Patch 6.58

Maintenance-icon.pngPatch 6.58          
(Date: 2024/03/19)
Final Fantasy XIV Growing Light Promo.png

  •  ??? MB - PC size
Lodestone: Lodestone Patch Notes
Hotfixes: 2024/03/21, 2024/04/02, 2024/04/09, 2024/05/07, 2024/05/12

Item Level Classes Stats
 Azeyma's Earrings Icon.png  Azeyma's Earrings
 &0000000000000560000000560&00000000000000010000001 Disciples of War or Magic
Req. Level 1
Defense 1
Magic Defense 1
Main Attribute +115 
Vitality +115 
Secondary Attribute +111 
Determination +111 

Increases EXP earned by 30% when level 90 and below. Attributes and item level vary according to class/job and current level when equipped.

 Metian Chausses Icon.png  Metian Chausses
Seasonalachievementicon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 10
Magic Defense 18

 Metian Gauntlets Icon.png  Metian Gauntlets
Seasonalachievementicon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 8
Magic Defense 14

 Metian Sollerets Icon.png  Metian Sollerets
Seasonalachievementicon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 8
Magic Defense 14

 Metian Vest Icon.png  Metian Vest
Seasonalachievementicon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 10
Magic Defense 18

Meals & Medicine
Materials, Housing, Other
Name Description
Torgal Whistle Icon.png Torgal Whistle This horn-carved instrument emits a steadfast tone that calls the trusty Torgal to your side.
Yo-kai Watch Framer's Kit Icon.png Yo-kai Watch Framer's Kit Tools for enhancing a portrait. Use to unlock embellishments fit for a Yo-kai enthusiast.
Includes Portrait Elements: Background, Frame, Accent
Includes Plate Elements: Base Plate, Backing, Top Border, Plate Frame, Accent
Mounts & Minions
Name Description
Torgal Pup Icon.png Torgal Pup Go on, you know you want to pet the adorable fellow. What could possibly go wrong...?

Use item to acquire the Torgal pup minion.
Torgal Whistle Icon.png Torgal Whistle This horn-carved instrument emits a steadfast tone that calls the trusty Torgal to your side.
Wind-up Zidane Icon.png Wind-up Zidane Despite appearances, he isn't one for monkeying around.

Use item to acquire the wind-up Zidane minion.
Triple Triad Cards
Name Description
Clive Rosfield Card Icon.png Clive Rosfield Card A legendary (★★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. Ex. 15
Orchestrion Rolls
Name Description
Away (Refrain) Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Away (Refrain) Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Away (Refrain). Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Before the Storm - Caer Norvent Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Before the Storm - Caer Norvent Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Before the Storm - Caer Norvent. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Find the Flame Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Find the Flame Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Find the Flame. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Forevermore - The Grand Duchy of Rosaria Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Forevermore - The Grand Duchy of Rosaria Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Forevermore - The Grand Duchy of Rosaria. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Idylls of the Empire Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Idylls of the Empire Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Idylls of the Empire. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Land of Eikons Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Land of Eikons Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Land of Eikons. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
The State of the Realm Orchestrion Roll Icon.png The State of the Realm Orchestrion Roll Music roll for The State of the Realm. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
To Sail Forbidden Seas Orchestrion Roll Icon.png To Sail Forbidden Seas Orchestrion Roll Music roll for To Sail Forbidden Seas. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Tonitrua ex Machina Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Tonitrua ex Machina Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Tonitrua ex Machina. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Who I Really Am Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Who I Really Am Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Who I Really Am. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Name Rewards Patch
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&0000000000000200000000200&00000000000000065800006.58&000000000007033200000070,332A Land on Fire080133 hr1.pngA Land on FireSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Neophyte Adventurer - Ul'dah - Steps of Nald - Emerald Avenue (x:8.9, y:9.9)

Expicon.png11,700Gil Icon.png714

&00000000000000065800006.58&000000000007033200000070,332&000000000000005000000050A Land on Fire
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&0000000000000201000000201&00000000000000065800006.58&000000000007033300000070,333Pain to Recall080133 hr1.pngPain to RecallSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Clive (FFXVI) - Ul'dah - Steps of Thal - Scholars' Walk (x:9.5, y:12.6)

Expicon.png11,700Gil Icon.png995

&00000000000000065800006.58&000000000007033300000070,333&000000000000005000000050Pain to Recall
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&0000000000000203000000203&00000000000000065800006.58&000000000007033400000070,334The Path Infernal080133 hr1.pngThe Path InfernalSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Clive (FFXVI) - Old Gridania - Nophica's Altar (x:8.3, y:10.6)

Expicon.png11,700Gil Icon.png1,080
Metian Attire Coffer
Torgal Whistle
Torgal Pup

&00000000000000065800006.58&000000000007033400000070,334&000000000000005000000050The Path Infernal
Name Zone Coordinates
Avid Attendant The Gold Saucer (x:7, y:7.8)
Clive (FFXVI) Old Gridania (x:10.6, y:6.1)
Demanding Daughter The Gold Saucer (x:8.3, y:5)
Imposing Imp (Of Impish Importance) The Gold Saucer (x:6.1, y:7)
Mascot-loving Maiden The Gold Saucer (x:8.3, y:5.9)
Neophyte Adventurer Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (x:8.9, y:9.9)
Pitiable Patron The Gold Saucer (x:6.7, y:5.3)
Quevain The Gold Saucer (x:5.7, y:6.6)
Serpent Scout (Pain to Recall) Old Gridania (x:8.3, y:10.6)
Strange Man Eastern Thanalan (x:30.2, y:25.4)
Torgal Eastern Thanalan (x:30.7, y:27.2)
The Memory of Embers
Trials & Raids
PvP Actions
Icon Name Category Type Description
042995.png Found the Flame Quests Seasonal Events Complete the quest “The Path Infernal.”