Saint Mocianne's Arboretum

Dungeon Icon.pngSaint Mocianne's Arboretum
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Saint Mocianne's Arboretum.png
Saint Mocianne's Arboretum once housed the greatest collection of flora and fauna the realm had ever known. Alas, in the wake of the Exodus it was left to the elements, and the wildlife within now roams its halls unchecked and untamed. A band of treasure hunters hopes to brave this leafy labyrinth in search of a cache more valuable than gold, that could ensure Idyllshire's prosperity for years to come. But will their search of this savage garden yield fortune, or end in failure?


1 to 4 players (1 Tank, 1 Healer, 2 DPS)
Class: Disciples of War or Magic
※ Limited jobs can participate only in a preformed party meeting party size requirements or an unrestricted party, and if duty rules allow.
Level: 60
※ Level will be synced upon entry.
Average Item Level: 170
Item Level Sync: 240
※ While synced, all item stats are adjusted.
※ Role and item level restrictions are lifted for parties meeting minimum size requirements.

Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png
1 1 2
Minimum Level: 60 (Sync from 60)
Minimum iLevel: 170 (Sync from 240)
Time Limit: 90 Minutes
Unrestricted Party: Allowed
Epic Echo (Status Effect) Icon.png Epic Echo: Default +200%
Unlock Quest: An Overgrown Ambition
Regular Duty: Dungeons: Heavensward
Duty Roulette: High-level Dungeons
Type: Dungeon
Zone: Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Zone)
Region: Dravania
Expansion: Heavensward
Background Music: Poison Ivy
Battle Music: A Fine DeathOminous Prognisticks
Victory Music: A Victory Fanfare Reborn
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png

MainIcon78.png Blue Mage Log:
Gil Icon.png 300 Allied Seal Icon.png 10 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 30
  • Clear Telmatology: 0/1
  • Prune the Rose Garden: 0/1
  • Clear Eremology: 0/1
  • Slay the Queen Hawk: 0/1
  • Clear the Study: 0/1
  • Defeat Belladonna: 0/1

Edit Saint Mocianne's Arboretum's Dialogue

Rose Garden
Rose garden - instance strip.png
  • You'll face Southern Seas Colibri that use Loop for medium damage, Malboro Terra that use Offal Breath (Same effect as Bad Breath, but in a targeted circle), Blooming Ochu, and a new enemy type called Korpokkur (Uses Buller's Drop for medium damage, and Spiritus which has an unknown effect).
  • Rose Garden itself uses the following moves:
Attack Name Description
Vine Probe Tankbuster.
Extremely Bad Breath Rose Garden will move to the middle and make a pool that inflicts the Resin status to anyone who walks through, inflicting slow (effects needed). At the same time, it will send out six seedlings, and ALL of them will ready Extremely Bad Breath. The Rose Garden's version is far bigger, and it will rotate around the arena, so you must circle around while avoiding the clouds created by the seedlings. Unknown what effect getting hit has. At lower percentages, will use the move without the seedlings and without causing it to linger.
Schizocarps Sends out several Rose Hip adds. If left alone, they will use Explosive Dehiscence to deal room-wide heavy damage.
Burr Fester Room wide medium damage.

Advice and Tips

  • This overgrown malboro basically boils down to kill the adds and avoid the AoE.
  • If you can identify which side it will turn to, you can loop around to the other side and stay there as it will not turn more than 360 degrees.
Boots of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Boots of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Boots of the Red Thief Icon.png Boots of the Ghost Thief Icon.png Boots of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Shoes Icon.png Plague Doctor's Shoes Icon.png Bracelet of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Bracelet of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Bracelet of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Bracelet Icon.png Plague Doctor's Bracelet Icon.png Ring of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Ring of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Ring of the Lost Thief Icon.png
Plague Bringer's Ring Icon.png Plague Doctor's Ring Icon.png
Queen Hawk
Queen hawk - instance strip.png
  • The Queen Hawk has the following tricks up her sleeve:
Attack Name Description
Stinger Cell Tankbuster.
Apitoxin Leaves a puddle on the floor that inflicts Pollen to anyone moving through it.
Buzz Occasionally she will emote and a swarm of bees will fly around the edge of the arena. These will continuously attack random players with Sharp Spindle for low damage, but occasionally charge up an AoE line attack across the arena called crossfire that hits for significantly more.
Pheremone Leak Roomwide medium damage.
Assail Appears to simply trigger the minions to use Crossfire.
Avail Summons four Knight Hawks, which grant Stoneskin (Physical), Stoneskin (Magical), and Damage Up on the Queen Hawk via tethers until defeated. During this time the Queen Hawk will spam Pheremone Leak with her enhanced damage. Once they are defeated, she will buzz again to summon even more minions around the arena.
Ally Used shortly after the second swarm arrives, this will summon 8 minions on the edges of the arena that will charge up crossfire, BUT NOT DISPLAY AN AOE MARKER. The key is to note the glowing bees around the edges and not stand in front of them. Barring that, they fire in a cross pattern across the arena, so standing away from the middle means you'll only get hit by at most one volley instead of eating both.

Advice and Tips

  • The main thing to consider during this fight is dodging Crossfire, especially later on when there's no marker.
Tricorne of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Tricorne of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Hat of the Red Thief Icon.png Hat of the Ghost Thief Icon.png Hat of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Mask Icon.png Plague Doctor's Mask Icon.png Gloves of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Gloves of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Gloves of the Red Thief Icon.png Gloves of the Ghost Thief Icon.png Gloves of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Gloves Icon.png Plague Doctor's Gloves Icon.png Earrings of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png
Earrings of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Earrings of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Earrings Icon.png Plague Doctor's Earrings Icon.png Choker of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Choker of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Choker of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Choker Icon.png Plague Doctor's Choker Icon.png
(Blue Mage Spell Acquisition)
Avail Icon.png
Belladonna - instance strip.png
  • You'll face Bilokos (Uses The Wood Remembers, conal AoE, unknown effect, and Hurl, targeted circular AoE with unknown effect), Tangled Narbrooi (Uses Adventitious Lash for moderate damage), and Grizzly Hosts (Uses Mind of Its Own, conal AoE with unknown effect, and Champ for moderate tank damage). Later on you'll encounter Royal Oaks and Withered Melia (Both using standard Treant/Melia attacks).

Belladonna herself uses the following moves:

Attack Name Description
Deracinator Tankbuster.
Atropine Spore "Donut" AoE affecting everywhere except her. Deals damage and applies Magic Vulnerability Up.
Soul Vacuum Roomwide AoE damage.
Bulbs Summons several bulbs around the arena, that periodically use Mildew in an AoE around them, inflicting moderate damage and Magic Vulnerability Up. These cannot be damaged and will persist throughout the fight.
Frond Fatale Roomwide attack that inflicts Seduce, causing you to uncontrollably walk towards a bulb to get hit by their attack. Can be avoided by looking away.
Petal Shower Targets several party members with a tracking circle, then uses Petal on them for moderate damage. Try not to hit your party members with it.
Lily of the Saint Three Lily of the Saints will spawn around the room and start to cast Decay. If they finish casting Decay, they do raid-wide damage that applies Magic Vulnerability Up and then they disappear.

Advice and Tips

  • The trick to this fight is navigating your way around the bulbs, making sure you can easily reach the center to avoid Atropine Spore, while also not crowding on top of your other players so you don't hit them with Petal.
  • Also remember to look away during Frond Fatale.
Coat of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Coat of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Coat of the Red Thief Icon.png Coat of the Ghost Thief Icon.png Coat of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Coat Icon.png Plague Doctor's Coat Icon.png Trousers of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Trousers of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Trousers of the Red Thief Icon.png Trousers of the Ghost Thief Icon.png Trousers of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Trousers Icon.png Plague Doctor's Trousers Icon.png Korpokkur Kid Icon.png
(Fixed Rate Drop)

Belladonna Card

Poison Ivy Orchestrion Roll
Additional Coffers
Treasure Coffer: 9.0-10.3
Boots of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Boots of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Boots of the Red Thief Icon.png Boots of the Ghost Thief Icon.png Boots of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Shoes Icon.png Plague Doctor's Shoes Icon.png Bracelet of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Bracelet of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Bracelet of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Bracelet Icon.png Plague Doctor's Bracelet Icon.png Ring of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Ring of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Ring of the Lost Thief Icon.png
Plague Bringer's Ring Icon.png Plague Doctor's Ring Icon.png
Treasure Coffer: 7.9-7.3
Tricorne of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Tricorne of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Hat of the Red Thief Icon.png Hat of the Ghost Thief Icon.png Hat of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Mask Icon.png Plague Doctor's Mask Icon.png Gloves of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Gloves of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Gloves of the Red Thief Icon.png Gloves of the Ghost Thief Icon.png Gloves of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Gloves Icon.png Plague Doctor's Gloves Icon.png Earrings of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png
Earrings of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Earrings of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Earrings Icon.png Plague Doctor's Earrings Icon.png Choker of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Choker of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Choker of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Choker Icon.png Plague Doctor's Choker Icon.png
Treasure Coffer: 10.9-11.2
Coat of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Coat of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Coat of the Red Thief Icon.png Coat of the Ghost Thief Icon.png Coat of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Coat Icon.png Plague Doctor's Coat Icon.png Trousers of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Trousers of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Trousers of the Red Thief Icon.png Trousers of the Ghost Thief Icon.png Trousers of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Trousers Icon.png Plague Doctor's Trousers Icon.png Bracelet of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png
Bracelet of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Bracelet of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Bracelet Icon.png Plague Doctor's Bracelet Icon.png Ring of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Ring of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Ring of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Ring Icon.png Plague Doctor's Ring Icon.png
Treasure Coffer: 11.1-9.7
Earrings of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Earrings of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Earrings of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Earrings Icon.png Plague Doctor's Earrings Icon.png Choker of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png Choker of the Daring Duelist Icon.png Choker of the Lost Thief Icon.png Plague Bringer's Choker Icon.png Plague Doctor's Choker Icon.png
Drop Table (58)
Item Type iLvl Requirements Stats
 Belladonna Card Icon.png  
Belladonna Card
Gold chest icon.pngGold Saucer6 Icon.png
 Triple Triad Card  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 98

 Poison Ivy Orchestrion Roll Icon.png  
Poison Ivy Orchestrion Roll
Gold chest icon.png
 Orchestrion Roll  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Music roll for Poison Ivy. Use to add to your orchestrion list.

 Korpokkur Kid Icon.png  
Korpokkur Kid
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Minion  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
For best results, keep moist at all times.

Use item to acquire the korpokkur kid minion.

 Trousers of the Ghost Thief Icon.png  
Trousers of the Ghost Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 173Magic Defense 173
Dexterity &0000000000000068000000+68
Vitality &0000000000000066000000+66
Critical Hit &0000000000000077000000+77
Determination &0000000000000054000000+54

 Plague Doctor's Earrings Icon.png  
Plague Doctor's Earrings
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Mind &0000000000000034000000+34
Piety &0000000000000038000000+38
Spell Speed &0000000000000027000000+27
Vitality &0000000000000030000000+30

 Plague Bringer's Coat Icon.png  
Plague Bringer's Coat
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 60
Defense 126Magic Defense 221
Intelligence &0000000000000068000000+68
Vitality &0000000000000059000000+59
Critical Hit &0000000000000077000000+77
Determination &0000000000000054000000+54

 Plague Bringer's Earrings Icon.png  
Plague Bringer's Earrings
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Intelligence &0000000000000034000000+34
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000038000000+38
Determination &0000000000000027000000+27
Vitality &0000000000000030000000+30

 Plague Bringer's Gloves Icon.png  
Plague Bringer's Gloves
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 60
Defense 94Magic Defense 165
Intelligence &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000038000000+38
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000048000000+48
Spell Speed &0000000000000034000000+34

 Plague Bringer's Mask Icon.png  
Plague Bringer's Mask
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 60
Defense 94Magic Defense 165
Intelligence &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000038000000+38
Determination &0000000000000048000000+48
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000034000000+34

 Plague Bringer's Ring Icon.png  
Plague Bringer's Ring
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Intelligence &0000000000000034000000+34
Critical Hit &0000000000000038000000+38
Determination &0000000000000027000000+27
Vitality &0000000000000030000000+30

 Plague Bringer's Shoes Icon.png  
Plague Bringer's Shoes
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 60
Defense 94Magic Defense 165
Intelligence &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000038000000+38
Spell Speed &0000000000000048000000+48
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000034000000+34

 Plague Bringer's Trousers Icon.png  
Plague Bringer's Trousers
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 60
Defense 126Magic Defense 221
Intelligence &0000000000000068000000+68
Vitality &0000000000000059000000+59
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000077000000+77
Critical Hit &0000000000000054000000+54

 Plague Doctor's Bracelet Icon.png  
Plague Doctor's Bracelet
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Mind &0000000000000034000000+34
Critical Hit &0000000000000038000000+38
Piety &0000000000000027000000+27
Vitality &0000000000000030000000+30

 Plague Doctor's Choker Icon.png  
Plague Doctor's Choker
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Mind &0000000000000034000000+34
Determination &0000000000000038000000+38
Piety &0000000000000027000000+27
Vitality &0000000000000030000000+30

 Plague Doctor's Coat Icon.png  
Plague Doctor's Coat
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 126Magic Defense 221
Mind &0000000000000068000000+68
Vitality &0000000000000059000000+59
Piety &0000000000000077000000+77
Spell Speed &0000000000000054000000+54

 Plague Doctor's Gloves Icon.png  
Plague Doctor's Gloves
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 94Magic Defense 165
Mind &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000038000000+38
Critical Hit &0000000000000048000000+48
Piety &0000000000000034000000+34

 Trousers of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png  
Trousers of the Defiant Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 60
Defense 315Magic Defense 315
Strength &0000000000000068000000+68
Vitality &0000000000000066000000+66
Tenacity &0000000000000077000000+77
Determination &0000000000000054000000+54

 Plague Doctor's Mask Icon.png  
Plague Doctor's Mask
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 94Magic Defense 165
Mind &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000038000000+38
Spell Speed &0000000000000048000000+48
Critical Hit &0000000000000034000000+34

 Plague Bringer's Choker Icon.png  
Plague Bringer's Choker
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Intelligence &0000000000000034000000+34
Spell Speed &0000000000000038000000+38
Critical Hit &0000000000000027000000+27
Vitality &0000000000000030000000+30

 Plague Doctor's Shoes Icon.png  
Plague Doctor's Shoes
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 94Magic Defense 165
Mind &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000038000000+38
Determination &0000000000000048000000+48
Critical Hit &0000000000000034000000+34

 Plague Doctor's Trousers Icon.png  
Plague Doctor's Trousers
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 126Magic Defense 221
Mind &0000000000000068000000+68
Vitality &0000000000000059000000+59
Piety &0000000000000077000000+77
Determination &0000000000000054000000+54

 Trousers of the Lost Thief Icon.png  
Trousers of the Lost Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 173Magic Defense 173
Dexterity &0000000000000068000000+68
Vitality &0000000000000066000000+66
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000077000000+77
Critical Hit &0000000000000054000000+54

 Ring of the Daring Duelist Icon.png  
Ring of the Daring Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000034000000+34
Critical Hit &0000000000000038000000+38
Determination &0000000000000027000000+27
Vitality &0000000000000033000000+33

 Ring of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png  
Ring of the Defiant Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Vitality &0000000000000033000000+33
Determination &0000000000000038000000+38
Skill Speed &0000000000000027000000+27
Strength &0000000000000034000000+34

 Ring of the Lost Thief Icon.png  
Ring of the Lost Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Dexterity &0000000000000034000000+34
Critical Hit &0000000000000038000000+38
Determination &0000000000000027000000+27
Vitality &0000000000000033000000+33

 Tricorne of the Daring Duelist Icon.png  
Tricorne of the Daring Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 165Magic Defense 129
Strength &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000042000000+42
Determination &0000000000000048000000+48
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000034000000+34

 Tricorne of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png  
Tricorne of the Defiant Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 60
Defense 235Magic Defense 235
Strength &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000042000000+42
Determination &0000000000000048000000+48
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000034000000+34

 Trousers of the Daring Duelist Icon.png  
Trousers of the Daring Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 221Magic Defense 173
Strength &0000000000000068000000+68
Vitality &0000000000000066000000+66
Skill Speed &0000000000000077000000+77
Critical Hit &0000000000000054000000+54

 Plague Doctor's Ring Icon.png  
Plague Doctor's Ring
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Mind &0000000000000034000000+34
Critical Hit &0000000000000038000000+38
Determination &0000000000000027000000+27
Vitality &0000000000000030000000+30

 Plague Bringer's Bracelet Icon.png  
Plague Bringer's Bracelet
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Intelligence &0000000000000034000000+34
Determination &0000000000000038000000+38
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000027000000+27
Vitality &0000000000000030000000+30

 Boots of the Daring Duelist Icon.png  
Boots of the Daring Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 165Magic Defense 129
Strength &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000042000000+42
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000048000000+48
Determination &0000000000000034000000+34

 Coat of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png  
Coat of the Defiant Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 60
Defense 315Magic Defense 315
Strength &0000000000000068000000+68
Vitality &0000000000000066000000+66
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000077000000+77
Critical Hit &0000000000000054000000+54

 Boots of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png  
Boots of the Defiant Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 60
Defense 235Magic Defense 235
Strength &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000042000000+42
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000048000000+48
Tenacity &0000000000000034000000+34

 Boots of the Ghost Thief Icon.png  
Boots of the Ghost Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 129Magic Defense 129
Dexterity &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000042000000+42
Determination &0000000000000048000000+48
Skill Speed &0000000000000034000000+34

 Boots of the Lost Thief Icon.png  
Boots of the Lost Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 129Magic Defense 129
Dexterity &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000042000000+42
Skill Speed &0000000000000048000000+48
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000034000000+34

 Boots of the Red Thief Icon.png  
Boots of the Red Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 60
Defense 129Magic Defense 129
Strength &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000042000000+42
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000048000000+48
Skill Speed &0000000000000034000000+34

 Bracelet of the Daring Duelist Icon.png  
Bracelet of the Daring Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000034000000+34
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000038000000+38
Critical Hit &0000000000000027000000+27
Vitality &0000000000000033000000+33

 Bracelet of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png  
Bracelet of the Defiant Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Vitality &0000000000000033000000+33
Critical Hit &0000000000000038000000+38
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000027000000+27
Strength &0000000000000034000000+34

 Bracelet of the Lost Thief Icon.png  
Bracelet of the Lost Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Dexterity &0000000000000034000000+34
Skill Speed &0000000000000038000000+38
Determination &0000000000000027000000+27
Vitality &0000000000000033000000+33

 Choker of the Daring Duelist Icon.png  
Choker of the Daring Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000034000000+34
Skill Speed &0000000000000038000000+38
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000027000000+27
Vitality &0000000000000033000000+33

 Choker of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png  
Choker of the Defiant Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Vitality &0000000000000033000000+33
Skill Speed &0000000000000038000000+38
Tenacity &0000000000000027000000+27
Strength &0000000000000034000000+34

 Choker of the Lost Thief Icon.png  
Choker of the Lost Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Dexterity &0000000000000034000000+34
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000038000000+38
Critical Hit &0000000000000027000000+27
Vitality &0000000000000033000000+33

 Coat of the Daring Duelist Icon.png  
Coat of the Daring Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 221Magic Defense 173
Strength &0000000000000068000000+68
Vitality &0000000000000066000000+66
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000077000000+77
Skill Speed &0000000000000054000000+54

 Coat of the Ghost Thief Icon.png  
Coat of the Ghost Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 173Magic Defense 173
Dexterity &0000000000000068000000+68
Vitality &0000000000000066000000+66
Skill Speed &0000000000000077000000+77
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000054000000+54

 Hat of the Red Thief Icon.png  
Hat of the Red Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 60
Defense 129Magic Defense 129
Strength &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000042000000+42
Critical Hit &0000000000000048000000+48
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000034000000+34

 Coat of the Lost Thief Icon.png  
Coat of the Lost Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 173Magic Defense 173
Dexterity &0000000000000068000000+68
Vitality &0000000000000066000000+66
Critical Hit &0000000000000077000000+77
Skill Speed &0000000000000054000000+54

 Coat of the Red Thief Icon.png  
Coat of the Red Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 60
Defense 173Magic Defense 173
Strength &0000000000000068000000+68
Vitality &0000000000000066000000+66
Skill Speed &0000000000000077000000+77
Critical Hit &0000000000000054000000+54

 Earrings of the Daring Duelist Icon.png  
Earrings of the Daring Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000034000000+34
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000038000000+38
Skill Speed &0000000000000027000000+27
Vitality &0000000000000033000000+33

 Earrings of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png  
Earrings of the Defiant Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Vitality &0000000000000033000000+33
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000038000000+38
Critical Hit &0000000000000027000000+27
Strength &0000000000000034000000+34

 Earrings of the Lost Thief Icon.png  
Earrings of the Lost Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Dexterity &0000000000000034000000+34
Determination &0000000000000038000000+38
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000027000000+27
Vitality &0000000000000033000000+33

 Gloves of the Daring Duelist Icon.png  
Gloves of the Daring Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 165Magic Defense 129
Strength &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000042000000+42
Critical Hit &0000000000000048000000+48
Determination &0000000000000034000000+34

 Gloves of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png  
Gloves of the Defiant Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 60
Defense 235Magic Defense 235
Strength &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000042000000+42
Critical Hit &0000000000000048000000+48
Skill Speed &0000000000000034000000+34

 Gloves of the Ghost Thief Icon.png  
Gloves of the Ghost Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 129Magic Defense 129
Dexterity &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000042000000+42
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000048000000+48
Determination &0000000000000034000000+34

 Gloves of the Lost Thief Icon.png  
Gloves of the Lost Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 129Magic Defense 129
Dexterity &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000042000000+42
Determination &0000000000000048000000+48
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000034000000+34

 Gloves of the Red Thief Icon.png  
Gloves of the Red Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 60
Defense 129Magic Defense 129
Strength &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000042000000+42
Determination &0000000000000048000000+48
Skill Speed &0000000000000034000000+34

 Hat of the Ghost Thief Icon.png  
Hat of the Ghost Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 129Magic Defense 129
Dexterity &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000042000000+42
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000048000000+48
Critical Hit &0000000000000034000000+34

 Hat of the Lost Thief Icon.png  
Hat of the Lost Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 129Magic Defense 129
Dexterity &0000000000000043000000+43
Vitality &0000000000000042000000+42
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000048000000+48
Determination &0000000000000034000000+34

 Trousers of the Red Thief Icon.png  
Trousers of the Red Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 60
Defense 173Magic Defense 173
Strength &0000000000000068000000+68
Vitality &0000000000000066000000+66
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000077000000+77
Determination &0000000000000054000000+54

NPCs (7)
Name X-Y Occupation Involvement

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