
Thaumaturge Icon 3.pngThaumaturge (THM)
Magic Ranged DPSroleicon.png  Disciple of Magic > Magic Ranged DPS
The Armoury
In the hands of a skilled practitioner, thaumaturgy can be a force of terrifying destruction. At the heart of this school of magic lies the ability to call forth and command the latent aether within oneself through deep introspection.

To then mold that aether into sorcery, the thaumaturge makes use of a scepter or staff, within which is housed a medium—a natural stone imbued with magical properties. Thus armed, the thaumaturge is capable of wreaking considerable havoc via ruinous spells and curses.

Featurequest1 Icon.png Unlock: Way of the Thaumatur... (Lv. 1)
Unknownbattle1 Icon.png Weapon Type: SceptersStaffs
Main Command 21 Icon.png Unlocks: Black Mage
Main Command 3 Icon.png Primary Stat: IntelligencePiety
Main Command 41 Icon.png Required: A Realm Reborn
MainIcon5.png Starting Level: 1

Level Name   Description Stats
&0000000000000001000000&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}ThaumaturgeThaumaturge Icon 3.png  BlizzardBlizzard Icon.png Blizzard

Deals ice damage with a potency of 180.
Additional Effect: Grants Umbral Ice or removes Astral Fire
Duration: 15s

The mathematical base strength of an ability.180
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.2.5s
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.400 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&0000000000000002000000&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}ThaumaturgeThaumaturge Icon 3.png  FireFire Icon.png Fire

Deals fire damage with a potency of 180.
Additional Effect: Grants Astral Fire or removes Umbral Ice
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: 40% chance next Fire III will cost no MP and have no cast time
Duration: 30s

The mathematical base strength of an ability.180
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.2.5s
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.800 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&0000000000000004000000&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}ThaumaturgeThaumaturge Icon 3.png  TransposeTranspose Icon.png Transpose

Swaps Astral Fire with a single Umbral Ice, or Umbral Ice with a single Astral Fire.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.5s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Self Target0y
&0000000000000006000000&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}ThaumaturgeThaumaturge Icon 3.png  ThunderThunder Icon.png Thunder

Deals lightning damage with a potency of 120.
Additional Effect: Lightning damage over time
Potency: 45
Duration: 24s
Can only be cast while under the effect of Thunderhead, granted when gaining Astral Fire or Umbral Ice from an unaspected state, or changing between their influences.
Thunderhead Duration: 30s
Only one Thunder spell-induced damage over time effect per caster can be inflicted upon a single target.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.100
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000001200000012 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}ThaumaturgeThaumaturge Icon 3.png  Blizzard IIBlizzard II Icon.png Blizzard II

Deals ice damage with a potency of 80 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Grants Umbral Ice III and removes Astral Fire
Duration: 15s

The mathematical base strength of an ability.80
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.3s
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.800 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Targeted AoE (epicenter: afflicted target; angle: 360°)5y
&000000000000001500000015 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}ThaumaturgeThaumaturge Icon 3.png Rewarded from Quest ScatheScathe Icon.png Scathe

Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 100.
Additional Effect: 20% chance potency will double

The mathematical base strength of an ability.100
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.800 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000001800000018 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}ThaumaturgeThaumaturge Icon 3.png  Fire IIFire II Icon.png Fire II

Deals fire damage with a potency of 80 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Grants Astral Fire III and removes Umbral Ice
Duration: 15s

The mathematical base strength of an ability.80
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.3s
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.1500 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Targeted AoE (epicenter: afflicted target; angle: 360°)5y
&000000000000002600000026 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}ThaumaturgeThaumaturge Icon 3.png  Thunder IIThunder II Icon.png Thunder II

Deals lightning damage with a potency of 60 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Lightning damage over time
Potency: 30
Duration: 18s
Can only be cast while under the effect of Thunderhead, granted when gaining Astral Fire or Umbral Ice from an unaspected state, or changing between their influences.
Thunderhead Duration: 30s
Only one Thunder spell-induced damage over time effect per caster can be inflicted upon a single target.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.60
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Targeted AoE (epicenter: afflicted target; angle: 360°)5y
&000000000000003000000030 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}ThaumaturgeThaumaturge Icon 3.png Rewarded from Quest ManawardManaward Icon.png Manaward

Creates a barrier that nullifies damage totaling up to 30% of maximum HP.
Duration: 20s

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.120s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Self Target0y
&000000000000003500000035 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}ThaumaturgeThaumaturge Icon 3.png  Fire IIIFire III Icon.png Fire III

Deals fire damage with a potency of 280.
Additional Effect: Grants Astral Fire III and removes Umbral Ice
Duration: 15s

The mathematical base strength of an ability.280
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.3.5s
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.2000 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000003500000035 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}ThaumaturgeThaumaturge Icon 3.png Rewarded from Quest Blizzard IIIBlizzard III Icon.png Blizzard III

Deals ice damage with a potency of 280.
Additional Effect: Grants Umbral Ice III and removes Astral Fire
Duration: 15s

The mathematical base strength of an ability.280
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.3.5s
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.800 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000004500000045 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}ThaumaturgeThaumaturge Icon 3.png Rewarded from Quest Thunder IIIThunder III Icon.png Thunder III

Deals lightning damage with a potency of 120.
Additional Effect: Lightning damage over time
Potency: 50
Duration: 27s
Can only be cast while under the effect of Thunderhead, granted when gaining Astral Fire or Umbral Ice from an unaspected state, or changing between their influences.
Thunderhead Duration: 30s
Only one Thunder spell-induced damage over time effect per caster can be inflicted upon a single target.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.120
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000005000000050 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}ThaumaturgeThaumaturge Icon 3.png  Aetherial ManipulationAetherial Manipulation Icon.png Aetherial Manipulation

Rush to a target party member's side.
Unable to cast if bound.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.10s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Self Target0y

Level Name   Description Acquisition
&0000000000000008000000Magic Ranged DPSroleicon.png AddleAddle Icon.png Addle
Lowers target's physical damage dealt by 5% and magic damage dealt by 10%.

Duration: 15s

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.90s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000001000000010 Magic Ranged DPSroleicon.png SleepSleep Icon.png Sleep
Puts target and all nearby enemies to sleep.

Duration: 30s Cancels auto-attack upon execution.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.2.5s
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.800 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.30y
Targeted AoE (epicenter: afflicted target; angle: 360°)5y
&000000000000001400000014 Magic Ranged DPSroleicon.png Lucid DreamingLucid Dreaming Icon.png Lucid Dreaming
Gradually restores own MP.

Potency: 55 Duration: 21s

The mathematical base strength of an ability.55
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.60s
Self: Ability targets the user alone.0y
&000000000000001800000018 Magic Ranged DPSroleicon.png SwiftcastSwiftcast Icon.png Swiftcast
Next spell is cast immediately.

Duration: 10s

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.40s
Self: Ability targets the user alone.0y
&000000000000004400000044 Magic Ranged DPSroleicon.png SurecastSurecast Icon.png Surecast
Spells can be cast without interruption.

Additional Effect: Nullifies most knockback and draw-in effects Duration: 6s

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.120s
Self: Ability targets the user alone.0y

Level Name Description
&00000000000000010000001Aspect Mastery Aspect Mastery Icon.png Aspect Mastery Casting of certain fire and ice spells will grant a stack of Astral Fire and Umbral Ice respectively.

Maximum Stacks: 1 Duration: 15s While under the effect of Astral Fire, the cost of casting Fire spells is doubled, MP recovery is reduced to 0, and the potency of Ice spells is reduced by 10%. While under the effect of Umbral Ice, the cost of casting Ice spells is reduced to 0, 2,500 MP is recovered upon landing an Ice spell, and the potency of Fire spells is reduced by 10%.

&000000000000002000000020Aspect Mastery II Aspect Mastery II Icon.png Aspect Mastery II Allows the stacking of a second Astral Fire and Umbral Ice.

While under the effect of Astral Fire, the potency of Fire spells is increased by 60% and the potency of Ice spells is reduced by 20%. While under the effect of Umbral Ice, 5,000 MP is recovered upon landing an Ice spell and the potency of Fire spells is reduced by 20%. Revisions

&000000000000002000000020Magick and Mend Magick and Mend Icon.png Magick and Mend Astrologian: Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 10%.

Thaumaturge: Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 10% and allows for the stacking of a second Astral Fire or Umbral Ice.

&000000000000003500000035Aspect Mastery III Aspect Mastery III Icon.png Aspect Mastery III Allows the stacking of a third Astral Fire and Umbral Ice.

Casting Fire II or Blizzard II grants maximum stacks of Astral Fire or Umbral Ice respectively. While under the effect of Astral Fire III, the potency of Fire spells is increased by 80%, and the cast time of Ice spells is halved and potency lowered by 30%. While under the effect of Umbral Ice III, 10,000 MP is recovered upon landing an Ice spell, and the cast time of Fire spells is halved and potency lowered by 30%.

&000000000000004000000040Magick and Mend II Magick and Mend II Icon.png Magick and Mend II Astrologian: Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 30%.

Thaumaturge: Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 30% and allows for the stacking of a third Astral Fire or Umbral Ice which reduces cast times for spells of the opposite element by half.

&000000000000004200000042Firestarter Firestarter Icon.png Firestarter Grants a 40% chance that after casting Fire, your next Fire III will require no MP and have no cast time.
Duration: 30s
Grants a 40% chance that after casting Fire, your next Fire III will require no MP and have no cast time.
Duration: 30s
Grants a 40% chance that your next Fire III will require no time to cast and cost no MP.
Duration: 30s

Level Name Description
&000000000000009400000094Enhanced Swiftcast Enhanced Swiftcast Icon.png Enhanced Swiftcast Reduces Swiftcast recast time to 40 seconds.
&000000000000009800000098Enhanced Addle Enhanced Addle Icon.png Enhanced Addle Extends the duration of Addle to 15 seconds.

Level Name   Description Stats
&0000000000000001000000&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}} 1Magic Ranged DPS Icon 3.png  SkyshardSkyshard Icon.png Skyshard
(Limit Break Level 1)

Deals 60% the damage of Braver to all enemies in a circular area.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.2s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Ground-target AoE (epicenter: targeted ground; angle: 360°)5y
&0000000000000001000000&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}} 2Magic Ranged DPS Icon 3.png  StarstormStarstorm Icon.png Starstorm
(Limit Break Level 2)

Deals 130% the damage of Braver to all enemies in a circular area.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.3s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Ground-target AoE (epicenter: targeted ground; angle: 360°)10y

Additional Information
Thaumaturge Weapons  Thaumaturge Shield
Thaumaturge Head Thaumaturge Body Thaumaturge Hands Thaumaturge Legs Thaumaturge Feet
Thaumaturge Earrings Thaumaturge Necklace Thaumaturge Bracelets Thaumaturge Ring
Thaumaturge Sets
Class/Job Quests
Name Level
Way of the Thaumaturge &00000000000000010000001&000000000006588100000065,881Way of the Thaumaturge Thaumaturge Icon 3.png Lvl.1
My First Scepter &00000000000000010000001&000000000006588200000065,882My First Scepter Thaumaturge Icon 3.png Lvl.1
The Threat of Intimacy &00000000000000050000005&000000000006588300000065,883The Threat of Intimacy Thaumaturge Icon 3.png Lvl.5
The Threat of Paucity &000000000000001000000010&000000000006588500000065,885The Threat of Paucity Thaumaturge Icon 3.png Lvl.10
The Threat of Superiority &000000000000001500000015&000000000006588600000065,886The Threat of Superiority Thaumaturge Icon 3.png Lvl.15
The Threat of Perplexity &000000000000002000000020&000000000006588700000065,887The Threat of Perplexity Thaumaturge Icon 3.png Lvl.20
The Hidden Chapter &000000000000002500000025&000000000006588800000065,888The Hidden Chapter Thaumaturge Icon 3.png Lvl.25
Facing Your Demons &000000000000003000000030&000000000006588900000065,889Facing Your Demons Thaumaturge Icon 3.png Lvl.30
Taking the Black &000000000000003000000030&000000000006660900000066,609Taking the Black Thaumaturge Icon 3.png Lvl.30
Hunting Log
