The Face of War

Mainquest1 Icon.png Lv. 70   The Face of War

Journal detail hr1 07.png Acquisition
This quest unlocks an instanced duty.
Lyse: Eorzean Alliance Headquarters (x:6.3, y:6.1)

Map33 Icon.pngClosest Aetheryte: Porta Praetoria → Resistance Fighter (Porta Praetoria)

Journal detail hr1 08.png Requirements
071201.png70Parley on the Front LinesMainquest1 Icon.png Parley on the Front Lines (Level 70)

Spacer2.png Any Disciple of War or Magic (excluding limited jobs) (Level 70)

Journal detail hr1 03.png Rewards

Experience Points

026002.png What Is It Good For
Miscellaneous Reward

Dungeon Icon.png The Ghimlyt Dark (Level 70)

Edit The Face of War's Miscellaneous Reward
Journal detail hr1 04.png Description
Having listened to Emperor Varis's maniacal plans, Lyse is ready to go to war.
Journal detail hr1 01.png Objectives
Journal detail hr1 02.png Unlocks Quests
071201.png70A Brief ReprieveMainquest1 Icon.png A Brief Reprieve (Level 70)

  • Having listened to Emperor Varis's maniacal plans, Lyse is ready to go to war.
  • The hour of battle has arrived at last. Together with a contingent of Doman soldiers, you and your comrades make for the Ghimlyt Dark, and the front lines of battle.
※Challenge the Ghimlyt Dark with other players via the Duty Finder, or with a party of NPCs via Duty Support. Both systems are accessible from the main menu as well as the dungeon's entrance point.
  • Chaos erupts from all sides as you wage your way through the Ghimlyt Dark. Though the imperials send wave after wave of soldiers against you and your allies, their forces are still found wanting. They eventually concede defeat and begin a hasty retreat.
  • Just as you are making ready to give chase, your minds are assailed once again by a mysterious voice. When the pain subsides, you find Alisaie lifeless on the ground.
  • Thanks to your efforts, the Garlean forces have retreated, offering the Alliance a brief reprieve. While discussing the present state of the battle against Garlemald, Yugiri returns from the infirmary with distressing news─the chirurgeons can find no cause for Alisaie's affliction. With five of the Scions now fallen, Raubahn suspects you may be shaken, and exhausted besides. With no further signs of Garlean movement, he bids you rest for the interim.
  • You return to the Rising Stones and speak with Hoary Boulder, who is dismayed to hear that Alisaie too has succumbed to the deathless sleep that has taken hold of the others. Though Krile and the other remaining Scions have yet to find a remedy, he believes all hope is not yet lost. For now, however, all you can do is wait.

Edit The Face of War's Dialogue
Player7 Icon.png Voiced cutscene start.
066464 hr1.png Revolutions
I'm not sure what I was expecting from our meeting with the Emperor, but it wasn't that. Still, at least we know now what he's really after!
Aye, a future built on a mountain of bodies. I too want the Ascians dead─but not at any cost.
The last of the reinforcements from Doma arrived not long ago. I pray it will be enough. Given the Emperor's stated goal, this is a battle we can ill afford to lose.
If the Garleans come in force, we may not have much say in the matter...even with our combined strength.
We knew from the first that the odds would be against us. But if there is even the slightest chance of victory, we must do everything in our power to seize it.
We must seize it, full stop.
066464 hr1.png Heroes of Stormblood
Hear, hear!
The two of you are to join an irregular unit and support the main host. I won't bother asking if you're minded to fight.
After coming this far, how could I not?

And for once, there's no one around to countermand me. Not that they would. Not even my brother.

But we all know who'll really make the difference. Ready to frighten some Garleans?
I wouldn't want to be on their side.
Might I ask you to accompany the Doman contingent? They are strangers here, and your presence would do much to raise their spirits.
We would be honored.
When our people stride out with you in their midst, I daresay the Eorzeans will feel an ilm taller themselves. High spirits have a way of spreading.
Ah, what I wouldn't give to join you. But my duties as field commander will not allow it. I leave the front lines in your capable hands.
066464 hr1.png Defender of the Realm
Comrades! Ready your arms! The hour of battle has come!
May the Crystal guide us to victory!
Since the others couldn't be here, we'll have to fight twice as hard. If Alphinaud wakes to find the imperials have won, I shall never hear the end of it.

It's strange... I thought I would be terrified when the fighting started.

I should be terrified. But with you at our side, I can't help feeling everything is going to be all right.

So please...

Don't you dare leave me alone.

No matter what happens, we have to survive. Together.
Player7 Icon.png Voiced cutscene end.
Quest Accepted
The Ghimlyt Dark Now Accessible

My duties as field commander demand I remain here at my post, but I have no doubt the front lines are in capable hands.
Stay focused, now! Let's show the Empire what we're made of!
The Eastern alliance stands ready to fight. Let us seize victory this day and secure the morrow for all our peoples.
There is a chill in the air, and I speak not of the weather. Nay, this is the palpable tension that precedes a bloody battle.

Player7 Icon.png Voiced cutscene start.

There you are! And none the worse for wear!

We did it! I daresay they'll be reeling from this!

Indeed. I had hoped we might do more to help, but there seems to be no one left to fight.

You were truly inspiring in battle, my friend. I'm determined not to be outdone, but there seems to be no one left to fight...

A tactical withdrawal, perhaps?
We should give chase. Finish them off while we have the chance.
Imagine the others' surprise when they wake to find the war already won.
This dialogue is in ???'s thoughts. ???
The Light...will expunge all life...

Only you...can forestall the calamity...

Throw wide...the gates...
No! Not now...
Oh no, don't tell me...

Are you all right?

Quickly! We must get her back to the encampment.
Player7 Icon.png Voiced cutscene end.

Alisaie is being cared for at the infirmary. Would that there were more we could do for her...

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
066464 hr1.png The Sands' Secrets
So the Garleans have been routed, have they? Well done.

Though this exchange was no more than a test of our strength, like as not. They won't be taking any chances now that the Emperor has joined the fray. They'll want to take their time─whittle down our defenses...

Still, with your help, and that of our Eastern allies, we've passed the first test. Our line is unbroken.

As for Alisaie...well, she's in good hands over at the infirmary.
My lord─the chirurgeons have completed their examination of Mistress Alisaie, and it is as we feared. She is locked in a slumber without any outward cause.
Just like the others. Damn it all...
Aye...the Garleans picked a fine time to come knocking.
Five Scions incapacitated... And with the enemy on our doorstep, I cannot spare the men to assist in the search for a cure. The best I can do is see to it that Alisaie is escorted safely back to the Rising Stones.
Yugiri and I would return to our encampment. The main contingent of our forces from the Far East is under sail, and all must be made ready for their arrival.
I'll not keep you, then.

Judging by the Garleans' recent movements, or lack thereof, they won't be launching another offensive in the immediate future.

You should return to the Rising Stones. Given the plight of your fellow Scions, I can understand if you feel on edge, but you'll be no good to anyone without rest.

Go on, now─rest. You've more than earned it. We'll contact you the moment the Garleans show any sign of stirring.

Ah, Forename. Welcome home. Word has it you and Mistress Alisaie gave the Garleans quite a thrashing. Speaking of whom, where is Mistress Alisaie? I was certain she would have returned by now.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
066464 hr1.png Thicker than a Knife's Blade
By the Twelve, not her too...

Ocher and I will ready the infirmary for her arrival.

We will also need to send a message to Tataru posthaste. <sigh> Would that I had something other than grim tidings to share with her...

And with you too, for that matter. It grieves me to report that the Archons' condition remains unchanged.

As we speak, Coultenet, Krile, and Master Matoya continue to explore every possible avenue. Alas, their efforts have yet to bear fruit.

But all is not lost. You are still hale and whole, after all. Though I suspect you must be tired from your journey. You should rest, my friend. Leave the worrying to us, for the time being, at least.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.
Quest Complete

Meanwhile, at the border of Ala Mhigo...
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
066464 hr1.png Meteor
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

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