Patch 4.2

Maintenance-icon.pngPatch 4.2          
(Date: 2018/01/29)

  • Release time: Roughly 11:48pm Mountain Time. 1735.11MB (PC), 1472.24MB(PS4)
  • New Main Scenario Quests
  • New Hildibrand Storyline
  • New Beast Tribe! The Ananta

  • New Dungeons:
    • Hells' Lid and The Fractal Continuum (Hard)

  • New Trials / New Set of Primals : The Four Lords
    • This will be a new series of 4 Trials. The beasts located on the World Map are given as a hint...
    • First one to be: Byakko, A White Tiger.
      • The Jade Stoa - Normal and Extreme versions, for Byakko's fight.

  • New Raids:
    • Omega : Sigmascape (Normal and Savage)

  • The Forbidden Land of Eureka:
    • A new land, with a separate leveling system. (NOT Deep Dungeon)
    • This area will expand as the game's patches progresses. You will expand your weapon AND your armor to make them stronger!

  • Various Job Adjustments:
    • BLM and WAR mentioned, but no specifics.

  • The Feast Updates:
    • New Map, Rule Revisions, and Ranked Team Matches
      • New Map: Crystal Tower Training Grounds.
      • Added because the dev team wants "to bring a more Final Fantasy feel to the PvP arena." (NOT related to the Crystal Tower series of raids.)
    • Team Rankings similar to Grand Company recruitments.
    • Rival Wings will also undergo adjustments.
  • Match Length reduced to 6 minutes (currently 8 minutes), Supply Box times adjusted, Culling Time duration and Rate adjusted, Adrenaline Gauge Accumulation Rate adjusted. Offensive & Defensive supplies Removed, Player Respawn locations changed.
  • Role-based Medal caps adjusted.
    • Tank: 200, Melee DPS: 175, Ranged DPS: 150, Healer: 125 medals.
    • Players in possession of fewer medals than the initial allotment will be granted the Light Medal status, which will make them receive less damage as a result.

  • Glamour Updates:
  • All Glamour Prisms will be unified into one type. (No more Goldsmith prisms, Blacksmith prisms, etc. Will be all one generic 'Glamour Prism' type.
  • You can convert items (essentially destroying the item) and register the appearance of the item inside of a "Mirage Dresser". Will cost 1 glamour prism to destroy the item and record its appearance in the Mirage Dresser.
  • Since the item is destroyed when converted, you obviously cannot wear it as equipment any longer unless you get another drop of the item.
    • Maximum of 200 different items can be recorded in the "Mirage Dresser".
    • Mirage Dresser only accessible from inside an Inn room. (For now!)
  • Can mix and match items from the Mirage Dresser into 10 different "ensembles", which you can then apply to your gear inside Cities, Inns, Residential Areas, and the Ivory Chapel. The limit of 10 may be raised later down the line if the demand is high enough and "the time is right" for it.
    • Ensembles are essentially another version of a gearset, except dealing with the physical appearance of the item only. (Does not swap items around, just their appearance.)
      • Want to save an outfit for you to quickly swap into on the beach? Save a bikini top, bikini bottom, shoes, jewelry, and flower for your hair as an ensemble and quickly sport the look at the click of a button!
    • Applying an Ensemble to your gear does not consume a Glamour Prism.
    • An item can be dyed one color in one Ensemble, and it can be dyed a completely different color in a different Ensemble if you so wish. As an example: If you have a Cotton Shepherd's Tunic dyed White on one ensemble, you can have it dyed Black on another ensemble and the system will remember that.
  • Items that can be placed in the Armoire cannot be converted/destroyed for use in the Mirage Dresser.
  • The Current Glamour System will still exist. This is just being added as an alternative system, and as a way for people who frequently use the same item in multiple glamour sets a way to remove that item from their inventory and make it easier to swap into that item's appearance.
  • Inventory Updates:
    • Item Stack Limit raised to 999.
    • 'Undo Sort' will be added, to undo the potential mess caused when using the 'Sort' command.
    • Chocobo Saddlebags added. Essentially a 70 slot bag that can only be accessed outside of towns and outside of instanced areas. (Wherever you can summon your chocobo to appear to fight along side you). Items stored in these saddlebags cannot be used, put up for sale, delivered, used as components for crafting, etc. It is only a storage device. You can take the item(s) out of the saddlebags and place them into your inventory, and do whatever you want with them after that.

  • New Housing Plots!
    • Only a portion of the new plots will be available when the patch initially releases. As time goes on, more will be gradually released.
    • There will also be 'changes to plot purchasing', which will be demonstrated at the next Live Letter.

  • Subaquatic Voyages

  • 'Perform' updates:
    • New UI! You no longer need to use macros or individual notes assigned to your hotbars, instead you will have a keyboard layout that you can assign hotkeys or controller buttons to.
    • Adjustments to the timing of when the note audio is played.
    • 3 New instruments, for a total of 4 different instruments!

  • New Allagan Tomestone:
  • Mendacity.

  • Dungeon Adjustments:
  • Old Main Scenario Dungeons will be adjusted in some way.
  • New Squadron Dungeons
    • Uznair adjustments.

  • Duty Recorder!
    • The server will allow you to record and revisit your adventures in instanced duties. Once saved, when reviewing the footage you can click around to view the different perspectives of your party members, or even the enemies themselves!
    • You can pause the playback at any time and move the camera wherever you wish, including toggling on the Group Pose or Idle Cam functions.
  • For this function to work:
    • Duty Records must be enabled, Parties must meet the minimum size requirements, and ALL party members must consent to a new 'Ready Check', confirming that they're allowing themselves to be 'recorded' for somebody to view later. If a single party member declines the Ready Check, then the footage will not be saved. This feature is also ONLY allowed for pre-formed parties. You cannot use this in the Duty Finder with random players added.
  • Player names will not be saved, and instead will use the Job name for each player when reviewing the footage later. (Dragoon, Dark Knight, etc.)
  • Up to 3 different recordings can be saved at once, each one with a maximum of whatever the total length of the duty is. Currently the maximum length a duty can be is 120 minutes, so the maximum length of any one of the recordings is 120 minutes.
  • A player's computer or console is not used to record the footage, it is all server-side with all player movement and actions being logged so you can see exactly what party members were doing later.
  • Similar to how Street Fighter's replays are done.
  • Footage can only be played back inside an Inn room.
  • It is possible for footage to become 'out of date' or 'too old'. Causes for this could be: If any job actions are removed (such as Stoneskin), then it will be impossible to view the footage once that action is removed. Also can occur if any new Job actions are added like in new patches or a new expansion.
    • It essentially uses the current game's data to play out the battle when you want to review it, and does not actually save a video recording of the duty. The server will record something like: "Player 1 moves to this location and uses Ability A at this time, then receives an Ability C heal from Player 2." If Ability A gets removed, then obviously the system won't know what Ability A is anymore and it will prevent the file from being viewed.
  • You can disable the UI as well, opening up the possibility of some interesting cinematic choices for a fight.
  • You can fast forward the footage 2x, 3x, or even 4x. But there is no 'slow motion' available due to how the game deals with packets.
  • There will be a track bar available on a UI element to allow you to jump ahead to a certain part of the fight or phase. For example: If you want to watch the ending minute of a fight, you can click ahead on the track bar to that point in time without having to watch the entirety of the fight to get to that last minute.
Lodestone: Lodestone Patch Notes
Hotfixes: 2018/02/06

Item Level Classes Stats
 Black Willow Cane Icon.png  Black Willow Cane
Tools icon.png
 &0000000000000350000000350&000000000000007000000070 CNJWHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 78 HQ Icon2.png 87
Magic Damage 78 HQ Icon2.png 87
Mind +117  HQ Icon2.png +130
Vitality +107  HQ Icon2.png +119
Critical Hit +116  HQ Icon2.png +129
Spell Speed +81  HQ Icon2.png +90

 Black Willow Greatbow Icon.png  Black Willow Greatbow
Tools icon.png
 &0000000000000350000000350&000000000000007000000070 ARCBRD
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 78 HQ Icon2.png 87
Magic Damage 40 HQ Icon2.png 44
Dexterity +117  HQ Icon2.png +130
Vitality +119  HQ Icon2.png +132
Direct Hit Rate +116  HQ Icon2.png +129
Skill Speed +81  HQ Icon2.png +90

 Black Willow Spear Icon.png  Black Willow Spear
Tools icon.png
 &0000000000000350000000350&000000000000007000000070 LNCDRG
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 78 HQ Icon2.png 87
Magic Damage 40 HQ Icon2.png 44
Strength +117  HQ Icon2.png +130
Vitality +119  HQ Icon2.png +132
Skill Speed +116  HQ Icon2.png +129
Critical Hit +81  HQ Icon2.png +90

 Byakko's Cane Icon.png  Byakko's Cane
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000355000000355&000000000000007000000070 CNJWHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 88
Magic Damage 88
Mind +132 
Vitality +121 
Piety +130 
Determination +91 

 Byakko's Codex Icon.png  Byakko's Codex
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000355000000355&000000000000007000000070 SCH
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 88
Magic Damage 88
Mind +132 
Vitality +121 
Determination +130 
Critical Hit +91 

 Byakko's Ephemeris Icon.png  Byakko's Ephemeris
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000355000000355&000000000000007000000070 AST
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 88
Magic Damage 88
Mind +132 
Vitality +121 
Determination +130 
Piety +91 

 Byakko's Estoc Icon.png  Byakko's Estoc
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000355000000355&000000000000007000000070 RDM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 88
Magic Damage 88
Intelligence +132 
Vitality +121 
Determination +130 
Spell Speed +91 

 Byakko's Fists Icon.png  Byakko's Fists
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000355000000355&000000000000007000000070 PGLMNK
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 88
Magic Damage 44
Strength +132 
Vitality +134 
Determination +130 
Direct Hit Rate +91 

 Byakko's Greataxe Icon.png  Byakko's Greataxe
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000355000000355&000000000000007000000070 MRDWAR
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 88
Magic Damage 44
Strength +132 
Vitality +134 
Determination +130 
Skill Speed +91 

 Byakko's Greatsword Icon.png  Byakko's Greatsword
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000355000000355&000000000000007000000070 DRK
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 88
Magic Damage 44
Strength +132 
Vitality +134 
Critical Hit +130 
Determination +91 

 Byakko's Grimoire Icon.png  Byakko's Grimoire
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000355000000355&000000000000007000000070 ACNSMN
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 88
Magic Damage 88
Intelligence +132 
Vitality +121 
Direct Hit Rate +130 
Determination +91 

 Byakko's Handscythes Icon.png  Byakko's Handscythes
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000355000000355&000000000000007000000070 ROGNIN
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 88
Magic Damage 44
Dexterity +132 
Vitality +134 
Critical Hit +130 
Skill Speed +91 

 Byakko's Katana Icon.png  Byakko's Katana
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000355000000355&000000000000007000000070 SAM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 88
Magic Damage 44
Strength +132 
Vitality +134 
Skill Speed +130 
Critical Hit +91 

 Byakko's Lance Icon.png  Byakko's Lance
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000355000000355&000000000000007000000070 LNCDRG
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 88
Magic Damage 44
Strength +132 
Vitality +134 
Direct Hit Rate +130 
Determination +91 

 Byakko's Lutebow Icon.png  Byakko's Lutebow
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000355000000355&000000000000007000000070 ARCBRD
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 88
Magic Damage 44
Dexterity +132 
Vitality +134 
Skill Speed +130 
Determination +91 

 Byakko's Revolver Icon.png  Byakko's Revolver
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000355000000355&000000000000007000000070 MCH
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 88
Magic Damage 44
Dexterity +132 
Vitality +134 
Determination +130 
Direct Hit Rate +91 

 Byakko's Rod Icon.png  Byakko's Rod
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000355000000355&000000000000007000000070 THMBLM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 88
Magic Damage 88
Intelligence +132 
Vitality +121 
Determination +130 
Spell Speed +91 

 Byakko's Stone Sword Icon.png  Byakko's Stone Sword
Map17 Icon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000355000000355&000000000000007000000070 GLAPLD
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 88
Magic Damage 44
Strength +94 
Vitality +96 
Skill Speed +93 
Critical Hit +65 

 Byakurenge Kai Icon.png  Byakurenge Kai
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000370000000370&000000000000007000000070 CNJWHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 89
Magic Damage 89
Mind +137 
Vitality +127 
Determination +134 
Critical Hit +94 

 Byakurenge Icon.png  Byakurenge
 &0000000000000360000000360&000000000000007000000070 CNJWHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 88
Magic Damage 88
Mind +133 
Vitality +123 
Determination +131 
Critical Hit +92 

Limiting results to the first 20 Weapons. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 4.2 Weapons.
Item Level Classes Stats
 Adventuring Sweater Icon.png  Adventuring Sweater
Tools icon.pngMap17 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 9 HQ Icon2.png 11
Magic Defense 16 HQ Icon2.png 17

 Ala Mhigan Gown Icon.png  Ala Mhigan Gown
Tools icon.pngMap17 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 9 HQ Icon2.png 11
Magic Defense 16 HQ Icon2.png 17

 Angelic Chaplets Icon.png  Angelic Chaplets
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 8
Magic Defense 14

 Angelic Circlet Icon.png  Angelic Circlet
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 8
Magic Defense 14

 Angelic Slops Icon.png  Angelic Slops
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 10
Magic Defense 18

 Angelic Thighboots Icon.png  Angelic Thighboots
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 8
Magic Defense 14

 Angelic Wings Icon.png  Angelic Wings
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 10
Magic Defense 18

 Augmented Boltking's Boots Icon.png  Augmented Boltking's Boots
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 WVR
Req. Level 70
Defense 120
Magic Defense 239
Control +165 
Craftsmanship +29 

 Augmented Boltking's Cap Icon.png  Augmented Boltking's Cap
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 WVR
Req. Level 70
Defense 120
Magic Defense 239
Control +165 
CP +6 

 Augmented Boltking's Gloves Icon.png  Augmented Boltking's Gloves
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 WVR
Req. Level 70
Defense 120
Magic Defense 239
Control +165 
CP +6 

 Augmented Boltking's Jacket Icon.png  Augmented Boltking's Jacket
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 WVR
Req. Level 70
Defense 160
Magic Defense 321
Craftsmanship +440 
Control +165 
CP +4 

 Augmented Boltking's Slops Icon.png  Augmented Boltking's Slops
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 WVR
Req. Level 70
Defense 160
Magic Defense 321
Control +165 
Craftsmanship +29 

 Augmented Cauldronking's Boots Icon.png  Augmented Cauldronking's Boots
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 ALC
Req. Level 70
Defense 120
Magic Defense 239
Control +165 
Craftsmanship +29 

 Augmented Cauldronking's Coat Icon.png  Augmented Cauldronking's Coat
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 ALC
Req. Level 70
Defense 160
Magic Defense 321
Craftsmanship +440 
Control +165 
CP +4 

 Augmented Cauldronking's Dress Gloves Icon.png  Augmented Cauldronking's Dress Gloves
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 ALC
Req. Level 70
Defense 120
Magic Defense 239
Control +165 
CP +6 

 Augmented Cauldronking's Hat Icon.png  Augmented Cauldronking's Hat
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 ALC
Req. Level 70
Defense 120
Magic Defense 239
Control +165 
CP +6 

 Augmented Cauldronking's Slops Icon.png  Augmented Cauldronking's Slops
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 ALC
Req. Level 70
Defense 160
Magic Defense 321
Control +165 
Craftsmanship +29 

 Augmented Fieldking's Gloves Icon.png  Augmented Fieldking's Gloves
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 BTN
Req. Level 70
Defense 120
Magic Defense 239
Gathering +198 
GP +6 
Vitality +26 

 Augmented Fieldking's Hat Icon.png  Augmented Fieldking's Hat
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 BTN
Req. Level 70
Defense 120
Magic Defense 239
Perception +264 
Vitality +26 

 Augmented Fieldking's Shirt Icon.png  Augmented Fieldking's Shirt
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 BTN
Req. Level 70
Defense 160
Magic Defense 321
Gathering +264 
Perception +132 
GP +6 
Vitality +42 

Limiting results to the first 20 Armors. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 4.2 Armor.
Item Level Classes Stats
 Augmented Boltking's Needle Icon.png  Augmented Boltking's Needle
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 WVR
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 43
Magic Damage 26
Craftsmanship +514 
Control +276 

 Augmented Cauldronking's Alembic Icon.png  Augmented Cauldronking's Alembic
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 ALC
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 43
Magic Damage 26
Craftsmanship +514 
Control +276 

 Augmented Fieldking's Hatchet Icon.png  Augmented Fieldking's Hatchet
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 BTN
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 43
Magic Damage 26
Gathering +461 
Perception +264 
Vitality +56 

 Augmented Forgeking's Hammer Icon.png  Augmented Forgeking's Hammer
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 BSM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 43
Magic Damage 26
Craftsmanship +514 
Control +276 

 Augmented Galleyking's Frypan Icon.png  Augmented Galleyking's Frypan
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 CUL
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 43
Magic Damage 26
Craftsmanship +514 
Control +276 

 Augmented Gemking's Mallet Icon.png  Augmented Gemking's Mallet
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 GSM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 43
Magic Damage 26
Craftsmanship +514 
Control +276 

 Augmented Hammerking's Beetle Icon.png  Augmented Hammerking's Beetle
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 ARM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 43
Magic Damage 26
Craftsmanship +514 
Control +276 

 Augmented Hideking's Knife Icon.png  Augmented Hideking's Knife
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 LTW
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 43
Magic Damage 26
Craftsmanship +514 
Control +276 

 Augmented Millking's Saw Icon.png  Augmented Millking's Saw
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 CRP
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 43
Magic Damage 26
Craftsmanship +514 
Control +276 

 Augmented Mineking's Pickaxe Icon.png  Augmented Mineking's Pickaxe
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 MIN
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 43
Magic Damage 26
Gathering +461 
Perception +264 
Vitality +56 

 Augmented Tackleking's Rod Icon.png  Augmented Tackleking's Rod
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000330000000330&000000000000007000000070 FSH
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 43
Magic Damage 26
Gathering +461 
Perception +264 
Vitality +56 

Meals & Medicine
Name Duration Consumable Bonuses
Bread Basket Icon.png Bread Basket 30m/60m Tenacity +4%  (Cap: 12)
Vitality +4%  (Cap: 8)
Gear Durability Bonus +2
EXP Bonus +3%

Crimson Cider Icon.png Crimson Cider 30m Critical Hit +8%  (Cap: +38)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +40)
Direct Hit Rate +8%  (Cap: +22)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Dzo Steak Icon.png Dzo Steak 30m Tenacity +8%  (Cap: +38)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +40)
Determination +8%  (Cap: +22)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Futo-maki Roll Icon.png Futo-maki Roll 30m Direct Hit Rate +8%  (Cap: +38)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +40)
Determination +8%  (Cap: +22)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Grade 2 Infusion of Dexterity Icon.png Grade 2 Infusion of Dexterity 30s Dexterity +8%  (Cap: +82)
Adds Medicated  

Grade 2 Infusion of Intelligence Icon.png Grade 2 Infusion of Intelligence 30s Intelligence +8%  (Cap: +82)
Adds Medicated  

Grade 2 Infusion of Mind Icon.png Grade 2 Infusion of Mind 30s Mind +8%  (Cap: +82)
Adds Medicated  

Grade 2 Infusion of Strength Icon.png Grade 2 Infusion of Strength 30s Strength +8%  (Cap: +82)
Adds Medicated  

Grade 2 Infusion of Vitality Icon.png Grade 2 Infusion of Vitality 30s Vitality +8%  (Cap: +82)
Adds Medicated  

House Borel Tea Set Icon.png House Borel Tea Set 30m/60m Skill Speed +4%  (Cap: 12)
Vitality +4%  (Cap: 8)
Gear Durability Bonus +2
EXP Bonus +3%

Oden Icon.png Oden 30m Spell Speed +8%  (Cap: +38)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +40)
Determination +8%  (Cap: +22)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Royal Dowager Tea Set Icon.png Royal Dowager Tea Set 30m/60m Critical Hit +4%  (Cap: 12)
Vitality +4%  (Cap: 8)
Gear Durability Bonus +2
EXP Bonus +3%

Sauteed Green Leeks Icon.png Sauteed Green Leeks 30m Skill Speed +8%  (Cap: +38)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +40)
Determination +8%  (Cap: +22)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Spriggan Chocolate Icon.png Spriggan Chocolate 30m Vitality +1
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Tako-yaki Icon.png Tako-yaki 30m Determination +8%  (Cap: +38)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +40)
Critical Hit +8%  (Cap: +22)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Tofu Pancakes Icon.png Tofu Pancakes 30m Piety +8%  (Cap: +38)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +40)
Determination +8%  (Cap: +22)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Materials, Housing, Other
Name Description
Air Force Identification Key Icon.png Air Force Identification Key A thin, rectangular piece of what appears to be cermet. Placing it near your Air Force mobile assault unit will magically bring the machine to life.
Ala Ghiri Oil Painting Icon.png Ala Ghiri Oil Painting An oil painting of Ala Ghiri based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
Ala Mhigan Quarter 2 Oil Painting Icon.png Ala Mhigan Quarter 2 Oil Painting An oil painting of the Ala Mhigan Quarter #2 based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
Ala Mhigan Weave Icon.png Ala Mhigan Weave Cloth woven using traditional techniques that date back to the Fifth Astral Era.
Alligator Snapping Turtle Icon.png Alligator Snapping Turtle This land turtle can easily be identified by both its pointed shell and its powerful bite.

[Suitable for printing on medium canvases.]
Alpha's Feather Icon.png Alpha's Feather A single yellow feather fallen from the chocobo Alpha.
Auspicious Kamuy Fife Icon.png Auspicious Kamuy Fife The prophetic song of this stout flute is said to summon a kamuy blessed by Lord Byakko himself.
Authentic Eastern Cherry Petal Pile Icon.png Authentic Eastern Cherry Petal Pile There is nothing quite as ephemeral as a single pink cherry petal dancing in the wind as it makes its long descent from tree to earth, just as there is nothing quite as exhilarating as jumping in an authentic reproduction of a drift of tens of thousands of said petals.
Authentic Little Ladies' Day Advertisement Icon.png Authentic Little Ladies' Day Advertisement An authentic reproduction of one of hundreds of hand-drawn images posted about Ul'dah in preparation for Little Ladies' Day.
Authentic Paramour Vase Icon.png Authentic Paramour Vase An authentic reproduction of the perfect way to say “I love you” without having your hands torn to shreds by thousands of prickly rose thorns.

Select flowers can be displayed within.
Ballroom Etiquette - Bewilderment Icon.png Ballroom Etiquette - Bewilderment An illustrated manual of expressions that can be used to feign bemusement when confronted by difficult-to-recall acquaintances at social gatherings. Use to learn the /aback emote.
Ballroom Etiquette - Display of Power Icon.png Ballroom Etiquette - Display of Power An illustrated manual of various Far Eastern vulgarities. Use to learn the /powerup emote.
Ballroom Etiquette - Fear and Loathing Icon.png Ballroom Etiquette - Fear and Loathing An illustrated manual of how not to react when confronted by highwaymen or tax collectors. Use to learn the /tremble emote.
Ballroom Etiquette - Improper Praise 1 Icon.png Ballroom Etiquette - Improper Praise 1 The first installment of a three-volume manual on how to express admiration in a manner unbefitting one of high birth. Use to learn the /cheeron emote.
Ballroom Etiquette - Improper Praise 2 Icon.png Ballroom Etiquette - Improper Praise 2 The second installment of a three-volume manual on how to express admiration in a manner unbefitting one of high birth. Use to learn the /cheerwave emote.
Ballroom Etiquette - Improper Praise 3 Icon.png Ballroom Etiquette - Improper Praise 3 The final installment of a three-volume manual on how to express admiration in a manner unbefitting one of high birth. Use to learn the /cheerjump emote.
Ballroom Etiquette - Modern Dance Icon.png Ballroom Etiquette - Modern Dance An illustrated manual of the various steps that comprise popular performers the Songbirds' most famous act. Use to learn the /songbird emote.
Ballroom Etiquette - Pursuing Happiness Icon.png Ballroom Etiquette - Pursuing Happiness An illustrated manual of how to properly feign amusement without risk of insult when humoring boorish, yet important, individuals. Use to learn the /biggrin emote.
Ballroom Etiquette - Reflection Icon.png Ballroom Etiquette - Reflection An illustrated manual of how to contemplate past errors in judgment and how to successfully transfer the blame to someone of lesser social standing. Use to learn the /reflect emote.
Ballroom Etiquette - Salacious Sentiments Icon.png Ballroom Etiquette - Salacious Sentiments An illustrated manual of vulgar reactions to lustful advances. Use to learn the /charmed emote.
Limiting results to the first 20 Materials. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 4.2 Materials.
Mounts & Minions
Name Description
Air Force Identification Key Icon.png Air Force Identification Key A thin, rectangular piece of what appears to be cermet. Placing it near your Air Force mobile assault unit will magically bring the machine to life.
Aurelia Polyp Icon.png Aurelia Polyp Lighter than air─er...water.

Use item to acquire the aurelia polyp minion.
Auspicious Kamuy Fife Icon.png Auspicious Kamuy Fife The prophetic song of this stout flute is said to summon a kamuy blessed by Lord Byakko himself.
Broken Heart Pendant (Left) Icon.png Broken Heart Pendant (Left) When held aloft, this pendant magically summons half of a flying heart. The left half.
Broken Heart Pendant (Right) Icon.png Broken Heart Pendant (Right) When held aloft, this pendant magically summons half of a flying heart. The right half.
Byakko Cub Icon.png Byakko Cub Got to be the fuzziest.

Use item to acquire the Byakko cub minion.
Komainu Icon.png Komainu Part lion, part dog, all lion-dog.

Use item to acquire the komainu minion.
Magitek Death Claw Identification Key Icon.png Magitek Death Claw Identification Key A thin, rectangular piece of what appears to be cermet. Placing it near your magitek death claw will magically bring the machine to life.
Marid Horn Icon.png Marid Horn A horn of ivory used to summon a towering marid.
Motley Egg Icon.png Motley Egg The tiny Archon inside is certain to kickstart your heart.

Use item to acquire the motley egg minion.
Nezha Chariot Dizi Icon.png Nezha Chariot Dizi It is not known why that when sounding this lacquered wooden fife an elaborate two-wheeled chariot appears, only that one does.
Private Moai Icon.png Private Moai It's watching you. Watching you. Watching you.

Use item to acquire the private moai minion.
The Gold Whisker Icon.png The Gold Whisker Beckons you to enter his barrel of sin, but don't go in.

Use item to acquire the Gold Whisker minion.
True Griffin Horn Icon.png True Griffin Horn A beautifully carved horn that summons a true griffin trained since birth to carry riders on her back.
White Whittret Icon.png White Whittret Once you pop...

Use item to acquire the white whittret minion.
Wind-up Ananta Icon.png Wind-up Ananta Why did it have to be a snake?

Use item to acquire the wind-up Ananta minion.
Wind-up Kefka Icon.png Wind-up Kefka Just can't believe it? Believe it!

Use item to acquire the wind-up Kefka minion.
Wind-up Yotsuyu Icon.png Wind-up Yotsuyu Now she can be the bane of your existence! A font of your misery!

Use item to acquire the wind-up Yotsuyu minion.
Triple Triad Cards
Name Description
Ango Card Icon.png Ango Card An uncommon (★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 199
Arenvald Lentinus Card Icon.png Arenvald Lentinus Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 204
Byakko Card Icon.png Byakko Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 203
Genbu Card Icon.png Genbu Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 202
Guidance Node Card Icon.png Guidance Node Card An uncommon (★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 200
Hancock Card Icon.png Hancock Card An epic (★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 206
Hisui and Kurenai Card Icon.png Hisui and Kurenai Card A legendary (★★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 207
Koja Card Icon.png Koja Card A common (★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 198
Lupin Card Icon.png Lupin Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 205
Tansui Card Icon.png Tansui Card An uncommon (★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 201
Orchestrion Rolls
Name Description
A Mother's Pride Orchestrion Roll Icon.png A Mother's Pride Orchestrion Roll Music roll for A Mother's Pride. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Amatsu Kaze Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Amatsu Kaze Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Amatsu Kaze. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Answer on High Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Answer on High Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Answer on High. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Babbling Brook Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Babbling Brook Orchestrion Roll Music roll of the soothing babbling of a countryside brook. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Bustling Boulevard Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Bustling Boulevard Orchestrion Roll Music roll of the soothing bustle of a busy boulevard. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Chapel Bell Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Chapel Bell Orchestrion Roll Music roll of the soothing toll of a chapel bell. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Crimson Sunset Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Crimson Sunset Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Crimson Sunset. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Cyan's Theme Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Cyan's Theme Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Cyan's Theme. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Daring Dalliances Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Daring Dalliances Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Daring Dalliances. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Down Where Daemons Dwell Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Down Where Daemons Dwell Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Down Where Daemons Dwell. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Faded Copy of the Jade Stoa Icon.png Faded Copy of the Jade Stoa Timeworn pages of sheet music containing full scores for Answer on High and Amatsu Kaze.
Fragments of Forever Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Fragments of Forever Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Fragments of Forever. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
He Rises Above Orchestrion Roll Icon.png He Rises Above Orchestrion Roll Music roll for He Rises Above. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Iroha Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Iroha Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Iroha. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Keepers of the Lock Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Keepers of the Lock Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Keepers of the Lock. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Liberty or Death Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Liberty or Death Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Liberty or Death. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Prelude - Long March Home Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Prelude - Long March Home Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Prelude - Long March Home. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Revenge Twofold Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Revenge Twofold Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Revenge Twofold. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Rival Wings Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Rival Wings Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Rival Wings. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Shattered Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Shattered Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Shattered. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Limiting results to the first 20 Orchestrion Rolls. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 4.2 Orchestrion Rolls.
Name Rewards Patch
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000001500000015&0000000000000152000000152&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006862000000068,620A Colorful AffairLittle Ladies' Day Event Icon.pngA Colorful AffairSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000001500000015)

Mythril Eye Reporter - Ul'dah - Steps of Nald - Pugilists' Guild (x:9.2, y:9.1)

Ballroom Etiquette - Improper Praise 1
Ballroom Etiquette - Improper Praise 2
Ballroom Etiquette - Improper Praise 3

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006862000000068,620&000000000000001500000015A Colorful Affair
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&00000000000000010000001&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006857200000068,572Brooding BroodmotherFeaturequest1 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.Brooding BroodmotherSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

M'rahz Nunh - The Fringes - Virdjala - The Peering Stones (x:30.3, y:25.8)

Expicon.png25,000-80,387Gil Icon.png1,158

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006857200000068,572&000000000000006000000060Brooding Broodmother
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&00000000000000030000003&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006857400000068,574Chance of GalesFeaturequest1 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.Chance of GalesSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Alpa - The Fringes - Virdjala - Castellum Velodyna (x:21.7, y:26.3)

Expicon.png62,500-80,387Gil Icon.png1,585

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006857400000068,574&000000000000006000000060Chance of Gales
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&00000000000000060000006&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006857700000068,577Celebratory SmorgasbordFeaturequest1 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.Celebratory SmorgasbordSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Alpa - The Fringes - Virdjala - Castellum Velodyna (x:21.7, y:26.3)

Expicon.png70,000-80,387Gil Icon.png1,075

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006857700000068,577&000000000000006000000060Celebratory Smorgasbord
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&00000000000000070000007&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006857900000068,579A Real Fixer-upperSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.A Real Fixer-upperSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Eshana - The Fringes - Virdjala - Castellum Velodyna (x:20.9, y:26.2)

Expicon.png62,500-80,387Gil Icon.png550Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Ananta Relations Icon.png 60
Ananta Dreamstaff

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006857900000068,579&000000000000006000000060A Real Fixer-upper
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&00000000000000080000008&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006858000000068,580A Sluggish EndeavorSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.A Sluggish EndeavorSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Eshana - The Fringes - Virdjala - Castellum Velodyna (x:20.9, y:26.2)

Expicon.png62,500-80,387Gil Icon.png550Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Ananta Relations Icon.png 60
Ananta Dreamstaff

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006858000000068,580&000000000000006000000060A Sluggish Endeavor
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&000000000000001000000010&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006858200000068,582Beating the HeatSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.Beating the HeatSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Eshana - The Fringes - Virdjala - Castellum Velodyna (x:20.9, y:26.2)

Expicon.png62,500-80,387Gil Icon.png550Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Ananta Relations Icon.png 60
Ananta Dreamstaff

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006858200000068,582&000000000000006000000060Beating the Heat
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&000000000000001200000012&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006858400000068,584A Bit of Home CookingSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.A Bit of Home CookingSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Eshana - The Fringes - Virdjala - Castellum Velodyna (x:20.9, y:26.2)

Expicon.png62,500-80,387Gil Icon.png615Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Ananta Relations Icon.png 60
Ananta Dreamstaff

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006858400000068,584&000000000000006000000060A Bit of Home Cooking
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&000000000000001400000014&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006858600000068,586A Signal for the SensesSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.A Signal for the SensesSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Eshana - The Fringes - Virdjala - Castellum Velodyna (x:20.9, y:26.2)

Expicon.png62,500-80,387Gil Icon.png615Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Ananta Relations Icon.png 60
Ananta Dreamstaff

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006858600000068,586&000000000000006000000060A Signal for the Senses
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&000000000000001900000019&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006859100000068,591A Swarm WelcomeSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.A Swarm WelcomeSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Eshana - The Fringes - Virdjala - Castellum Velodyna (x:20.9, y:26.2)

Expicon.png62,500-80,387Gil Icon.png615Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Ananta Relations Icon.png 60
Ananta Dreamstaff

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006859100000068,591&000000000000006000000060A Swarm Welcome
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&000000000000002500000025&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006859700000068,597Ants in the PantsSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.Ants in the PantsSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Eshana - The Fringes - Virdjala - Castellum Velodyna (x:20.9, y:26.2)

Expicon.png66,250-80,387Gil Icon.png615Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Ananta Relations Icon.png 60
Ananta Dreamstaff

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006859700000068,597&000000000000006000000060Ants in the Pants
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&000000000000002800000028&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006859300000068,593Bhoot CampsSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.Bhoot CampsSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Eshana - The Fringes - Virdjala - Castellum Velodyna (x:20.9, y:26.2)

Expicon.png66,250-80,387Gil Icon.png550Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Ananta Relations Icon.png 60
Ananta Dreamstaff

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006859300000068,593&000000000000006000000060Bhoot Camps
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&000000000000003000000030&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006860100000068,601A Delicate OperationSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.A Delicate OperationSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Eshana - The Fringes - Virdjala - Castellum Velodyna (x:20.9, y:26.2)

Expicon.png66,250-80,387Gil Icon.png550Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Ananta Relations Icon.png 60
Ananta Dreamstaff

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006860100000068,601&000000000000006000000060A Delicate Operation
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&000000000000003100000031&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006860200000068,602A Business ProposalSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.A Business ProposalSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Eshana - The Fringes - Virdjala - Castellum Velodyna (x:20.9, y:26.2)

Expicon.png66,250-80,387Gil Icon.png615Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Ananta Relations Icon.png 60
Ananta Dreamstaff

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006860200000068,602&000000000000006000000060A Business Proposal
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&000000000000003400000034&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006860500000068,605Catching and FletchingSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.Catching and FletchingSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Eshana - The Fringes - Virdjala - Castellum Velodyna (x:20.9, y:26.2)

Expicon.png66,250-80,387Gil Icon.png550Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Ananta Relations Icon.png 60
Ananta Dreamstaff

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006860500000068,605&000000000000006000000060Catching and Fletching
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000007000000070&000000000000001200000012&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006856900000068,569An Unfinished MasterpieceFeaturequest1 Icon.pngAn Unfinished MasterpieceSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000007000000070)

Cid - The Interdimensional Rift - Temporary Camp (x:19.8, y:25.1)

Grade 2 Infusion of Strength
Grade 2 Infusion of Strength
Grade 2 Infusion of Dexterity
Grade 2 Infusion of Dexterity
Grade 2 Infusion of Vitality
Grade 2 Infusion of Vitality
Grade 2 Infusion of Intelligence
Grade 2 Infusion of Intelligence
Grade 2 Infusion of Mind
Grade 2 Infusion of Mind
&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006856900000068,569&000000000000007000000070An Unfinished Masterpiece
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000007000000070&000000000000001800000018&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006856400000068,564A Guilty ConscienceMainquest1 Icon.pngA Guilty ConscienceSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000007000000070)

Asahi - Yanxia - The Glittering Basin (x:30.8, y:27.5)

Expicon.png10,800Gil Icon.png752

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006856400000068,564&000000000000007000000070A Guilty Conscience
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000007000000070&000000000000002000000020&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006862300000068,623A Thousand and One FarewellsFeaturequest1 Icon.pngA Thousand and One FarewellsSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000007000000070)

Hozan - Mor Dhona - Fogfens (x:22.8, y:7)

Gil Icon.png1,897

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006862300000068,623&000000000000007000000070A Thousand and One Farewells
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000007000000070&0000000000000301000000301&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006855100000068,551An Auspicious EncounterFeaturequest1 Icon.pngAn Auspicious EncounterSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000007000000070)

Soroban - The Ruby Sea - East Othard Coastline (x:5.7, y:15.8)

Gil Icon.png4,500
Iroha Orchestrion Roll

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006855100000068,551&000000000000007000000070An Auspicious Encounter
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000007000000070&000000000001002100000010,021&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006861300000068,613An Unwanted TruthFeaturequest1 Icon.pngAn Unwanted TruthSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000007000000070)

Philiot - Rhalgr's Reach - Starfall (x:13.2, y:12.2)

Gil Icon.png4,500

&00000000000000042000004.2&000000000006861300000068,613&000000000000007000000070An Unwanted Truth
Limiting results to the first 20 Quests. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 4.2 Quests.
Name Zone Coordinates
Alpa Kugane (x:9.6, y:8.1)
Ananta Instructor The Fringes (x:22.3, y:17.1)
Ananta Recruit The Fringes (x:22.3, y:17.1)
Ananta Sentry The Fringes (x:28.5, y:26.1)
Ananta Whispermaid The Fringes (x:22.5, y:27.5)
Ancient Marid The Fringes (x:23.4, y:29)
Anuraga The Fringes (x:21.7, y:26.7)
Asahi The Doman Enclave (x:6.6, y:7.1)
Astrid Old Gridania (x:10.2, y:9.4)
Bleeding Scout The Fringes (x:27, y:23.4)
Byakko The Ruby Sea (x:35.6, y:16.3)
Cowering Carrier The Fringes (x:16.1, y:13.9)
Crazed Dhara The Fringes (x:34.7, y:26.7)
Dakshina The Fringes (x:19.7, y:25.2)
Dubious Dandy The Fringes (x:14.8, y:21.1)
Eager Gatekeeper The Fringes (x:17.4, y:18.5)
Eshana The Fringes (x:20.9, y:26.2)
Ferry Skipper (Bloodshore) Eastern La Noscea (x:33.7, y:29.3)
Ferry Skipper (Eastern La Noscea Ferry Docks) Eastern La Noscea (x:33.7, y:29.3)
Ferry Skipper (Ferry Docks) Eastern La Noscea (x:33.7, y:29.3)
Limiting results to the first 20 NPCs. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 4.2 NPCs.
Hells' Lid (Zone)
Reisen Temple
Sigmascape V1.0 (Zone)
Sigmascape V2.0 (Zone)
Sigmascape V3.0 (Zone)
Sigmascape V4.0 (Zone)
The Jade Stoa (Zone)
Valentione's Ceremony
Trials & Raids
Sigmascape V1.0 2 2 4
Sigmascape V1.0 (Savage) 2 2 4
Sigmascape V2.0 2 2 4
Sigmascape V2.0 (Savage) 2 2 4
Sigmascape V3.0 2 2 4
Sigmascape V3.0 (Savage) 2 2 4
Sigmascape V4.0 2 2 4
Sigmascape V4.0 (Savage) 2 2 4
The Jade Stoa 2 2 4
The Jade Stoa (Extreme) 2 2 4
Hells' Lid (Duty) 1 1 2
The Fractal Continuum (Hard) 1 1 2
PvP Actions
Icon Name Category Type Description
002638.png I Am the Savage Sigma, I Am the Savage Omega II Battle Raids Complete Omega: Sigmascape (Savage) 5 times.
002638.png I Am the Savage Sigma, I Am the Savage Omega I Battle Raids Complete Omega: Sigmascape (Savage).
002638.png I Am the Savage Sigma, I Am the Savage Omega III Battle Raids Complete Omega: Sigmascape (Savage) 10 times.
002638.png I Am the Sigma, I Am the Omega I Battle Raids Complete Omega: Sigmascape.
002638.png I Am the Sigma, I Am the Omega II Battle Raids Complete Omega: Sigmascape 5 times.
002638.png I Am the Sigma, I Am the Omega III Battle Raids Complete Omega: Sigmascape 10 times.
000317.png Rock Warrior Battle Trials Defeat Byakko in the Jade Stoa (Extreme).
000119.png You Look Marvelous III Character General Be awarded a total of 100 points in the Fashion Report.
000119.png You Look Marvelous II Character General Be awarded a total of 90 points in the Fashion Report.
000119.png You Look Marvelous I Character General Be awarded a total of 80 points in the Fashion Report.
001001.png Mapping the Realm: Hells' Lid Exploration Duty Discover every location within Hells' Lid.
001001.png Remapping the Realm: Fractal Continuum Exploration Duty Discover every location in The Fractal Continuum (Hard).
025945.png The Leader of the Band VI Items Items Add 200 unique music rolls to your orchestrion.
003218.png Pack Man IV PvP The Wolves' Den Triumph in 100 matches with your PvP team at the Feast.
003218.png Pack Man V PvP The Wolves' Den Triumph in 200 matches with your PvP team at the Feast.
003218.png Pack Man I PvP The Wolves' Den Emerge victorious with your PvP team in a match at the Feast.
003218.png Pack Man III PvP The Wolves' Den Triumph in 50 matches with your PvP team at the Feast.
003218.png Pack Man II PvP The Wolves' Den Triumph in 10 matches with your PvP team at the Feast.
062963.png Call Me Snake II Quests Tribal Quests Attain rank 4 reputation (trusted) with the Velodyna Gatekeepers.
062963.png My Anantaconda Quests Tribal Quests Attain rank 7 reputation (sworn) with the Velodyna Gatekeepers.
026002.png Solar Cycle Quests Quests Complete the main scenario quest “Rise of a New Sun.”
026435.png The Fan in Fanatic Quests Seasonal Events Complete the quest “A Colorful Affair.”
052583.png Exciting and New Quests Seasonal Events Complete the quest “Lessons in Love.”
059680.png Eggsit Stage Left Quests Seasonal Events Complete the quest “Uneggseptable Losses.”
062963.png Call Me Snake III Quests Tribal Quests Attain rank 6 reputation (honored) with the Velodyna Gatekeepers.
062963.png Call Me Snake I Quests Tribal Quests Attain rank 3 reputation (friendly) with the Velodyna Gatekeepers.