This fight has 2 distinct phases, during which the bosses use the following moves and mechanics.
Falling off at any point will stun the player for a few seconds before they can jump back up. If all players fall off at the same time, it counts as a wipe.
Phase 1
Lasts until ~80%.
Attack Name |
Boss Tether
Shares HP between Ultros and Typhon, splitting it evenly. Generally used when they have a ~10% difference in HP.
Used by Ultros. Large AoE centered on Ultros that deals low damage.
Used by Ultros. Frontal cone AoE
Used by Typhon. Deals moderate damage to the MT.
Used by Typhon. Instant cast frontal cone AoE that deals light damage and knocks back any players caught in it, about ~40% the width of the arena.
Used by Typhon. Conal tail swipe AoE. Deals moderate damage and knocks back any players caught in it.
Used by Typhon. Targets a random player with a large AoE.
Used by Ultros. At 80% on either boss, Ultros will turn all the DPS into Imps. Prevents use of all skills and lowers HP and lasts for ~60 seconds. Unlocks the ability Imp Strike.
Imp Strike
Powered up by being hit with Aqua Breath, giving the Imped player a stack of Wet Plate.
Severe Snort
Used by Typhon. After ~2 casts of Aqua Breath after players have been Imped, Typhon will move to the center and begin glowing as he casts this. If it goes off, it will knock all players off the arena, causing a wipe. To stop this, the DPS players must use their Imp Strike ability that has been charged with Wet Plate. Each stack of Wet Plate will remove a stack of Invigoration on Typhon. Remove all 8 stacks of Invigoration to prevent the cast from finishing.
Advice and Tips
- Imp players must make sure they are hit by each Aqua Breath so the group doesn't wipe to Severe Snort.
Phase 2
All mechanics from Phase 1 are used here.
Attack Name |
4-tonze Weight
Used by Ultros. Drops small AoEs on random targets. Players hit will be stunned and take moderate damage.
Used by Typhon. He will move to the center of the room and begin casting this, facing to the East. When the cast finishes, he will shoot two conal AoEs from his front and back and begin to slowly spin counterclockwise. Players that touch the AoE will be knocked out of the arena. For the first one, players will be Imped and will need to deal with Aqua Breath.
Used by Ultros. Multiple tentacles will spawn around the arena. After a few seconds, they will either do a wide conal AoE or a long line AoE. Being hit by any of these knocks you back, potentially out of the arena.
Used by Typhon. Marks a random player for an AoE. After a few seconds, it will knock the marked player straight up in the air and knockback any players in the AoE.
Used by Typhon. He will move to the center of the room and begin casting this. After it finishes, he will snort 5 times in a row, knocking back players each time. Players must keep moving towards him to avoid falling off.
Advice and Tips
- For the conal AoE Tentacles, the safe spot will be along the edge of the arena. If you don't think you can make it in time, at least make sure you are standing in front of a tentacle and only in one AoE so you have a higher chance of not being knocked out of the arena.
- Avoid standing in FUNGAH so you aren't knocked out of the arena.
- Keep moving towards Typhon when he is casting Snortsault so you aren't knocked out of the arena (noticing a pattern?)
- Standing in the Southeast or Northwest part of the arena for Bad Gas gives you the most space to move and adjust for the AoEs.
(Blue Mage Spell Acquisition)