Phial of Thermal Fluid/Collectable

< Phial of Thermal Fluid
Kurenai Delivery Icon.png Kurenai - The Ruby Sea
Satisfaction Level: Satisfactionsupplyrank.pngSatisfactionsupplyrank.pngSatisfactionsupplyrank.png (100% Chance)
Collectability Satisfaction Gil Purple Gatherers' Scrip Icon.png Orange Gatherers' Scrip Icon.png
240 130 900 114 81
450 130 1120 137 96
600 130 1340 160 110
Kurenai Delivery Icon.png Kurenai - The Ruby Sea
Satisfaction Level: Satisfactionsupplyrank.pngSatisfactionsupplyrank.pngSatisfactionsupplyrank.pngSatisfactionsupplyrank.pngSatisfactionsupplyrank.png (23% Chance)
Collectability Satisfaction Gil Purple Gatherers' Scrip Icon.png Orange Gatherers' Scrip Icon.png
240 0 1120 134 91
450 0 1400 157 106
600 0 1670 180 120