The Fields of Glory (Shatter)

Pvpicon.pngThe Fields of Glory (Shatter)
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The Fields of Glory (Shatter).png
Under the influence of the lesser moon Dalamud, Nael van Darnus, legatus of the VIIth Legion, sought out and unearthed Allagan ruins in the eastern lowlands of Coerthas. Aided by the knowledge contained therein, he raised the very earth unto the heavens, and from this lofty perch did the White Raven nearly orchestrate the destruction of Eorzea.

The remnants of that mad plan still litter the frozen lowlands, as well as other ancient artifacts now laid bare. Though the powers that be are in agreement that Nael's data must be secured, they remain divided on the subject of how best to administer the region, which has prompted them to invoke the same laws which transformed Carteneau and Seal Rock into a battlefield. Where words fail, weapons speak.



Time Limit: 20m
Consumable Items Not Allowed
Meal Benefits Disabled
Cannot select with other duties

1-4 players
Unrestricted Parties Not Allowed
Class: Any job of the Disciples of War or Magic (excluding limited jobs)
Level 30
* Player level and attributes are ignored during PvP and replaced with PvP-specific values.
* Players will be randomly assigned to one of the three Grand Company teams.
Additional Loot Rules Unavailable
Minimum IL Unavailable
* In order to participate, this duty must be ongoing at the time of registration.

Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png
0~24/72 0~24/72 0~24/72
Minimum Level: 30
Unrestricted Party: Allowed
Unlock Quest: Like Civilized Men and Women
Duty Roulette: Frontline
Type: PvP
Zone: The Fields of Glory
Region: Coerthas
Weather: Clear
Expansion: Heavensward
Background Music: Rouse Out!
Other Music: The War Room
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png
Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics Icon.png
Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry Icon.png
Irregular Tomestone of Genesis II-currency.png
PvP Rewards
Rank 1
Experience PvP EXP PvP Series EXP Wolf Marks
Expicon.png0 PvP EXP.png1000 065089 hr1.png1500 Wolf Mark Icon.png1000
Rank 2
Expicon.png0 PvP EXP.png750 065089 hr1.png1250 Wolf Mark Icon.png750
Rank 3
Expicon.png0 PvP EXP.png500 065089 hr1.png1000 Wolf Mark Icon.png500

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