You wish to undertake leves? Then you have come to the right place.
You wish to undertake leves? While your enthusiasm cannot be denied, certain formalities must be observed. Namely, <Switch(IntegerParameter(1))><Case(1)>Baderon</Case><Case(2)>Mother Miounne</Case><Case(3)>Momodi</Case></Switch> of the Adventurers' Guild must vouch for your abilities.
May the Spinner smile upon your endeavor.
You wish to undertake leves? While your enthusiasm cannot be denied, you appear unready to confront the fell beasts we have lurking in these woods. It is for your own well-being that I must deny you work.
So you have returned triumphant! Come, your reward awaits.
Watches tell me ye went and stuck ye a wanted target, to boot. I suppose ye'll be wantin' the bounty with yer reward, then, eh?