Picking Up the Torch

Sidequest1 Icon.pngNew Lv. 100   Picking Up the Torch

Journal detail hr1 07.png Acquisition
Rral Majun: Tuliyollal - High Tide Harbor - Xbalyav Ty'e (x:12.4, y:14.6)

Map33 Icon.pngClosest Aetheryte: Tuliyollal Aetheryte Plaza → Bayside Bevy Marketplace

Journal detail hr1 08.png Requirements
071341.png100A Hunter TrueFeaturequest1 Icon.png A Hunter True (Level 100)
071341.png100An Antidote for AnarchyFeaturequest1 Icon.png An Antidote for Anarchy (Level 100)
071341.png100Dreams of a New DayFeaturequest1 Icon.png Dreams of a New Day (Level 100)
071341.png100Heroes and PretendersFeaturequest1 Icon.png Heroes and Pretenders (Level 100)
071341.png100The Mightiest ShieldFeaturequest1 Icon.png The Mightiest Shield (Level 100)

Spacer2.png Any Disciple of War or Magic (excluding limited jobs) (Level 100)

Journal detail hr1 03.png Rewards

Edit Picking Up the Torch's Miscellaneous Reward
Journal detail hr1 04.png Description
Rral Majun has new tidings about an old adversary.
Journal detail hr1 01.png Objectives
  • Gather information in Ul'dah. 0/3
  • Show everyone at the marketplace how /angry you are.
  • Give the audition handbill to the Unbound agent.
  • Speak with the Unbound agent.
Journal detail hr1 02.png Unlocks Quests
071221.png100Imposing ViewsSidequest1 Icon.png Imposing Views (Level 100)

  • Rral Majun has new tidings about an old adversary.
  • While the Passage of the Unbound has been dealt a grievous blow, apparently the organization lives on, for Rral Majun and Br'uk Evu inform you that their founder Apyaahi seeks new leaders. The pair implore you to feign interest in joining her cause so you might find a way to bring her to justice. Knowing that her funds are based in Ul'dah, they bid you travel there and ask around to see if her agents have been sighted among the dusty streets.
  • Your conversations with Ul'dah's citizenry reveal that a strange man has been lurking around the city and attempting to recruit disgruntled individuals. He was last sighted near the market board and may approach if you appear sufficiently angered by your circumstances.
  • As expected, your bout of anger summons a sketchy man, who invites you to the Passage of the Unbound. After you express a desire to become one of their leaders, he gives you a handbill and instructs you to give it to an agent waiting in the Gold Court. There you will undergo an audition, but as of yet you know not what it entails.
  • You find the agent waiting in front of a nondescript door, and his brusque attitude lightens after you give him the handbill. He invites you into the audience hall.
  • Once inside the audience chamber, you find yourself before three judges, each more eccentric than the last. After a series of questions sensible and nonsensical both, they announce that you have passed their audition with flying colors. They encourage you to speak with the agent outside to receive your next set of instructions.
  • The agent congratulates you on your success, but warns that the next step will be even more trying than the last. Once your heart is ready, he will tell you where you must go.

Edit Picking Up the Torch's Dialogue
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.

Forename, so good to see you! I was hoping you would pay us a visit.

The Landsguard received word from the various nations you visited in your search for the treasures and requested that we inform you of the latest tidings. They also send their earnest gratitude for your efforts!

It seems each of the five criminals has been brought into custody, although some had to be tracked down after you trounced them. They now await the judgment of the governments they wronged.

I thought all was well...until I overheard some customers saying that the Passage of the Unbound had new leaders!

The shop was so busy that I couldn't find a chance to speak with them before they left, but I felt compelled to report what I heard to the Landsguard.

It was a sobering reminder that as long as their leader Apyaahi is free, she can rebuild and scheme again.

You must've learned about the organization's workings during your search. Do you remember anything that might help us find out what she's up to?
What will you say?

1) Each of her leaders was carefully selected from different regions.
2) Apyaahi orchestrated everything for some greater purpose.
3) Their funds were coming from Virazahn.
4) Honestly, it was all a haze...

I see. So there was a method to her recruitment. It stands to reason she might rely on it again...

The Landsguard also managed to dig up information. One of those apprehended said the Passage of the Unbound received their funds from a shady mercantile outfit located in Ul'dah.

I have an idea. If Apyaahi really is recruiting new members, we could feign interest in her cause to get close to her.

Huh, I see Apyaahi didn't care if her leaders could keep secrets. Considering what we know of her, I doubt she was a good judge of character in that respect.

But even a fool can do harm with enough coin. We'd do best not to underestimate her.

The Landsguard also managed to dig up information. One of those apprehended said the Passage of the Unbound received their funds from a shady mercantile outfit located in Ul'dah.

I have an idea. If Apyaahi really is recruiting new members, we could feign interest in her cause to get close to her.

Were they, now? The Landsguard dug up some information that might be related. One of those apprehended said the Passage of the Unbound received their funds from a shady mercantile outfit located in Ul'dah.
If Apyaahi still has monetary means, it wouldn't take much to recruit new leaders for new schemes. Evil deeds come all too cheap.
I have an idea. If Apyaahi really is recruiting new members, we could feign interest in her cause to get close to her.

That's too bad... Luckily, the Landsguard managed to dig up information. One of those apprehended said the Passage of the Unbound received their funds from a shady mercantile outfit located in Ul'dah.
If Apyaahi still has monetary means, it wouldn't take much to recruit new leaders for new schemes. Evil deeds come all too cheap.
I have an idea. If Apyaahi really is recruiting new members, we could feign interest in her cause to get close to her.

You might be onto something. We even know a woman she's never had the pleasure of meeting: Forename.

I know we're asking a lot from you, but any information you extract from Apyaahi and her new cohorts could prevent further incidents. What do you say?
What will you say?

1) I can do that.
2) Desperate times, I suppose...

We're very grateful! A small warning, however...

We know five treasures were stolen, but there could be more. Whatever you do, don't treat Apyaahi lightly.

I suggest finding out what power she has at her disposal and what her goals are before making your move.
Which reminds me─those you aided are most eager to see Apyaahi apprehended. We'll tell them you're hot on her tail.
For now, why don't you travel to Ul'dah and ask around? Perhaps our quarry has already tried to recruit the disillusioned into her ranks.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.
Quest Accepted

Villains who wish to topple the nations of the world? I'm afraid I haven't heard of such a group, but there are no shortage of complaints about the sultanate.

Most common are gripes about market fees. To hear the merchants tell it, every one of them is a single bad bargain away from an empty coinpurse. I can't say they'd go so far as treason, though...

If such an organization does exist, then their leader must bear a deep grudge indeed...

I don't know the name Apyaahi, but I do know of a strange man. Each day he stands aloof, staring at passersby with these dead eyes.

Last I saw him, he was near the market board. Oh, it makes my stomach churn just to imagine he might still be there...

I'm sure he's still at the market boards now, scaring people away with that unsettling gaze...
It seems a suspicious man has been recruiting disgruntled citizens for unknown purposes. Perhaps you can get his attention by showing how angry you are near the market boards.

The Passage of the Unbound seems to target the angry. Based on your findings, their agent may be near the market boards.
Forename shows his anger. Angry Emote Icon.png
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.

You there. Mind lettin' me bend your ear?

I sense in you a kindred spirit. One who's tired of bein' trampled on by the high and mighty. I think there's a place for you in our organization─the Passage of the Unbound.

You might've heard tell of mysterious artifacts bein' used to incite unrest across the world. That was our doin'─the oppressed finally strikin' back at the oppressors to win back the freedom they took from us.

But we mean to aim even higher, and for that we need more good men and women to lead us. Men like you.
What will you say?

1) Down with the oppressors!
2) As long as I get my own artifact, I'm in.

Heh, I like your gusto. Mayhap you have what it takes.

Mayhap you don't. Either way, you'll have to pass the audition first. You want a seat at the table, prove you're worth our while.

One of our own is standin' by at the Gold Court. Show him this handbill, and he'll lead you to where you need to go.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Hmm? What do you want?
You hand over Audition Handbill Icon.png Audition Handbill.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.

So you wish to lead others upon the Passage, eh? You're welcome to try.

But fair warning: this may be the hardest trial you've ever had to endure. Are your loins properly girded?

That enthusiasm will take you far! Now then, follow me.

Your heart is steeled and your loins are girded? Good, now follow me.

The audition will be held in this room. Even those with the blackest hearts have balked at what we put our potential leaders through, so I'll be listening to your progress with great interest.
Can you hear it? The cry of a child too young to know fear.
Can you see it? A black bird in flight, its wings staining the azure skies.
Can you feel it? The shape of the world as it should be, molded by hands free of fetters.

The passage to a new morrow lies before you─the Passage of the Unbound!

Ehem. And with that, let us begin the audition for our new round of leaders. May the selection committee please take their seats.

You look disappointed somehow.

Haha, I understand. You expected to meet our founder. My apologies, but you'll need to prove yourself ere you are granted such an audience.

Now, tell us your name.
What will you do?

1) Say your true name.
2) Refuse to answer.

Forename? The Forename?

You would play at being one of the realm's most beloved heroes? Take this as honest criticism: your capacity for deception is hardly equal to Samidare's, so I suggest a more humble alter ego.

Well done. The Passage of the Unbound works in the shadows, and our true names must remain hidden until their revelation can have the most dramatic impact.

...On to the next question. Why do you wish to join us?
What will you say?

1) I want to change the world.
2) I was impressed by your previous leaders.
3) My friend joined up, so I thought “Why not?”

If you truly desired that, you would have done something noteworthy by now. We would be ill-advised to recommend a novice for a position of leadership.

Spoken like someone whose only ambition is to serve. We require hearts bold enough to remake our organization in their own image.

I see. So you spied opportunity in a chance occurrence, and sought to grasp it for yourself. We require such qualities in our leaders.

Enough about your ambitions. What can you do?
What will you say?

1) I can take on anyone─or anything─in a fight.
2) No one can craft and gather like me.
3) I'm a devil at Doman mahjong!

Anyone can fight. You do know we're trying to topple nations here, don't you? We don't need someone with muscles─we need someone who can grasp the reins of leadership and lead us to victory.

Even a novice can support us from the back lines. If you're going to lead, you have to be willing to leap into the thick of things─like Ellerete did.

Ah, a man after my own heart! Doman mahjong is a game of prudent foresight, deceptive tactics, and bold attacks. Any leader of ours must be as feared at the gaming table as they are away of it.

That's enough questions for now, methinks. Let's see if this one has the guts to stand against an entire nation.

This traitorous cur sold us out to our enemies. Chop off his head for us, will you?

Oh? What's wrong? Having second thoughts?
What will you do?

1) Take the weapon in hand.
2) Refuse the order.

Oh my, look at those eyes! A killer's eyes! Well, I'm convinced. You can put that down now. This was all but a ruse, you see.

So you saw through our little ruse. How insightful.

You played the traitor most convincingly, my boy! And now, you may leave.

Hmm, let's see... Oh, yes. Your final task. Strike a pose that captures your essence. Go!
What will you do?

1) Capture your beauty.
2) Capture your strength.
3) Do a little dance.
Oh my, such confidence! Such grace! They quite literally emanate from you!

I believe we're ready to make our decision...

You truly are singular among the other applicants. We can confidently say you've passed the first audition!

Even hard-boiled Chalteaufite nearly cracked under the pressure of our inquiries, but you remained composed throughout. Congratulations on your impressive feat.

Our agent awaits without to guide you on to the next step.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.
Quite the...<chew>...selection of candidates this time...<burp>...eh?
I can see in your eyes that you've been through more than I can imagine. Hold on to your anger, and use it to bring the tyrannical rulers down to earth.
If you feel you've pulled the wool over our eyes, good. That just shows your capacity for villainy—be proud of it.
Exit to the Gold Court
Once you leave the Hall of the Unbound, you will be unable to return.
Leave the Hall of the Unbound?
Yes No

You thought we'd welcome you into the fold after a single audition? I'll have you know our standards are higher than that.

By the way, if you had failed back there, I'd be guiding you to combat training right now. Can never have too much fodder for the cause, after all. Not many have been where you're going.

But don't celebrate just yet. The hardest part is still to come...
Quest Complete

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