Patch 3.2

Maintenance-icon.pngPatch 3.2          
(Date: 2016/02/23)

  • Stone, Sky, Sea.
    • A battle challenge in which you the player have to defeat a training dummy tuned to various difficulty levels.
  • Various Job adjustments.
    • Vitality will affect the potency of physical attacks, and strength's effect will be reduced. The goal is to transition tanks into using Vitality accessories instead of Strength ones.
  • Astrologians and Machinists listed, but other jobs will receive minor changes as well.
  • New Beast Tribe:
    • The Gnath!
  • New Dungeons!
  • The Antitower and The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard).
  • Alexander: Midas
    • The next installment of the Alexander Primal dungeon.
  • Change to advanced materia melding.
    • STR, DEX, VIT, INT, MIND, and PIE will not be available for OVERMELDING. They may still be melded into the slots available on an item, but adding more (up to the maximum of 5 on any item) will not be possible.
  • Orchestrion.
    • New furniture which will change the background music of your house! Different songs will be available from various 'Sheet Music' which is acquired in a variety of ways. Sheet music is tied to a character, not to the Free Company, so each character in a duty will need to earn the various Sheet Music if they wish to listen to songs.
  • The Warring Triad!
    • Containment Bay S1T7 and Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme).
  • Various adjustments (time and number of Aether Currents needed) to Exploratory Missions.
  • New Allagan Tomestone.
  • It will be possible to queue as a party for various Duty Roulettes!
  • Cooldown/Recast timer display added to hotbars.
Lodestone: Lodestone Patch Notes
Hotfixes: 2016/02/24, 2016/03/02

Item Level Classes Stats
 Allagan Rod Icon.png  Allagan Rod
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &000000000000009500000095&000000000000005000000050 THMBLM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 62
Magic Damage 62
Intelligence +34 
Vitality +32 
Direct Hit Rate +39 
Spell Speed +27 

 Augmented Hailstorm Astrometer Icon.png  Augmented Hailstorm Astrometer
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 AST
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 76
Magic Damage 76
Mind +88 
Vitality +81 
Spell Speed +90 
Piety +63 

 Augmented Hailstorm Cane Icon.png  Augmented Hailstorm Cane
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 CNJWHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 76
Magic Damage 76
Mind +88 
Vitality +81 
Spell Speed +90 
Piety +63 

 Augmented Hailstorm Codex Icon.png  Augmented Hailstorm Codex
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 SCH
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 76
Magic Damage 76
Mind +88 
Vitality +81 
Determination +90 
Piety +63 

 Augmented Hailstorm Grimoire Icon.png  Augmented Hailstorm Grimoire
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 ACNSMN
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 76
Magic Damage 76
Intelligence +88 
Vitality +81 
Critical Hit +90 
Spell Speed +63 

 Augmented Hailstorm Rod Icon.png  Augmented Hailstorm Rod
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 THMBLM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 76
Magic Damage 76
Intelligence +88 
Vitality +81 
Critical Hit +90 
Spell Speed +63 

 Augmented Hellfire Battleaxe Icon.png  Augmented Hellfire Battleaxe
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 MRDWAR
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 76
Magic Damage 38
Strength +88 
Vitality +90 
Skill Speed +90 
Tenacity +63 

 Augmented Hellfire Blade Icon.png  Augmented Hellfire Blade
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 GLAPLD
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 76
Magic Damage 38
Strength +63 
Vitality +64 
Critical Hit +64 
Tenacity +45 

 Augmented Hellfire Claws Icon.png  Augmented Hellfire Claws
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 PGLMNK
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 76
Magic Damage 38
Strength +88 
Vitality +90 
Critical Hit +90 
Skill Speed +63 

 Augmented Hellfire Guillotine Icon.png  Augmented Hellfire Guillotine
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 DRK
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 76
Magic Damage 38
Strength +88 
Vitality +90 
Critical Hit +90 
Tenacity +63 

 Augmented Slipstream Partisan Icon.png  Augmented Slipstream Partisan
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 LNCDRG
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 76
Magic Damage 38
Strength +88 
Vitality +90 
Critical Hit +90 
Skill Speed +63 

 Augmented Torrent Kris Icon.png  Augmented Torrent Kris
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 ROGNIN
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 76
Magic Damage 38
Dexterity +88 
Vitality +90 
Critical Hit +90 
Determination +63 

 Augmented Torrent Longbow Icon.png  Augmented Torrent Longbow
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 ARCBRD
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 76
Magic Damage 38
Dexterity +88 
Vitality +90 
Skill Speed +90 
Determination +63 

 Augmented Torrent Musketoon Icon.png  Augmented Torrent Musketoon
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 MCH
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 76
Magic Damage 38
Dexterity +88 
Vitality +90 
Critical Hit +90 
Determination +63 

 Axe of the Fury Icon.png  Axe of the Fury
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 MRDWAR
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73
Magic Damage 37
Strength +77 
Vitality +76 
Determination +83 
Critical Hit +58 

 Axe of the Sephirot Icon.png  Axe of the Sephirot
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000220000000220&000000000000006000000060 MRDWAR
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 74
Magic Damage 37
Strength +81 
Vitality +82 
Determination +87 
Skill Speed +61 

 Blade of the Sephirot Icon.png  Blade of the Sephirot
Map17 Icon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000220000000220&000000000000006000000060 GLAPLD
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 74
Magic Damage 37
Strength +58 
Vitality +59 
Skill Speed +62 
Tenacity +43 

 Bow of the Sephirot Icon.png  Bow of the Sephirot
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000220000000220&000000000000006000000060 ARCBRD
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 74
Magic Damage 37
Dexterity +81 
Vitality +82 
Skill Speed +87 
Critical Hit +61 

 Bow of the Wanderer Icon.png  Bow of the Wanderer
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 ARCBRD
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73
Magic Damage 37
Dexterity +77 
Vitality +76 
Critical Hit +83 
Determination +58 

 Cane of the Sephirot Icon.png  Cane of the Sephirot
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000220000000220&000000000000006000000060 CNJWHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 74
Magic Damage 74
Mind +81 
Vitality +74 
Critical Hit +87 
Spell Speed +61 

Limiting results to the first 20 Weapons. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 3.2 Weapons.
Item Level Classes Stats
 Althyk's Cuisses of Scouting Icon.png  Althyk's Cuisses of Scouting
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 180
Magic Defense 180
Dexterity +74 
Vitality +73 
Skill Speed +80 
Determination +56 

 Althyk's Cuisses of Striking Icon.png  Althyk's Cuisses of Striking
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 60
Defense 180
Magic Defense 180
Strength +74 
Vitality +73 
Critical Hit +80 
Determination +56 

 Althyk's Gauntlets of Scouting Icon.png  Althyk's Gauntlets of Scouting
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 134
Magic Defense 134
Dexterity +47 
Vitality +46 
Critical Hit +50 
Determination +35 

 Althyk's Gauntlets of Striking Icon.png  Althyk's Gauntlets of Striking
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 60
Defense 134
Magic Defense 134
Strength +47 
Vitality +46 
Skill Speed +50 
Critical Hit +35 

 Althyk's Helm of Scouting Icon.png  Althyk's Helm of Scouting
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 134
Magic Defense 134
Dexterity +47 
Vitality +46 
Critical Hit +50 
Skill Speed +35 

 Althyk's Helm of Striking Icon.png  Althyk's Helm of Striking
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 60
Defense 134
Magic Defense 134
Strength +47 
Vitality +46 
Skill Speed +50 
Determination +35 

 Althyk's Mail of Scouting Icon.png  Althyk's Mail of Scouting
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 180
Magic Defense 180
Dexterity +74 
Vitality +73 
Determination +80 
Critical Hit +56 

 Althyk's Mail of Striking Icon.png  Althyk's Mail of Striking
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 60
Defense 180
Magic Defense 180
Strength +74 
Vitality +73 
Determination +80 
Skill Speed +56 

 Althyk's Sollerets of Scouting Icon.png  Althyk's Sollerets of Scouting
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 134
Magic Defense 134
Dexterity +47 
Vitality +46 
Skill Speed +50 
Critical Hit +35 

 Althyk's Sollerets of Striking Icon.png  Althyk's Sollerets of Striking
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 60
Defense 134
Magic Defense 134
Strength +47 
Vitality +46 
Critical Hit +50 
Skill Speed +35 

 Augmented Hailstorm Boots of Casting Icon.png  Augmented Hailstorm Boots of Casting
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 60
Defense 106
Magic Defense 185
Intelligence +53 
Vitality +49 
Critical Hit +54 
Spell Speed +38 

 Augmented Hailstorm Boots of Healing Icon.png  Augmented Hailstorm Boots of Healing
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 106
Magic Defense 185
Mind +53 
Vitality +49 
Spell Speed +54 
Piety +38 

 Augmented Hailstorm Bottoms of Casting Icon.png  Augmented Hailstorm Bottoms of Casting
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 60
Defense 142
Magic Defense 248
Intelligence +85 
Vitality +77 
Spell Speed +86 
Determination +60 

 Augmented Hailstorm Bottoms of Healing Icon.png  Augmented Hailstorm Bottoms of Healing
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 142
Magic Defense 248
Mind +85 
Vitality +77 
Determination +86 
Spell Speed +60 

 Augmented Hailstorm Coat of Casting Icon.png  Augmented Hailstorm Coat of Casting
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 60
Defense 142
Magic Defense 248
Intelligence +85 
Vitality +77 
Direct Hit Rate +86 
Determination +60 

 Augmented Hailstorm Coat of Healing Icon.png  Augmented Hailstorm Coat of Healing
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 142
Magic Defense 248
Mind +85 
Vitality +77 
Piety +86 
Determination +60 

 Augmented Hailstorm Crown of Casting Icon.png  Augmented Hailstorm Crown of Casting
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 60
Defense 106
Magic Defense 185
Intelligence +53 
Vitality +49 
Determination +54 
Direct Hit Rate +38 

 Augmented Hailstorm Crown of Healing Icon.png  Augmented Hailstorm Crown of Healing
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 106
Magic Defense 185
Mind +53 
Vitality +49 
Piety +54 
Critical Hit +38 

 Augmented Hailstorm Gloves of Casting Icon.png  Augmented Hailstorm Gloves of Casting
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 60
Defense 106
Magic Defense 185
Intelligence +53 
Vitality +49 
Direct Hit Rate +54 
Critical Hit +38 

 Augmented Hailstorm Gloves of Healing Icon.png  Augmented Hailstorm Gloves of Healing
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 106
Magic Defense 185
Mind +53 
Vitality +49 
Critical Hit +54 
Piety +38 

Limiting results to the first 20 Armors. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 3.2 Armor.
Item Level Classes Stats
 Boltkeep's Spinning Wheel Icon.png  Boltkeep's Spinning Wheel
 &0000000000000180000000180&000000000000006000000060 WVR
Req. Level 60
Craftsmanship +278 
Control +149 

 Cauldronkeep's Mortar Icon.png  Cauldronkeep's Mortar
 &0000000000000180000000180&000000000000006000000060 ALC
Req. Level 60
Craftsmanship +278 
Control +149 

 Fieldkeep's Scythe Icon.png  Fieldkeep's Scythe
 &0000000000000180000000180&000000000000006000000060 BTN
Req. Level 60
Gathering +146 
Perception +256 

 Forgekeep's File Icon.png  Forgekeep's File
 &0000000000000180000000180&000000000000006000000060 BSM
Req. Level 60
Craftsmanship +278 
Control +149 

 Galleykeep's Culinary Knife Icon.png  Galleykeep's Culinary Knife
 &0000000000000180000000180&000000000000006000000060 CUL
Req. Level 60
Craftsmanship +278 
Control +149 

 Gemkeep's Grinding Wheel Icon.png  Gemkeep's Grinding Wheel
 &0000000000000180000000180&000000000000006000000060 GSM
Req. Level 60
Craftsmanship +278 
Control +149 

 Hammerkeep's Pliers Icon.png  Hammerkeep's Pliers
 &0000000000000180000000180&000000000000006000000060 ARM
Req. Level 60
Craftsmanship +278 
Control +149 

 Hidekeep's Awl Icon.png  Hidekeep's Awl
 &0000000000000180000000180&000000000000006000000060 LTW
Req. Level 60
Craftsmanship +278 
Control +149 

 Millkeep's Claw Hammer Icon.png  Millkeep's Claw Hammer
 &0000000000000180000000180&000000000000006000000060 CRP
Req. Level 60
Craftsmanship +278 
Control +149 

 Minekeep's Sledgehammer Icon.png  Minekeep's Sledgehammer
 &0000000000000180000000180&000000000000006000000060 MIN
Req. Level 60
Gathering +146 
Perception +256 

Meals & Medicine
Name Duration Consumable Bonuses
Alpine Supper Set Icon.png Alpine Supper Set 30m/60m Skill Speed +4%  (Cap: 29)
Vitality +4%  (Cap: 28)
Gear Durability Bonus +3
EXP Bonus +3%

Angler Stew Icon.png Angler Stew 30m Perception +6%  (Cap: +34)
Gathering +2%  (Cap: +14)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Apple Strudel Icon.png Apple Strudel 30m Spell Speed +8%  (Cap: +32)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +32)
Direct Hit Rate +8%  (Cap: +19)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Boscaiola Icon.png Boscaiola 30m Determination +8%  (Cap: +32)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +32)
Direct Hit Rate +8%  (Cap: +19)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

High House Supper Set Icon.png High House Supper Set 30m/60m Determination +4%  (Cap: 28)
Vitality +4%  (Cap: 27)
Gear Durability Bonus +3
EXP Bonus +3%

Loaghtan Steak Icon.png Loaghtan Steak 30m Skill Speed +8%  (Cap: +32)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +32)
Critical Hit +8%  (Cap: +19)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Max-Potion of Dexterity Icon.png Max-Potion of Dexterity 15s Dexterity +16%  (Cap: +76)
Adds Medicated  

Max-Potion of Intelligence Icon.png Max-Potion of Intelligence 15s Intelligence +16%  (Cap: +76)
Adds Medicated  

Max-Potion of Mind Icon.png Max-Potion of Mind 15s Mind +16%  (Cap: +76)
Adds Medicated  

Max-Potion of Strength Icon.png Max-Potion of Strength 15s Strength +16%  (Cap: +76)
Adds Medicated  

Max-Potion of Vitality Icon.png Max-Potion of Vitality 15s Vitality +16%  (Cap: +75)
Adds Medicated  

Oyster Confit Icon.png Oyster Confit 30m Control +10%  (Cap: +70)
Craftsmanship +4%  (Cap: +30)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Peperoncino Icon.png Peperoncino 30m Tenacity +8%  (Cap: +32)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +32)
Determination +8%  (Cap: +19)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Spiced Cider Icon.png Spiced Cider 30m Piety +8%  (Cap: +32)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +32)
Determination +8%  (Cap: +19)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Sweet Gnomefish Icon.png Sweet Gnomefish 30m Direct Hit Rate +8%  (Cap: +31)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +30)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Materials, Housing, Other
Name Description
Airship Prototype VII Icon.png Airship Prototype VII Not an actual item. Recipes are granted automatically upon purchase.
Allagan Aetherstone - Body Gear Icon.png Allagan Aetherstone - Body Gear An Allagan device that, when affixed to gear, augments the gear's strength.
Allagan Aetherstone - Foot Gear Icon.png Allagan Aetherstone - Foot Gear An Allagan device that, when affixed to gear, augments the gear's strength.
Allagan Aetherstone - Hand Gear Icon.png Allagan Aetherstone - Hand Gear An Allagan device that, when affixed to gear, augments the gear's strength.
Allagan Aetherstone - Headgear Icon.png Allagan Aetherstone - Headgear An Allagan device that, when affixed to gear, augments the gear's strength.
Allagan Aetherstone - Leg Gear Icon.png Allagan Aetherstone - Leg Gear An Allagan device that, when affixed to gear, augments the gear's strength.
Allagan Aetherstone - Weaponry Icon.png Allagan Aetherstone - Weaponry An Allagan device that, when affixed to a weapon, augments the weapon's strength.
Alpine Chandelier Icon.png Alpine Chandelier A sumptuous chandelier designed to complement alpine residences.
Alpine Flooring Icon.png Alpine Flooring Floorboards designed to complement alpine residences.
Alpine Inner Wall Icon.png Alpine Inner Wall An interior wall designed in the alpine fashion.
Alpine Supper Set Icon.png Alpine Supper Set This warm array of comfort food has become a treat for special occasions amongst the commoner families of Ishgard, who have been known to save their coin for moons to procure the ingredients.

※Cannot be retrieved once used.
※Can be used up to 10 times.
Amber Salamander Icon.png Amber Salamander This freshwater amphibian is characterized by whorling patterns of deep amber across its moist skin.

[Suitable for printing on large canvases.]
Antique Leather Icon.png Antique Leather An attestation to its quality, this leather remains supple and uncracked despite its age.
Antique Rug Icon.png Antique Rug Someone, many decades past, paid a considerable sum for this expertly woven floorpiece.
Archon Egg Tower Icon.png Archon Egg Tower A Hatching–tide decoration with tiers of Archon eggs tirelessly hand-painted by the youngest of the Dreamers.
Armored Catfish Icon.png Armored Catfish This large freshwater fish is covered in thick armor-like scales which protect it from the jaws of hungry bears and yetis.

[Suitable for printing on large canvases.]
Beastkin Horn Icon.png Beastkin Horn The mud-caked horn of an unidentifiable beast.
Bennu Horn Icon.png Bennu Horn This horn of bone emits a golden tone that summons a mythical bennu.
Camphor Icon.png Camphor The waxy, crystallized remnants of a liquid drawn from steamed bits of camphorwood.
Camphorwood Branch Icon.png Camphorwood Branch The thick branch of a camphorwood tree.
Limiting results to the first 20 Materials. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 3.2 Materials.
Mounts & Minions
Name Description
Bennu Horn Icon.png Bennu Horn This horn of bone emits a golden tone that summons a mythical bennu.
Brina Icon.png Brina Collectors warn that one who wishes to complete the set should be well versed in the art of combat.

Use item to acquire the Brina minion.
Calca Icon.png Calca Whether she is cute or creepy has been oft debated, but all agree it is best not to leave her to her own devices.

Use item to acquire the Calca minion.
Faustlet Icon.png Faustlet He will shelter you from the sturms.

Use item to acquire the faustlet minion.
Fenrir Pup Icon.png Fenrir Pup This stray hoarhound pup is as feisty as the leader of his pack, and just as aloof.

Use item to acquire the Fenrir pup minion.
Gloria Ignition Key Icon.png Gloria Ignition Key This ignition key winds the gears of the Gloria-class airship. Remember to keep your balance.
Kongamato Whistle Icon.png Kongamato Whistle A small, conch-like whistle used to summon a Gnath-trained kongamato.
Morpho Icon.png Morpho With blue wings practically glowing, this butterfly feels almost like a spirit. Almost.

Use item to acquire the morpho minion.
OFC Whistle Icon.png OFC Whistle A small hand-carved whistle that emits a high-pitched tone recognized as a feeding call by the original fat chocobo.
Poro Roggo Icon.png Poro Roggo Enchanted familiar though it may be, kissing it will do nothing to alter its corporeal form.

Use item to acquire the Poro Roggo minion.
Rose Lanner Whistle Icon.png Rose Lanner Whistle This whistle emits a shrill tone that is said to summon a legendary falcon of fury.
Round Lanner Whistle Icon.png Round Lanner Whistle This whistle emits a shrill tone that is said to summon a legendary falcon of the heavens.
Spoony Bard Icon.png Spoony Bard Although there are many different accounts of what was actually said during the famous altercation, all agree on the single utterance that became his legacy.

Use item to acquire the spoony bard minion.
Warring Lanner Whistle Icon.png Warring Lanner Whistle This whistle emits a shrill tone that is said to summon a legendary falcon of catastrophe.
White Lanner Whistle Icon.png White Lanner Whistle This whistle emits a shrill tone that is said to summon a legendary falcon of the mists.
Wind-up Garuda Icon.png Wind-up Garuda Hopefully she will not HEEHEE haha HEEE!!! too loudly in your ear.

Use item to acquire the wind-up Garuda minion.
Wind-up Gnath Icon.png Wind-up Gnath <click> <click> He will obey.

Use item to acquire the wind-up Gnath minion.
Wind-up Leviathan Icon.png Wind-up Leviathan Your flesh cannot feed this minion of the deep.

Use item to acquire the wind-up Leviathan minion.
Wind-up Nero tol Scaeva Icon.png Wind-up Nero tol Scaeva Better engineered than the wind-up Cid. In every way.

Use item to acquire the Nero tol Scaeva minion.
Wind-up Titan Icon.png Wind-up Titan Placing this wind-up Titan on an elevated surface may compel it to knock everything else to the ground.

Use item to acquire the wind-up Titan minion.
Wind-up Vath Icon.png Wind-up Vath <click> <click> He seeks purpose. So he will follow you. Everywhere.

Use item to acquire the wind-up Vath minion.
Zu Horn Icon.png Zu Horn This horn of bone emits a howling blare that summons your trained zu mount.
Triple Triad Cards
Name Description
Artoirel de Fortemps Card Icon.png Artoirel de Fortemps Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 120
Brachiosaur Card Icon.png Brachiosaur Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 110
Brute Justice Card Icon.png Brute Justice Card An epic (★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 123
Calcabrina Card Icon.png Calcabrina Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 117
Cloud of Darkness Card Icon.png Cloud of Darkness Card A legendary (★★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 127
Darkscale Card Icon.png Darkscale Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 111
Emmanellain de Fortemps Card Icon.png Emmanellain de Fortemps Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 121
F'lhaminn Card Icon.png F'lhaminn Card An epic (★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 125
Fenrir Card Icon.png Fenrir Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 112
Ferdiad Card Icon.png Ferdiad Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 116
Hoary Boulder and Coultenet Card Icon.png Hoary Boulder and Coultenet Card An uncommon (★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 109
Honoroit Card Icon.png Honoroit Card An uncommon (★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 108
Kraken Card Icon.png Kraken Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 113
Kuribu Card Icon.png Kuribu Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 118
Manxome Molaa Ja Ja Card Icon.png Manxome Molaa Ja Ja Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 115
Phlegethon Card Icon.png Phlegethon Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 119
Sephirot Card Icon.png Sephirot Card An epic (★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 124
Vicegerent to the Warden Card Icon.png Vicegerent to the Warden Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 114
Vidofnir Card Icon.png Vidofnir Card An epic (★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 126
Xande Card Icon.png Xande Card An epic (★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 122
Limiting results to the first 20 Triple Triad Cards. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 3.2 Triple Triad Cards.
Orchestrion Rolls
Name Description
A Cold Wind Orchestrion Roll Icon.png A Cold Wind Orchestrion Roll Music roll for A Cold Wind. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
A Light in the Storm Orchestrion Roll Icon.png A Light in the Storm Orchestrion Roll Music roll for A Light in the Storm. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
A New Hope Orchestrion Roll Icon.png A New Hope Orchestrion Roll Music roll for A New Hope. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
A World Apart Orchestrion Roll Icon.png A World Apart Orchestrion Roll Music roll for A World Apart. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Agent of Inquiry Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Agent of Inquiry Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Agent of Inquiry. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Another Round Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Another Round Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Another Round. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Answers Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Answers Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Answers. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Blank Grade 1 Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Blank Grade 1 Orchestrion Roll Blank spools of paper onto which scores of sheet music can be transcribed by means of perforation.
Blank Grade 2 Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Blank Grade 2 Orchestrion Roll Blank spools of paper onto which scores of sheet music can be transcribed by means of perforation.
Blank Grade 3 Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Blank Grade 3 Orchestrion Roll Blank spools of paper onto which scores of sheet music can be transcribed by means of perforation.
Blind to the Dark Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Blind to the Dark Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Blind to the Dark. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Blood for Blood Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Blood for Blood Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Blood for Blood. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Contention Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Contention Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Contention. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Dark Vows Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Dark Vows Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Dark Vows. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Down the Up Staircase Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Down the Up Staircase Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Down the Up Staircase. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Eternal Wind Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Eternal Wind Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Eternal Wind. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Faded Copy of A Light in the Storm Icon.png Faded Copy of A Light in the Storm Timeworn pages of sheet music retrieved from Pharos Sirius.
Faded Copy of A World Apart Icon.png Faded Copy of A World Apart Timeworn pages of sheet music retrieved from the Sea of Clouds.
Faded Copy of Another Round Icon.png Faded Copy of Another Round Timeworn pages of sheet music containing the full score for Another Round. The faint scent of sweet liquor lingers on the parchment.
Faded Copy of Answers Icon.png Faded Copy of Answers Timeworn pages of sheet music retrieved from the Burning Heart.
Limiting results to the first 20 Orchestrion Rolls. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 3.2 Orchestrion Rolls.
Name Rewards Patch
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000001500000015&000000000000009800000098&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006775700000067,757Aligning the StarsLittle Ladies' Day Event Icon.pngAligning the StarsSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000001500000015)

Mythril Eye Reporter - Ul'dah - Steps of Nald - Pugilists' Guild (x:9.2, y:9.1)

Expicon.png1,440Gil Icon.png220

&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006775700000067,757&000000000000001500000015Aligning the Stars
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&00000000000000020000002&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006779200000067,792Adventurers Don't Get Cold FeetFeaturequest1 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.Adventurers Don't Get Cold FeetSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Vath Deftarm - The Dravanian Forelands - The Smoldering Wastes - Loth ast Vath (x:22.5, y:18.1)

Expicon.png22,815-32,292Gil Icon.png1,064

&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006779200000067,792&000000000000005000000050Adventurers Don't Get Cold Feet
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&00000000000000030000003&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006779300000067,793An Acquired TasteFeaturequest1 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.An Acquired TasteSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Vath Deftarm - The Dravanian Forelands - The Smoldering Wastes - Loth ast Vath (x:22.5, y:18.1)

Expicon.png22,815-32,292Gil Icon.png1,022

&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006779300000067,793&000000000000005000000050An Acquired Taste
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&00000000000000060000006&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006779600000067,796A Symbiotic FriendshipFeaturequest1 Icon.pngA Symbiotic FriendshipSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Vath Deftarm - The Dravanian Forelands - The Smoldering Wastes - Loth ast Vath (x:22.5, y:18.1)

Gil Icon.png405

&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006779600000067,796&000000000000005000000050A Symbiotic Friendship
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&00000000000000080000008&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006779800000067,798Breath of Fresh AirSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.Breath of Fresh AirSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Vath Keeneye - The Dravanian Forelands - The Smoldering Wastes (x:22.6, y:18)

Expicon.png22,815-32,292Gil Icon.png489Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Vath Relations Icon.png 70
Black Copper Gil

&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006779800000067,798&000000000000005000000050Breath of Fresh Air
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&00000000000000090000009&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006779900000067,799Bugging the BugsSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.Bugging the BugsSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Vath Keeneye - The Dravanian Forelands - The Smoldering Wastes (x:22.6, y:18)

Expicon.png22,815-32,292Gil Icon.png461Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Vath Relations Icon.png 70
Black Copper Gil

&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006779900000067,799&000000000000005000000050Bugging the Bugs
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000001100000011&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006782800000067,828A Fundamentally Important TaskSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.A Fundamentally Important TaskDisciple of the Hand (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Mogek the Marvelous - The Churning Mists - Four Arms - Bahrr Lehs (x:15.1, y:27.8)

Expicon.png174,096Gil Icon.png600Moogle Relations Icon.png 50
Wind Crystal
Wind Crystal
Wind Crystal
Carved Kupo Nut

&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006782800000067,828&000000000000005000000050A Fundamentally Important Task
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000001200000012&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006780200000067,802A Long ShotSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.A Long ShotSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Vath Keeneye - The Dravanian Forelands - The Smoldering Wastes (x:22.6, y:18)

Expicon.png22,815-32,292Gil Icon.png489Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Vath Relations Icon.png 70
Black Copper Gil

&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006780200000067,802&000000000000005000000050A Long Shot
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000001600000016&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006780600000067,806At Full PeltSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.At Full PeltSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Vath Keeneye - The Dravanian Forelands - The Smoldering Wastes (x:22.6, y:18)

Expicon.png22,815-32,292Gil Icon.png545Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Vath Relations Icon.png 70
Black Copper Gil

&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006780600000067,806&000000000000005000000050At Full Pelt
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000001900000019&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006780900000067,809All about the EggsSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.All about the EggsSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Vath Keeneye - The Dravanian Forelands - The Smoldering Wastes (x:22.6, y:18)

Expicon.png24,570-32,292Gil Icon.png489Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Vath Relations Icon.png 70
Black Copper Gil

&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006780900000067,809&000000000000005000000050All about the Eggs
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000002400000024&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006781400000067,814A Romp around the FoothillsSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.A Romp around the FoothillsSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Vath Keeneye - The Dravanian Forelands - The Smoldering Wastes (x:22.6, y:18)

Expicon.png24,570-32,292Gil Icon.png642Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Vath Relations Icon.png 70
Black Copper Gil

&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006781400000067,814&000000000000005000000050A Romp around the Foothills
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&00000000000000060000006&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006779000000067,790A Refrain for the UndauntedFeaturequest1 Icon.pngA Refrain for the UndauntedSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Wandering Minstrel - Mor Dhona - Fogfens - Rowena's House of Splendors (x:21.8, y:8.8)

Gil Icon.png1,056

&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006779000000067,790&000000000000006000000060A Refrain for the Undaunted
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&00000000000000090000009&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006776700000067,767As It Once WasMainquest1 Icon.pngAs It Once WasSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Tataru - Fortemps Manor (x:11.6, y:11.2)

Expicon.png5,000Gil Icon.png1,807
Steamed Staff
Sesame Cookie
&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006776700000067,767&000000000000006000000060As It Once Was
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&000000000000001000000010&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006778900000067,789A Gob in the MachineFeaturequest1 Icon.pngA Gob in the MachineSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Backrix - The Dravanian Hinterlands - The Collectors' Quarter - Bigwest Shortstop (x:20.9, y:17.8)

Gil Icon.png745

&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006778900000067,789&000000000000006000000060A Gob in the Machine
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&000000000000001600000016&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006777400000067,774ChoicesMainquest1 Icon.pngChoicesSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Thancred - Coerthas Western Highlands - Riversmeet - Falcon's Nest (x:31.1, y:36.9)

Expicon.png5,000Gil Icon.png1,087
Augmented Hellfire Claws
Augmented Slipstream Partisan
Augmented Torrent Kris
Augmented Hellfire Shield
Allagan Silver Piece
Allagan Silver Piece
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&000000000000001700000017&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006777500000067,775A Spectacle for the AgesMainquest1 Icon.pngA Spectacle for the AgesSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Lucia - Foundation - Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly (x:13.5, y:11.2)

Expicon.png5,000Gil Icon.png2,793
Augmented Torrent Longbow
Augmented Torrent Musketoon
Augmented Hailstorm Rod
Augmented Hailstorm Grimoire
Allagan Silver Piece
Allagan Silver Piece
&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006777500000067,775&000000000000006000000060A Spectacle for the Ages
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&000000000000001900000019&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006777700000067,777Causes and CostsMainquest1 Icon.pngCauses and CostsSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Alphinaud - Coerthas Western Highlands - Riversmeet - Falcon's Nest (x:31, y:36.8)

Expicon.png5,000Gil Icon.png1,200
Battle Stance
Hellfire Armor of Fending Coffer (IL 240)
Slipstream Armor of Maiming Coffer (IL 240)
Hellfire Armor of Striking Coffer (IL 240)
Torrent Attire of Scouting Coffer (IL 240)
Allagan Gold Piece
Allagan Gold Piece
&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006777700000067,777&000000000000006000000060Causes and Costs
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&000000000000003000000030&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006776200000067,762A Gentleman Falls, Rather than FliesFeaturequest1 Icon.pngA Gentleman Falls, Rather than FliesSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Nashu Mhakaracca - The Pillars - The Jeweled Crozier (x:5.9, y:9.9)

Gil Icon.png940

&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006776200000067,762&000000000000006000000060A Gentleman Falls, Rather than Flies
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&00000000000060000000006,000&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006765400000067,654A Striking OpportunityFeaturequest1 Icon.pngA Striking OpportunitySpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Boisterous Bruiser - Idyllshire - Rowena's Center for Cultural Promotion (x:7.4, y:6.1)

Gil Icon.png518

&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006765400000067,654&000000000000006000000060A Striking Opportunity
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&000000000001610300000016,103&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006781700000067,817A Fiendish LikenessFeaturequest1 Icon.pngA Fiendish LikenessSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Unukalhai - Mor Dhona - The Rising Stones - The Solar (The Rising Stones) (x:6.1, y:5.3)

Gil Icon.png934

&00000000000000032000003.2&000000000006781700000067,817&000000000000006000000060A Fiendish Likeness
Limiting results to the first 20 Quests. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 3.2 Quests.
Name Zone Coordinates
Gigi (Hildibrand) Coerthas Western Highlands (x:24.6, y:25.1)
Smacklix Idyllshire (x:7.7, y:4.8)
Vath Stickpeddler The Dravanian Forelands (x:22.7, y:18.1)
Verification Node (The Flagship) Azys Lla (x:24.4, y:21.4)
Yolaine Foundation (x:13.1, y:11.8)
Containment Bay S1T7 (Zone)
The Antitower (Zone)
The Arm of the Son
The Burden of the Son
The Cuff of the Son
The Fist of the Son
The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) (Zone)
The Midan Knot
Trials & Raids
Alexander - The Arm of the Son 2 2 4
Alexander - The Arm of the Son (Savage) 2 2 4
Alexander - The Burden of the Son 2 2 4
Alexander - The Burden of the Son (Savage) 2 2 4
Alexander - The Cuff of the Son 2 2 4
Alexander - The Cuff of the Son (Savage) 2 2 4
Alexander - The Fist of the Son 2 2 4
Alexander - The Fist of the Son (Savage) 2 2 4
Containment Bay S1T7 2 2 4
Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme) 2 2 4
The Antitower 1 1 2
The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) 1 1 2
PvP Actions