Patch 6.05

Maintenance-icon.pngPatch 6.05          
(Date: 2022/01/04)
Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Promo.png
  • new Allagan tomestone, new crafting recipes, as well as the new treasure hunt dungeon, the Excitatron 6000
  • the release of Pandæmonium: Asphodelos (Savage)

Lodestone: Lodestone Patch Notes

Item Level Classes Stats
 Asphodelos Arquebus Icon.png  Asphodelos Arquebus
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 MCH
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 60
Dexterity +304 
Vitality +320 
Critical Hit +269 
Direct Hit Rate +188 

 Asphodelos Bayonet Icon.png  Asphodelos Bayonet
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 GNB
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 60
Strength +304 
Vitality +320 
Critical Hit +269 
Determination +188 

 Asphodelos Cane Icon.png  Asphodelos Cane
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 CNJWHM
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 120
Mind +304 
Vitality +288 
Determination +269 
Critical Hit +188 

 Asphodelos Claymore Icon.png  Asphodelos Claymore
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 DRK
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 60
Strength +304 
Vitality +320 
Critical Hit +269 
Determination +188 

 Asphodelos Codex Icon.png  Asphodelos Codex
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 SCH
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 120
Mind +304 
Vitality +288 
Determination +269 
Critical Hit +188 

 Asphodelos Daggers Icon.png  Asphodelos Daggers
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 ROGNIN
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 60
Dexterity +304 
Vitality +320 
Critical Hit +269 
Determination +188 

 Asphodelos Foil Icon.png  Asphodelos Foil
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 RDM
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 120
Intelligence +304 
Vitality +288 
Critical Hit +269 
Determination +188 

 Asphodelos Grimoire Icon.png  Asphodelos Grimoire
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 ACNSMN
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 120
Intelligence +304 
Vitality +288 
Critical Hit +269 
Determination +188 

 Asphodelos Harp Bow Icon.png  Asphodelos Harp Bow
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 ARCBRD
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 60
Dexterity +304 
Vitality +320 
Critical Hit +269 
Direct Hit Rate +188 

 Asphodelos Knuckles Icon.png  Asphodelos Knuckles
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 PGLMNK
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 60
Strength +304 
Vitality +320 
Critical Hit +269 
Determination +188 

 Asphodelos Longsword Icon.png  Asphodelos Longsword
Map17 Icon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 GLAPLD
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 60
Strength +217 
Vitality +229 
Critical Hit +192 
Determination +134 

 Asphodelos Orrery Icon.png  Asphodelos Orrery
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 AST
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 120
Mind +304 
Vitality +288 
Determination +269 
Critical Hit +188 

 Asphodelos Pendulums Icon.png  Asphodelos Pendulums
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 SGE
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 120
Mind +304 
Vitality +288 
Determination +269 
Critical Hit +188 

 Asphodelos Samurai Blade Icon.png  Asphodelos Samurai Blade
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 SAM
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 60
Strength +304 
Vitality +320 
Critical Hit +269 
Determination +188 

 Asphodelos Staff Icon.png  Asphodelos Staff
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 THMBLM
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 120
Intelligence +304 
Vitality +288 
Spell Speed +269 
Critical Hit +188 

 Asphodelos Tathlums Icon.png  Asphodelos Tathlums
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 DNC
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 60
Dexterity +304 
Vitality +320 
Critical Hit +269 
Direct Hit Rate +188 

 Asphodelos Trident Icon.png  Asphodelos Trident
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 LNCDRG
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 60
Strength +304 
Vitality +320 
Critical Hit +269 
Determination +188 

 Asphodelos War Hammer Icon.png  Asphodelos War Hammer
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 MRDWAR
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 60
Strength +304 
Vitality +320 
Critical Hit +269 
Determination +188 

 Asphodelos War Scythe Icon.png  Asphodelos War Scythe
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000605000000605&000000000000009000000090 RPR
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 120
Magic Damage 60
Strength +304 
Vitality +320 
Critical Hit +269 
Determination +188 

 Augmented Radiant's Baghnakhs Icon.png  Augmented Radiant's Baghnakhs
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 PGLMNK
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 119
Magic Damage 60
Strength +296 
Vitality +310 
Direct Hit Rate +266 
Critical Hit +186 

Limiting results to the first 20 Weapons. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 6.05 Weapons.
Item Level Classes Stats
 Asphodelos Amulet of Aiming Icon.png  Asphodelos Amulet of Aiming
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 ARCROGBRD
Req. Level 90
Defense 1
Magic Defense 1
Dexterity +142 
Vitality +148 
Determination +127 
Direct Hit Rate +89 

 Asphodelos Amulet of Casting Icon.png  Asphodelos Amulet of Casting
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 90
Defense 1
Magic Defense 1
Intelligence +142 
Vitality +133 
Spell Speed +127 
Determination +89 

 Asphodelos Amulet of Fending Icon.png  Asphodelos Amulet of Fending
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 90
Defense 1
Magic Defense 1
Strength +142 
Vitality +148 
Tenacity +127 
Determination +89 

 Asphodelos Amulet of Healing Icon.png  Asphodelos Amulet of Healing
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 90
Defense 1
Magic Defense 1
Mind +142 
Vitality +133 
Critical Hit +127 
Determination +89 

 Asphodelos Amulet of Slaying Icon.png  Asphodelos Amulet of Slaying
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 PGLLNCMNK
Req. Level 90
Defense 1
Magic Defense 1
Strength +142 
Vitality +148 
Direct Hit Rate +127 
Critical Hit +89 

 Asphodelos Boots of Aiming Icon.png  Asphodelos Boots of Aiming
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 90
Defense 429
Magic Defense 429
Dexterity +180 
Vitality +188 
Determination +162 
Direct Hit Rate +113 

 Asphodelos Boots of Fending Icon.png  Asphodelos Boots of Fending
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 90
Defense 780
Magic Defense 780
Strength +180 
Vitality +188 
Critical Hit +162 
Skill Speed +113 

 Asphodelos Boots of Scouting Icon.png  Asphodelos Boots of Scouting
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 90
Defense 429
Magic Defense 429
Dexterity +180 
Vitality +188 
Determination +162 
Direct Hit Rate +113 

 Asphodelos Breeches of Maiming Icon.png  Asphodelos Breeches of Maiming
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 90
Defense 732
Magic Defense 575
Strength +285 
Vitality +299 
Determination +257 
Critical Hit +180 

 Asphodelos Breeches of Striking Icon.png  Asphodelos Breeches of Striking
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 90
Defense 575
Magic Defense 575
Strength +285 
Vitality +299 
Direct Hit Rate +257 
Determination +180 

 Asphodelos Chiton of Casting Icon.png  Asphodelos Chiton of Casting
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 90
Defense 418
Magic Defense 732
Intelligence +285 
Vitality +269 
Critical Hit +257 
Determination +180 

 Asphodelos Chiton of Fending Icon.png  Asphodelos Chiton of Fending
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 90
Defense 1046
Magic Defense 1046
Strength +285 
Vitality +299 
Critical Hit +257 
Determination +180 

 Asphodelos Chiton of Healing Icon.png  Asphodelos Chiton of Healing
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 90
Defense 418
Magic Defense 732
Mind +285 
Vitality +269 
Determination +257 
Critical Hit +180 

 Asphodelos Circlet of Fending Icon.png  Asphodelos Circlet of Fending
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 90
Defense 780
Magic Defense 780
Strength +180 
Vitality +188 
Determination +162 
Tenacity +113 

 Asphodelos Earrings of Aiming Icon.png  Asphodelos Earrings of Aiming
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 ARCROGBRD
Req. Level 90
Defense 1
Magic Defense 1
Dexterity +142 
Vitality +148 
Critical Hit +127 
Direct Hit Rate +89 

 Asphodelos Earrings of Casting Icon.png  Asphodelos Earrings of Casting
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 90
Defense 1
Magic Defense 1
Intelligence +142 
Vitality +133 
Direct Hit Rate +127 
Spell Speed +89 

 Asphodelos Earrings of Fending Icon.png  Asphodelos Earrings of Fending
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 90
Defense 1
Magic Defense 1
Strength +142 
Vitality +148 
Critical Hit +127 
Determination +89 

 Asphodelos Earrings of Healing Icon.png  Asphodelos Earrings of Healing
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 90
Defense 1
Magic Defense 1
Mind +142 
Vitality +133 
Critical Hit +127 
Determination +89 

 Asphodelos Earrings of Slaying Icon.png  Asphodelos Earrings of Slaying
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 PGLLNCMNK
Req. Level 90
Defense 1
Magic Defense 1
Strength +142 
Vitality +148 
Critical Hit +127 
Determination +89 

 Asphodelos Face Guard of Maiming Icon.png  Asphodelos Face Guard of Maiming
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000600000000600&000000000000009000000090 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 90
Defense 546
Magic Defense 429
Strength +180 
Vitality +188 
Direct Hit Rate +162 
Determination +113 

Limiting results to the first 20 Armors. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 6.05 Armor.
Meals & Medicine
Name Duration Consumable Bonuses
Archon Burger Icon.png Archon Burger 30m Direct Hit Rate +8%  (Cap: +72)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +74)
Determination +8%  (Cap: +43)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Beef Stroganoff Icon.png Beef Stroganoff 30m Skill Speed +8%  (Cap: +72)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +74)
Direct Hit Rate +8%  (Cap: +43)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Grade 6 Tincture of Dexterity Icon.png Grade 6 Tincture of Dexterity 30s Dexterity +8%  (Cap: +151)
Adds Medicated  

Grade 6 Tincture of Intelligence Icon.png Grade 6 Tincture of Intelligence 30s Intelligence +8%  (Cap: +151)
Adds Medicated  

Grade 6 Tincture of Mind Icon.png Grade 6 Tincture of Mind 30s Mind +8%  (Cap: +151)
Adds Medicated  

Grade 6 Tincture of Strength Icon.png Grade 6 Tincture of Strength 30s Strength +8%  (Cap: +151)
Adds Medicated  

Grade 6 Tincture of Vitality Icon.png Grade 6 Tincture of Vitality 30s Vitality +8%  (Cap: +155)
Adds Medicated  

New World Burrito Lunch Icon.png New World Burrito Lunch 30m/60m Piety +4%  (Cap: 10)
Vitality +5%  (Cap: 12)
Gear Durability Bonus +3
EXP Bonus +3%

Peach Juice Icon.png Peach Juice 30m Piety +8%  (Cap: +72)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +74)
Determination +8%  (Cap: +43)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Peach Tart Icon.png Peach Tart 30m Spell Speed +8%  (Cap: +72)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +74)
Piety +8%  (Cap: +43)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Pumpkin Potage Icon.png Pumpkin Potage 30m Determination +8%  (Cap: +72)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +74)
Critical Hit +8%  (Cap: +43)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Pumpkin Ratatouille Icon.png Pumpkin Ratatouille 30m Critical Hit +8%  (Cap: +72)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +74)
Skill Speed +8%  (Cap: +43)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Scallop Curry Icon.png Scallop Curry 30m Determination +8%  (Cap: +72)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +74)
Tenacity +8%  (Cap: +43)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Scallop Salad Icon.png Scallop Salad 30m Tenacity +8%  (Cap: +72)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +74)
Determination +8%  (Cap: +43)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Sykon Cookie Icon.png Sykon Cookie 30m Spell Speed +8%  (Cap: +72)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +74)
Direct Hit Rate +8%  (Cap: +43)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Thavnairian Chai Icon.png Thavnairian Chai 30m Critical Hit +8%  (Cap: +72)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +74)
Spell Speed +8%  (Cap: +43)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Materials, Housing, Other
Name Description
Alchemical Abrasive Icon.png Alchemical Abrasive This all-in-one abrasive, created by alchemists of the Great Work, can be used to both sand metals and polish them to a lustrous sheen─and with only minor risk of fire.
Alchemical Charcoal Icon.png Alchemical Charcoal A hot-burning fuel created by destructively distilling raw coal in the forges of the Great Work.
Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy Icon.png Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy Though they appear to be naught more than simple stones, Garlond Ironworks engineers insist they contain reams of invaluable information on the sea of stars gathered by the lost Allagan Empire.
Amynodon Hide Icon.png Amynodon Hide The hide of an ancient creature that is envisioned as an amalgam of those less-primitive creatures that most people fear being trampled by.
Amynodon Leather Icon.png Amynodon Leather A large piece of cured amynodon hide.
Butterbeef Icon.png Butterbeef This marbled meat is so tender that it practically melts in one's mouth.
Cloth of Happiness Icon.png Cloth of Happiness Guaranteed to bring you eternal happiness if its name is anything to go by.
Coldbare Tree Icon.png Coldbare Tree A plant bereft of its foliage and thus ill-fit to fend off the elements.
Dance Pole Icon.png Dance Pole Even seasoned adventurers may find that sensually swiveling upon this pole proves a challenge to their balance and brawn alike.
Demi-Phoinix Horn Icon.png Demi-Phoinix Horn This grim horn produces an unbridled sound that calls forth your Demi-Phoinix.
Giant Pumpkin Icon.png Giant Pumpkin This gourd has been selectively cultivated and grown to a massive size─though many a La Noscean field hand would tell you they've seen bigger.
Glass Scallop Icon.png Glass Scallop This mollusk is known for its beautiful, shining shell and delicate flavor.
Golden Silk Icon.png Golden Silk A sleek and shining fabric woven from golden cocoons.
Grade 6 Dexterity Alkahest Icon.png Grade 6 Dexterity Alkahest When applied to items such as battle gear, this experimental alchemical liquid will dissolve away minute amounts of aether aspected to elements detrimental to dexterity, and by doing so, better attune the item and its wearer to the remaining beneficial elements.
Grade 6 Intelligence Alkahest Icon.png Grade 6 Intelligence Alkahest When applied to items such as battle gear, this experimental alchemical liquid will dissolve away minute amounts of aether aspected to elements detrimental to intelligence, and by doing so, better attune the item and its wearer to the remaining beneficial elements.
Grade 6 Mind Alkahest Icon.png Grade 6 Mind Alkahest When applied to items such as battle gear, this experimental alchemical liquid will dissolve away minute amounts of aether aspected to elements detrimental to mind, and by doing so, better attune the item and its wearer to the remaining beneficial elements.
Grade 6 Strength Alkahest Icon.png Grade 6 Strength Alkahest When applied to items such as battle gear, this experimental alchemical liquid will dissolve away minute amounts of aether aspected to elements detrimental to strength, and by doing so, better attune the item and its wearer to the remaining beneficial elements.
Grade 6 Vitality Alkahest Icon.png Grade 6 Vitality Alkahest When applied to items such as battle gear, this experimental alchemical liquid will dissolve away minute amounts of aether aspected to elements detrimental to vitality, and by doing so, better attune the item and its wearer to the remaining beneficial elements.
Imitation Wooden Skylight Icon.png Imitation Wooden Skylight A ceiling fixture for those who prefer their sunlight simulated.
Ivy Mural Icon.png Ivy Mural A plant-patterned wall adornment for those who wish to bring a taste of the outside in.
Limiting results to the first 20 Materials. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 6.05 Materials.
Mounts & Minions
Name Description
Demi-Phoinix Horn Icon.png Demi-Phoinix Horn This grim horn produces an unbridled sound that calls forth your Demi-Phoinix.
Royal Lunatender Icon.png Royal Lunatender All that glitters is not gold. It could also be a lunatender.

Use item to acquire the royal lunatender minion.
Triple Triad Cards
Orchestrion Rolls
Name Description
Finality Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Finality Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Finality. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
On Blade's Edge Orchestrion Roll Icon.png On Blade's Edge Orchestrion Roll Music roll for On Blade's Edge. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Name Rewards Patch
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000009000000090&000000000000002400000024&00000000000000060499996.05&000000000007001600000070,016Recount tales of AsphodelosFeaturequest1 Icon.pngRecount tales of AsphodelosSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000009000000090)

Nemjiji - Labyrinthos - The Central Circuit - Aporia (x:8.7, y:27.5)

&00000000000000060499996.05&000000000007001600000070,016&000000000000009000000090Recount tales of Asphodelos
Name Zone Coordinates
Khaldeen Radz-at-Han (x:10.9, y:10.5)
Loitering Lad (No Love Lost) Old Gridania (x:10.4, y:6.7)
The Excitatron 6000 (Zone)
Trials & Raids
Asphodelos: The First Circle (Savage) 2 2 4
Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage) 2 2 4
Asphodelos: The Second Circle (Savage) 2 2 4
Asphodelos: The Third Circle (Savage) 2 2 4
PvP Actions
Icon Name Category Type Description
064848.png Could Be Savage I Battle Raids Complete Pandæmonium: Asphodelos (Savage).
064848.png Could Be Savage II Battle Raids Complete Pandæmonium: Asphodelos (Savage) 5 times.
064848.png Could Be Savage III Battle Raids Complete Pandæmonium: Asphodelos (Savage) 10 times.
000116.png Milk Those Ways I Battle Treasure Hunt Raid the final stage in the Excitatron 6000.
000116.png Milk Those Ways II Battle Treasure Hunt Raid the final stage in the Excitatron 6000 5 times.
000116.png Milk Those Ways III Battle Treasure Hunt Raid the final stage in the Excitatron 6000 10 times.
000116.png Milk Those Ways IV Battle Treasure Hunt Raid the final stage in the Excitatron 6000 20 times.
000116.png My Way or the Hyperway I Battle Treasure Hunt Raid the Excitatron 6000.
000116.png My Way or the Hyperway II Battle Treasure Hunt Raid the Excitatron 6000 5 times.
000116.png My Way or the Hyperway III Battle Treasure Hunt Raid the Excitatron 6000 10 times.
000116.png My Way or the Hyperway IV Battle Treasure Hunt Raid the Excitatron 6000 20 times.
041807.png Feline Fun Quests Seasonal Events Complete the quest “Tangle with a Tora.”