Outer La Noscea

Zoneicon.pngOuter La Noscea
The northernmost region of La Noscea, this expanse borders on the mountains of O'Ghomoro, the highest point of Vylbrand and domain of the kobolds. So numerous are the beastmen that only the bravest dare venture there—and only the strongest of those return.
Region: La Noscea
Landmass: Vylbrand
World: Hydaelyn
Weather: Clear Skies icon.png (Clear Skies)
Clouds icon.png (Clouds)
Fair Skies icon.png (Fair Skies)
Fog icon.png (Fog)
Rain icon.png (Rain)
Battle Music: The Land Breathes

Connections & Duties

Connection Coordinates
Zoneicon.png Upper La Noscea (26-16, 14-19)
Duty Coordinates
Trialicon.png The Navel (Hard) (15-20)
Trialicon.png The Navel (Extreme) (15-20)

Zone Summary & Overview

Area NPCs Quests FATEs Levequests Hunting Log Targets Monsters Logging/Harvesting Mining/Quarrying Fishing Log Locations
Iron Lake 3 39 4 7 23

The Long Climb 2 36 7 10 41 2

U'Ghamaro Mines 5 6 3 6 33

Navigable Map

Camp OverlookThe Hermit's HovelThe Floating City of NymKobold Dig789th Order DigThe NavelUpper La NosceaUpper La NosceaThe Long ClimbIron LakeU'Ghamaro MinesOuter La Noscea cropped.png