Putting the Zap on Nature

Levequest1 Icon.png
 Lv. 45   Putting the Zap on Nature
Rewardsicon.png Rewards
Experience Gil
Expicon.png916,282 Gil Icon.png~810
Possible Items
Rainbow Spoon Lure
Rainbow Spoon Lure
Rainbow Spoon Lure
Topwater Frog
Topwater Frog
Topwater Frog
Glacier Crystal
Glacier Crystal
Glacier Crystal
Informationicon.png Description
Certain electrical phenomena─phenomena of a rather distressing nature─suggest that the Allagan Empire may have created electric fish. Just think! They may have originated magitek, and reshaped living creatures to their own ends. Only a highly invasive study will reveal the truth.
Objectivesicon.png Objectives
Client: Sons of Saint Coinach Cataloger, Clifton Crabbe
Issuing NPC:

Mor Dhona (x:29.8, y:12.6)

Classes: Fisher
Type: Fieldcraft
Guildleve: Concord
Location: Saint Coinach's Find
Required Items
Boltfish Icon.png
NPCs Involved: Clifton
Items Involved: Boltfish
Reward Details
Item iLevel Requirements Stats
 Venture Icon.png  Venture
Quest Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Req. Level 1

 Topwater Frog Icon.png  Topwater Frog
Tools icon.pngLevequest Icon.png
 &000000000000004400000044&000000000000004400000044 FSH
Req. Level 44

A light freshwater lure crafted to resemble a frog. Best suited for larger prey such as pikes and certain trout.

 Rainbow Spoon Lure Icon.png  Rainbow Spoon Lure
Tools icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
 &000000000000004600000046&000000000000004600000046 FSH
Req. Level 46

A shiny blacklip oyster shell lure shaped like a spoon so it will oscillate when dragged through the water, attracting all manner of aquatic life. Especially effective in lakes.

 Spinnerbait Icon.png  Spinnerbait
Tools icon.pngLevequest Icon.png
 &000000000000004700000047&000000000000004700000047 FSH
Req. Level 47

Several small spinners joined together to resemble a school of fish. Especially effective in rivers.

 Streamer Icon.png  Streamer
Tools icon.pngQuest Icon.pngLevequest Icon.png
 &000000000000004800000048&000000000000004800000048 FSH
Req. Level 48

A freshwater fly designed to sink below the water's surface, and by doing so, attract the larger carnivorous fish living near the floor.

 Yumizuno Icon.png  Yumizuno
Tools icon.pngQuest Icon.pngLevequest Icon.png
 &000000000000004800000048&000000000000004800000048 FSH
Req. Level 48

A curved man-made lure used traditionally in the Far East, the name means literally “bow horn.” Increases chances of landing a big catch, even when casting from shore.

 Glacier Crystal Icon.png  Glacier Crystal
Levequest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Req. Level 1

A crystal aspected to both ice and water. House chefs for wealthy and noble families will oft use these rare specimens to chill ales and white wines during the summer moons.

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