Quicktongue Materia IV

Quicktongue Materia IV Icon.png
Quicktongue Materia IV  Gold chest icon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
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Level 1
Item Level 70
Statistics & Bonuses:
Spell Speed +4 
Repairs, Recycle & Style:
Stack Size 999
Sells for Gil Icon.png x 90
Noconverticon.png Nodyeicon.png Nocresticon.png Noprojectableicon.png Nodesynthesizableicon.png Nostorableicon.png Nocollectableicon.png
Acquisition Edit Quicktongue Materia IV's Miscellaneous Acquisition Information Uses Edit Quicktongue Materia IV's Miscellaneous Use Information
Divider5.png Divider5.png
Reward from Quests
Quicktongue Materia IV is rewarded from more than 25 quests.
Please click here to see the complete list.
Acquired from Duty (3)
Miscellaneous Dutyicon.png The Aquapolis
Miscellaneous Dutyicon.png The Hidden Canals of Uznair
Miscellaneous Dutyicon.png The Lost Canals of Uznair
Acquired from Voyage
Destination Quantity Ship Rank
Deep-sea Site 4 2-4 27
Sea of Clouds - Sector 11 3-9 30
Deep-sea Site 5 5-20 37
Sea of Clouds - Sector 14 10-15 40
Sea of Clouds - Sector 21 4-18 50
Sea of Clouds - Sector 23 12 50
Acquired from Desynthesis (15)
Item Skill
Bloodchaser Icon.png Bloodchaser
Culinarian Icon 5.png
Bobgoblin Bass Icon.png Bobgoblin Bass
Culinarian Icon 5.png
Captain Nemo Icon.png Captain Nemo
Culinarian Icon 5.png
Endoceras Icon.png Endoceras
Culinarian Icon 5.png
Hailfinder Icon.png Hailfinder
Culinarian Icon 5.png
Judgment Ring of Casting Icon.png Judgment Ring of Casting
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Longhair Catfish Icon.png Longhair Catfish
Culinarian Icon 5.png
Meteortoise Icon.png Meteortoise
Culinarian Icon 5.png
Nophica's Comb Icon.png Nophica's Comb
Culinarian Icon 5.png
Oliphant's Trunk Icon.png Oliphant's Trunk
Culinarian Icon 5.png
Raitonfish Icon.png Raitonfish
Culinarian Icon 5.png
Storm Chaser Icon.png Storm Chaser
Culinarian Icon 5.png
Tengu Fan Icon.png Tengu Fan
Culinarian Icon 5.png
Thunderscale Icon.png Thunderscale
Culinarian Icon 5.png
True Ice Bracelet of Casting Icon.png True Ice Bracelet of Casting
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Potentially received from (2)
Bronze-trimmed Sack
Iron-trimmed Sack

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