South Shroud

Zoneicon.pngSouth Shroud
In days of yore, the city of Amdapor flourished amidst the trees of the South Shroud. Now, the Lumberline cuts through the area from north to south, and the merchants traveling the trading route must be wary of brigands with an eye for their wares.
Region: The Black Shroud
Landmass: Aldenard
World: Hydaelyn
Weather: Clear Skies icon.png (Clear Skies)
Clouds icon.png (Clouds)
Fair Skies icon.png (Fair Skies)
Fog icon.png (Fog)
Rain icon.png (Rain)
Tension icon.png (Tension)
Thunder icon.png (Thunder)
Thunderstorms icon.png (Thunderstorms)
Background Music: Serenity (Music)
Battle Music: The Land Bends

Connections & Duties

Connection Coordinates
Zoneicon.png East Shroud (26-16)
Zoneicon.png Central Shroud (14-16)
Zoneicon.png Eastern Thanalan (16-34)
Duty Coordinates
Dungeon Icon.png Amdapor Keep (24-24)
Dungeon Icon.png The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak (19-18)
Dungeon Icon.png The Lost City of Amdapor (14-30)

Zone Summary & Overview

Area NPCs Quests FATEs Levequests Hunting Log Targets Monsters Logging/Harvesting Mining/Quarrying Fishing Log Locations
Lower Paths 11 43 9 10 6 46 1/1 -/1 2

Silent Arbor 6 53 4 103 13 41 1/- 2

Snakemolt 1 8 5 6

Upper Paths 11 31 11 18 61 1/- 1/1 2

Urth's Gift 4 2 8 10 1/- 1

Navigable Map

South Shroud LandingNo Man's HovelIssom-HarBuscarron's DruthersBuscarron's ScarRedbelly HiveQuarrymillCamp TranquilThe Mun-Tuy CellarsGoblins' MeetTaker's RotUrth's FountAmdapor KeepThe Thousand Maws of Toto-RakThe Lost City of AmdaporEastern ThanalanEast ShroudCentral ShroudRootslakeLower PathsLower PathsUpper PathsSilent ArborUrth's GiftSnakemoltSouth Shroud cropped.png