerability stack when hit. When under the effect of Ring of Radiance, spawns two additional donut AoEs that leave slim rings of safe spot between them, with the furthest ring extending extremely far out. The easiest way to dodge is to stand as close as you can to the initial AoE as it's the only one you can see before they hit.
Ring of Radiance After seeing her first two attacks, Vauthry grants her a blessing that displays a buff on her status bar as well as two glowing yellow rings that appear on the front of her head. Changes various abilities - but only those used by the boss and not her Feather Marionettes.
Conviction Marcato Shoots a line AoE in the direction the boss is facing (or at a random player). When under the effect of Ring of Radiance, she will also shoot four additional line AoEs from the intercardinals. Standing on her sides or back allows you to dodge all of the line AoEs.
Penance Pianissimo Covers part of the floor in a mirror-like shimmering material, leaving a large circle in the center safe to stand in. Immediately followed by Feather Marionette.
Feather Marionette Immediately after Penance Pianissimo. The boss leaps away and summons four identical clones of herself in each intercardinal and the center of the room. The only way to tell which is which is to see which is under the effect of Ring of Radiance. Followed by Conviction Marcato and Divine Diminuendo.
Solitaire Ring The boss leaps away and summons six giant glowing orbs to the top of the arena, one for each "lane" defined on the floor. Six rings will also appear at varying distances from the orbs. Immediately followed by Gold Chaser.
Gold Chaser The Solitaire Ring orbs will slowly move forward until they reach a ring, after which they accelerate forward into a line AoE. To deal with this mechanic, stand with the ring(s) that are furthest away from the orbs and wait for the closer rings to activate their orbs. Then, sidestep into the activated orb lanes to avoid the upcoming line AoEs from those. Being hit applies a Vulnerability stack.
Sacrament Sforzando Tankbuster.

Advice and Tips

  • The boss tends to land last during Feather Marionette, so it's safe to move to wherever the last enemy will land when she's about to use Conviction Marcato.
  • The boss will always be in the middle for Divine Diminuendo but facing a random cardinal direction. Just move to her sides or back to avoid the diagonal line AoEs.
  • Wait by the furthest rings during Gold Chaser and then sidestep into the other lane after that orb has been activated to avoid being hit.
Labrys of the Forgiven Icon.png Greatsword of the Forgiven Icon.png Manatrigger of the Forgiven Icon.png Trident of the Forgiven Icon.png War Scythe of the Forgiven Icon.png Claws of the Forgiven Icon.png Blade of the Forgiven Icon.png Daggers of the Forgiven Icon.png Longbow of the Forgiven Icon.png Revolver of the Forgiven Icon.png Chakrams of the Forgiven Icon.png Rod of the Forgiven Icon.png Grimoire of the Forgiven Icon.png Foil of the Forgiven Icon.png Cane of the Forgiven Icon.png
Codex of the Forgiven Icon.png Planisphere of the Forgiven Icon.png The Forgiven's Pendulums Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracelet of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracelet of Slaying Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracelet of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracelet of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracelet of Healing Icon.png The Forgiven's Ring of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Ring of Slaying Icon.png The Forgiven's Ring of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Ring of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Ring of Healing Icon.png Gulg Planter Icon.png Paladin's Forgiven Arms (IL 418) Icon.png
Forgiven Hate Icon.png In the Belly of the Beast Orchestrion Roll Icon.png
(Blue Mage Spell Acquisition)
Conviction Marcato Icon.png
Additional Coffers
Treasure Coffer: 14.3-4.2
The Forgiven's Sabatons of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Greaves of Maiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Caligae of Striking Icon.png The Forgiven's Caligae of Scouting Icon.png The Forgiven's Boots of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Sandals of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Sandals of Healing Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracelet of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracelet of Slaying Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracelet of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracelet of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracelet of Healing Icon.png The Forgiven's Ring of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Ring of Slaying Icon.png The Forgiven's Ring of Aiming Icon.png
The Forgiven's Ring of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Ring of Healing Icon.png
Treasure Coffer: 11.2-7.2
The Forgiven's Circlet of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Circlet of Maiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Circlet of Striking Icon.png The Forgiven's Circlet of Scouting Icon.png The Forgiven's Hat of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Hat of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Hat of Healing Icon.png The Forgiven's Gauntlets of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Gauntlets of Maiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracers of Striking Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracers of Scouting Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracers of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Gloves of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Gloves of Healing Icon.png The Forgiven's Earrings of Fending Icon.png
The Forgiven's Earrings of Slaying Icon.png The Forgiven's Earrings of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Earrings of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Earrings of Healing Icon.png The Forgiven's Necklace of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Necklace of Slaying Icon.png The Forgiven's Necklace of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Necklace of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Necklace of Healing Icon.png
Treasure Coffer: 10.2-10.9
The Forgiven's Sabatons of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Greaves of Maiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Caligae of Striking Icon.png The Forgiven's Caligae of Scouting Icon.png The Forgiven's Boots of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Sandals of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Sandals of Healing Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracelet of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracelet of Slaying Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracelet of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracelet of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Bracelet of Healing Icon.png The Forgiven's Ring of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Ring of Slaying Icon.png The Forgiven's Ring of Aiming Icon.png
The Forgiven's Ring of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Ring of Healing Icon.png
Treasure Coffer: 10.9-12.0
Labrys of the Forgiven Icon.png Greatsword of the Forgiven Icon.png Manatrigger of the Forgiven Icon.png Trident of the Forgiven Icon.png War Scythe of the Forgiven Icon.png Claws of the Forgiven Icon.png Blade of the Forgiven Icon.png Daggers of the Forgiven Icon.png Longbow of the Forgiven Icon.png Revolver of the Forgiven Icon.png Chakrams of the Forgiven Icon.png Rod of the Forgiven Icon.png Grimoire of the Forgiven Icon.png Foil of the Forgiven Icon.png Cane of the Forgiven Icon.png
Codex of the Forgiven Icon.png Planisphere of the Forgiven Icon.png The Forgiven's Pendulums Icon.png The Forgiven's Earrings of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Earrings of Slaying Icon.png The Forgiven's Earrings of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Earrings of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Earrings of Healing Icon.png The Forgiven's Necklace of Fending Icon.png The Forgiven's Necklace of Slaying Icon.png The Forgiven's Necklace of Aiming Icon.png The Forgiven's Necklace of Casting Icon.png The Forgiven's Necklace of Healing Icon.png Paladin's Forgiven Arms (IL 418) Icon.png
Drop Table (77)
Item Type iLvl Requirements Stats
 Gulg Planter Icon.png  
Gulg Planter
Gold chest icon.png
 Outdoor Furnishing  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
An alpine shrub from the heights of Kholusia.

 In the Belly of the Beast Orchestrion Roll Icon.png  
In the Belly of the Beast Orchestrion Roll
Gold chest icon.png
 Orchestrion Roll  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Music roll for In the Belly of the Beast. Use to add to your orchestrion list.

 Paladin's Forgiven Arms (IL 418) Icon.png  
Paladin's Forgiven Arms (IL 418)
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 GLAPLD
Req. Level 1
A set of arms containing a sword of the forgiven and shield of the forgiven.

Required level: 79. IL: 418.

 Forgiven Hate Icon.png  
Forgiven Hate
Seasonalachievementicon.pngGold chest icon.png
 Minion  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Having repented its sins, it poses no danger.

Use item to acquire the forgiven hate minion.

 The Forgiven's Necklace of Fending Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Necklace of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Determination &0000000000000076000000+76
Critical Hit &0000000000000053000000+53

 The Forgiven's Necklace of Casting Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Necklace of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Intelligence &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000071000000+71
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000076000000+76
Spell Speed &0000000000000053000000+53

 The Forgiven's Necklace of Aiming Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Necklace of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 ARCROGBRD
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Dexterity &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000076000000+76
Critical Hit &0000000000000053000000+53

 The Forgiven's Mail of Maiming Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Mail of Maiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 79
Defense 426Magic Defense 335
Strength &0000000000000151000000+151
Vitality &0000000000000160000000+160
Skill Speed &0000000000000153000000+153
Critical Hit &0000000000000107000000+107

 The Forgiven's Hat of Healing Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Hat of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 79
Defense 182Magic Defense 318
Mind &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000091000000+91
Spell Speed &0000000000000096000000+96
Determination &0000000000000067000000+67

 The Forgiven's Hat of Casting Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Hat of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 79
Defense 182Magic Defense 318
Intelligence &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000091000000+91
Spell Speed &0000000000000096000000+96
Determination &0000000000000067000000+67

 The Forgiven's Hat of Aiming Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Hat of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 79
Defense 250Magic Defense 250
Dexterity &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000101000000+101
Skill Speed &0000000000000096000000+96
Critical Hit &0000000000000067000000+67

 Blade of the Forgiven Icon.png  
Blade of the Forgiven
Gold chest icon.png
 Samurai's Arm  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 SAM
Req. Level 79
Physical Damage 94Magic Damage 47
Strength &0000000000000157000000+157
Vitality &0000000000000166000000+166
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000158000000+158
Determination &0000000000000111000000+111

 The Forgiven's Necklace of Slaying Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Necklace of Slaying
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 PGLLNCMNK
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000076000000+76
Determination &0000000000000053000000+53

 The Forgiven's Greaves of Maiming Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Greaves of Maiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 79
Defense 318Magic Defense 250
Strength &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000101000000+101
Determination &0000000000000096000000+96
Critical Hit &0000000000000067000000+67

 The Forgiven's Gloves of Healing Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Gloves of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 79
Defense 182Magic Defense 318
Mind &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000091000000+91
Determination &0000000000000096000000+96
Spell Speed &0000000000000067000000+67

 The Forgiven's Gloves of Casting Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Gloves of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 79
Defense 182Magic Defense 318
Intelligence &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000091000000+91
Critical Hit &0000000000000096000000+96
Spell Speed &0000000000000067000000+67

 The Forgiven's Gauntlets of Maiming Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Gauntlets of Maiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 79
Defense 318Magic Defense 250
Strength &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000101000000+101
Determination &0000000000000096000000+96
Skill Speed &0000000000000067000000+67

 The Forgiven's Gauntlets of Fending Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Gauntlets of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 79
Defense 454Magic Defense 454
Strength &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000101000000+101
Tenacity &0000000000000096000000+96
Determination &0000000000000067000000+67

 The Forgiven's Earrings of Slaying Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Earrings of Slaying
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 PGLLNCMNK
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Critical Hit &0000000000000076000000+76
Determination &0000000000000053000000+53

 The Forgiven's Earrings of Healing Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Earrings of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Mind &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000071000000+71
Piety &0000000000000076000000+76
Spell Speed &0000000000000053000000+53

 The Forgiven's Necklace of Healing Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Necklace of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Mind &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000071000000+71
Spell Speed &0000000000000076000000+76
Critical Hit &0000000000000053000000+53

 The Forgiven's Ring of Casting Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Ring of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Intelligence &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000071000000+71
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000076000000+76
Spell Speed &0000000000000053000000+53

 The Forgiven's Pendulums Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Pendulums
Gold chest icon.png
 Sage's Arm  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 SGE
Req. Level 79
Physical Damage 94Magic Damage 94
Mind &0000000000000157000000+157
Vitality &0000000000000149000000+149
Determination &0000000000000158000000+158
Piety &0000000000000111000000+111

 The Forgiven's Sandals of Healing Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Sandals of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 79
Defense 182Magic Defense 318
Mind &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000091000000+91
Determination &0000000000000096000000+96
Critical Hit &0000000000000067000000+67

 Trident of the Forgiven Icon.png  
Trident of the Forgiven
Gold chest icon.png
 Lancer's Arm  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 LNCDRG
Req. Level 79
Physical Damage 94Magic Damage 47
Strength &0000000000000157000000+157
Vitality &0000000000000166000000+166
Critical Hit &0000000000000158000000+158
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000111000000+111

 The Forgiven's Tabard of Aiming Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Tabard of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 79
Defense 335Magic Defense 335
Dexterity &0000000000000151000000+151
Vitality &0000000000000160000000+160
Determination &0000000000000153000000+153
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000107000000+107

 The Forgiven's Skirt of Healing Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Skirt of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 79
Defense 244Magic Defense 426
Mind &0000000000000151000000+151
Vitality &0000000000000144000000+144
Piety &0000000000000153000000+153
Determination &0000000000000107000000+107

 The Forgiven's Skirt of Casting Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Skirt of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 79
Defense 244Magic Defense 426
Intelligence &0000000000000151000000+151
Vitality &0000000000000144000000+144
Determination &0000000000000153000000+153
Spell Speed &0000000000000107000000+107

 The Forgiven's Sarouel of Striking Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Sarouel of Striking
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 79
Defense 335Magic Defense 335
Strength &0000000000000151000000+151
Vitality &0000000000000160000000+160
Critical Hit &0000000000000153000000+153
Skill Speed &0000000000000107000000+107

 The Forgiven's Sarouel of Scouting Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Sarouel of Scouting
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 79
Defense 335Magic Defense 335
Dexterity &0000000000000151000000+151
Vitality &0000000000000160000000+160
Critical Hit &0000000000000153000000+153
Determination &0000000000000107000000+107

 The Forgiven's Sandals of Casting Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Sandals of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 79
Defense 182Magic Defense 318
Intelligence &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000091000000+91
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000096000000+96
Critical Hit &0000000000000067000000+67

 The Forgiven's Ring of Aiming Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Ring of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 ARCROGBRD
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Dexterity &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000076000000+76
Critical Hit &0000000000000053000000+53

 The Forgiven's Sabatons of Fending Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Sabatons of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 79
Defense 454Magic Defense 454
Strength &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000101000000+101
Critical Hit &0000000000000096000000+96
Skill Speed &0000000000000067000000+67

 The Forgiven's Robe of Healing Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Robe of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 79
Defense 244Magic Defense 426
Mind &0000000000000151000000+151
Vitality &0000000000000144000000+144
Piety &0000000000000153000000+153
Determination &0000000000000107000000+107

 The Forgiven's Robe of Casting Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Robe of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 79
Defense 244Magic Defense 426
Intelligence &0000000000000151000000+151
Vitality &0000000000000144000000+144
Critical Hit &0000000000000153000000+153
Determination &0000000000000107000000+107

 The Forgiven's Ring of Slaying Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Ring of Slaying
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 PGLLNCMNK
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Determination &0000000000000076000000+76
Skill Speed &0000000000000053000000+53

 The Forgiven's Ring of Healing Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Ring of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Mind &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000071000000+71
Critical Hit &0000000000000076000000+76
Determination &0000000000000053000000+53

 The Forgiven's Ring of Fending Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Ring of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Determination &0000000000000076000000+76
Skill Speed &0000000000000053000000+53

 The Forgiven's Earrings of Casting Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Earrings of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Intelligence &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000071000000+71
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000076000000+76
Determination &0000000000000053000000+53

 The Forgiven's Earrings of Fending Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Earrings of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Critical Hit &0000000000000076000000+76
Skill Speed &0000000000000053000000+53

 The Forgiven's Circlet of Scouting Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Circlet of Scouting
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 79
Defense 250Magic Defense 250
Dexterity &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000101000000+101
Skill Speed &0000000000000096000000+96
Determination &0000000000000067000000+67

 The Forgiven's Earrings of Aiming Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Earrings of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 ARCROGBRD
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Dexterity &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Critical Hit &0000000000000076000000+76
Determination &0000000000000053000000+53

 Labrys of the Forgiven Icon.png  
Labrys of the Forgiven
Gold chest icon.png
 Marauder's Arm  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 MRDWAR
Req. Level 79
Physical Damage 94Magic Damage 47
Strength &0000000000000157000000+157
Vitality &0000000000000166000000+166
Determination &0000000000000158000000+158
Skill Speed &0000000000000111000000+111

 The Forgiven's Armor of Fending Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Armor of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 79
Defense 609Magic Defense 609
Strength &0000000000000151000000+151
Vitality &0000000000000160000000+160
Critical Hit &0000000000000153000000+153
Determination &0000000000000107000000+107

 Rod of the Forgiven Icon.png  
Rod of the Forgiven
Gold chest icon.png
 Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 THMBLM
Req. Level 79
Physical Damage 94Magic Damage 94
Intelligence &0000000000000157000000+157
Vitality &0000000000000149000000+149
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000158000000+158
Critical Hit &0000000000000111000000+111

 Revolver of the Forgiven Icon.png  
Revolver of the Forgiven
Gold chest icon.png
 Machinist's Arm  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 MCH
Req. Level 79
Physical Damage 94Magic Damage 47
Dexterity &0000000000000157000000+157
Vitality &0000000000000166000000+166
Determination &0000000000000158000000+158
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000111000000+111

 Planisphere of the Forgiven Icon.png  
Planisphere of the Forgiven
Gold chest icon.png
 Astrologian's Arm  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 AST
Req. Level 79
Physical Damage 94Magic Damage 94
Mind &0000000000000157000000+157
Vitality &0000000000000149000000+149
Spell Speed &0000000000000158000000+158
Critical Hit &0000000000000111000000+111

 Manatrigger of the Forgiven Icon.png  
Manatrigger of the Forgiven
Gold chest icon.png
 Gunbreaker's Arm  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 GNB
Req. Level 79
Physical Damage 94Magic Damage 47
Strength &0000000000000157000000+157
Vitality &0000000000000166000000+166
Determination &0000000000000158000000+158
Skill Speed &0000000000000111000000+111

 Longbow of the Forgiven Icon.png  
Longbow of the Forgiven
Gold chest icon.png
 Archer's Arm  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 ARCBRD
Req. Level 79
Physical Damage 94Magic Damage 47
Dexterity &0000000000000157000000+157
Vitality &0000000000000166000000+166
Skill Speed &0000000000000158000000+158
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000111000000+111

 Grimoire of the Forgiven Icon.png  
Grimoire of the Forgiven
Gold chest icon.png
 Arcanist's Grimoire  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 ACNSMN
Req. Level 79
Physical Damage 94Magic Damage 94
Intelligence &0000000000000157000000+157
Vitality &0000000000000149000000+149
Determination &0000000000000158000000+158
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000111000000+111

 The Forgiven's Bracelet of Aiming Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Bracelet of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 ARCROGBRD
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Dexterity &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Determination &0000000000000076000000+76
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000053000000+53

 Greatsword of the Forgiven Icon.png  
Greatsword of the Forgiven
Gold chest icon.png
 Dark Knight's Arm  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 DRK
Req. Level 79
Physical Damage 94Magic Damage 47
Strength &0000000000000157000000+157
Vitality &0000000000000166000000+166
Determination &0000000000000158000000+158
Skill Speed &0000000000000111000000+111

 Foil of the Forgiven Icon.png  
Foil of the Forgiven
Gold chest icon.png
 Red Mage's Arm  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 RDM
Req. Level 79
Physical Damage 94Magic Damage 94
Intelligence &0000000000000157000000+157
Vitality &0000000000000149000000+149
Spell Speed &0000000000000158000000+158
Critical Hit &0000000000000111000000+111

 Daggers of the Forgiven Icon.png  
Daggers of the Forgiven
Gold chest icon.png
 Rogue's Arm  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 ROGNIN
Req. Level 79
Physical Damage 94Magic Damage 47
Dexterity &0000000000000157000000+157
Vitality &0000000000000166000000+166
Skill Speed &0000000000000158000000+158
Determination &0000000000000111000000+111

 Codex of the Forgiven Icon.png  
Codex of the Forgiven
Gold chest icon.png
 Scholar's Arm  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 SCH
Req. Level 79
Physical Damage 94Magic Damage 94
Mind &0000000000000157000000+157
Vitality &0000000000000149000000+149
Spell Speed &0000000000000158000000+158
Piety &0000000000000111000000+111

 Claws of the Forgiven Icon.png  
Claws of the Forgiven
Gold chest icon.png
 Pugilist's Arm  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 PGLMNK
Req. Level 79
Physical Damage 94Magic Damage 47
Strength &0000000000000157000000+157
Vitality &0000000000000166000000+166
Determination &0000000000000158000000+158
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000111000000+111

 Chakrams of the Forgiven Icon.png  
Chakrams of the Forgiven
Gold chest icon.png
 Dancer's Arm  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 DNC
Req. Level 79
Physical Damage 94Magic Damage 47
Dexterity &0000000000000157000000+157
Vitality &0000000000000166000000+166
Skill Speed &0000000000000158000000+158
Critical Hit &0000000000000111000000+111

 The Forgiven's Boots of Aiming Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Boots of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 79
Defense 250Magic Defense 250
Dexterity &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000101000000+101
Skill Speed &0000000000000096000000+96
Determination &0000000000000067000000+67

 The Forgiven's Bracelet of Casting Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Bracelet of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Intelligence &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000071000000+71
Determination &0000000000000076000000+76
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000053000000+53

 The Forgiven's Circlet of Striking Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Circlet of Striking
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 79
Defense 250Magic Defense 250
Strength &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000101000000+101
Skill Speed &0000000000000096000000+96
Critical Hit &0000000000000067000000+67

 The Forgiven's Caligae of Scouting Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Caligae of Scouting
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 79
Defense 250Magic Defense 250
Dexterity &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000101000000+101
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000096000000+96
Determination &0000000000000067000000+67

 Cane of the Forgiven Icon.png  
Cane of the Forgiven
Gold chest icon.png
 Two-handed Conjurer's Arm  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 CNJWHM
Req. Level 79
Physical Damage 94Magic Damage 94
Mind &0000000000000157000000+157
Vitality &0000000000000149000000+149
Spell Speed &0000000000000158000000+158
Critical Hit &0000000000000111000000+111

 The Forgiven's Circlet of Maiming Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Circlet of Maiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 79
Defense 318Magic Defense 250
Strength &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000101000000+101
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000096000000+96
Determination &0000000000000067000000+67

 The Forgiven's Circlet of Fending Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Circlet of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 79
Defense 454Magic Defense 454
Strength &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000101000000+101
Skill Speed &0000000000000096000000+96
Tenacity &0000000000000067000000+67

 The Forgiven's Chestpiece of Striking Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Chestpiece of Striking
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 79
Defense 335Magic Defense 335
Strength &0000000000000151000000+151
Vitality &0000000000000160000000+160
Skill Speed &0000000000000153000000+153
Critical Hit &0000000000000107000000+107

 The Forgiven's Chestpiece of Scouting Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Chestpiece of Scouting
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 79
Defense 335Magic Defense 335
Dexterity &0000000000000151000000+151
Vitality &0000000000000160000000+160
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000153000000+153
Determination &0000000000000107000000+107

 The Forgiven's Caligae of Striking Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Caligae of Striking
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 79
Defense 250Magic Defense 250
Strength &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000101000000+101
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000096000000+96
Determination &0000000000000067000000+67

 The Forgiven's Breeches of Maiming Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Breeches of Maiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 79
Defense 426Magic Defense 335
Strength &0000000000000151000000+151
Vitality &0000000000000160000000+160
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000153000000+153
Critical Hit &0000000000000107000000+107

 The Forgiven's Bracelet of Fending Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Bracelet of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Tenacity &0000000000000076000000+76
Determination &0000000000000053000000+53

 The Forgiven's Breeches of Fending Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Breeches of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 79
Defense 609Magic Defense 609
Strength &0000000000000151000000+151
Vitality &0000000000000160000000+160
Critical Hit &0000000000000153000000+153
Tenacity &0000000000000107000000+107

 The Forgiven's Breeches of Aiming Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Breeches of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 79
Defense 335Magic Defense 335
Dexterity &0000000000000151000000+151
Vitality &0000000000000160000000+160
Critical Hit &0000000000000153000000+153
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000107000000+107

 The Forgiven's Bracers of Striking Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Bracers of Striking
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 79
Defense 250Magic Defense 250
Strength &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000101000000+101
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000096000000+96
Determination &0000000000000067000000+67

 The Forgiven's Bracers of Scouting Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Bracers of Scouting
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 79
Defense 250Magic Defense 250
Dexterity &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000101000000+101
Critical Hit &0000000000000096000000+96
Skill Speed &0000000000000067000000+67

 The Forgiven's Bracers of Aiming Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Bracers of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 79
Defense 250Magic Defense 250
Dexterity &0000000000000095000000+95
Vitality &0000000000000101000000+101
Critical Hit &0000000000000096000000+96
Determination &0000000000000067000000+67

 The Forgiven's Bracelet of Slaying Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Bracelet of Slaying
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 PGLLNCMNK
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000076000000+76
Skill Speed &0000000000000053000000+53

 The Forgiven's Bracelet of Healing Icon.png  
The Forgiven's Bracelet of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 79
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Mind &0000000000000075000000+75
Vitality &0000000000000071000000+71
Critical Hit &0000000000000076000000+76
Piety &0000000000000053000000+53

 War Scythe of the Forgiven Icon.png  
War Scythe of the Forgiven
Gold chest icon.png
 Reaper's Arm  &0000000000000418000000418&000000000000007900000079 RPR
Req. Level 79
Physical Damage 94Magic Damage 47
Strength &0000000000000157000000+157
Vitality &0000000000000166000000+166
Determination &0000000000000158000000+158
Critical Hit &0000000000000111000000+111

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