The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos

061833.pngThe Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos
Miscellaneous Duty

The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos.png
The Forbidden Land, Eureka, is an instanced area that up to 144 players can explore simultaneously. Contend with raging aetherial energies and strengthen Eureka weapons and gear in order to progress through this untamed land.[1]


1 to 8 players
Unrestricted Parties Not Allowed
Class: Disciples of War or Magic (excluding limited jobs)
Level: 70
※ Level will be synced upon entry.
Item Level Sync: 300
※ While synced, all item stats are adjusted.

Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png
Minimum Level: 70 (Sync from 70)
Minimum iLevel: None (Sync from 300)
Time Limit: 180 Minutes Minutes
Unrestricted Party: Allowed
Echo Icon.png The Echo: Default +150%
Unlock Quest: And We Shall Call It Hydatos
Type: Miscellaneous Duty
Zone: Eureka Hydatos
Region: ??? (Region)
Expansion: Stormblood


Edit The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos's Dialogue

Ever a sight for sore eyes, Forename. By now it's no secret, but we can't well continue our work without you.

As always, let us begin by taking stock of the situation. Through our previous investigation, we learned that the founders had sealed away the primal Eureka on this isle.

However, Ejika then came along and, acting at Eureka's behest, sabotaged the proto-aetheryte─what may be considered the beating heart of the ward. On account of which the ward has ceased to function.

For a blessing, we discovered a way to restore it: by infusing magicite with copious amounts of aether to create a new focal point. It took considerable time and effort, but the preparations are now ready. All that remains is to reach the primal and seal it away once more.

In order to do that, as per our original objective, we must gain entry to the Students' headquarters. However, this has been rendered complicated owing to a number of factors.

Aside from lying beyond impassable terrain, the structure is protected by a ward of its own─did you ever doubt it? Ordinarily, members of the Students are able to teleport inside, but the high concentration of aether we've measured makes doing so extremely dangerous. We must ascertain the conditions first, or we risk not emerging from the Lifestream.

So I've a mind to enter via the "back door," as it were. Yet this method of ingress, too, isn't without its problems, but it's better to explain it out in the field.

...And that's where we stand. Now, before we set out, there's one last matter I'd like to attend to.

You see, I had tasked the expedition scholar with researching legends pertaining to Eureka. Call it a scholar's hunch, but I thought that a hint might be scrounged from amongst the tales. But come, let us see what the good scholar has dug up for us.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
Greetings, Mistress Krile, Master Forename! May I assume you have come about the legends?
Indeed we have. Did your efforts bear fruit?
They did, I'm pleased to say. First of all, it must be noted that there are several legends describing the forbidden land, Eureka.

Despite their many divergences, however, all are united in one detail: that Eureka was a repository for transcendent weapons hidden beneath the Crystal Tower.

Combining this fact with your account of Eureka's avatar forging a blade for Master Ejika, I'm led to conclude that the primal possesses the ability to create weapons.
Weapons forged by a primal, put in the hands of mortals... What could possibly go wrong?
In his visions, Master Forename heard the words "exposure places the bearer's very soul at hazard," did he not? I take that to mean that those who wield such weapons are at risk of becoming the primal's vessel.
This calls to mind Urianger's report on the Dark Divinity, Odin, and his sword Zantetsuken. The primal was not the rider, but the weapon.
Odin is said to have appeared during the age of the Allagan Empire. It may well be that Zantetsuken was forged by Eureka.
Recognizing the danger, the Allagans sealed Eureka's weapons beneath the Crystal Tower. And this gave rise to the myriad legends of a "forbidden land"...

Curious, though... Assuming Eureka was born of prayers, one would expect a deity the likes of Byregot to manifest. A brawny smithy working the forge.

Yet what we have is a primal possessed of an autonomous avatar, which goes around promising power and glory. Not the kind of entity that would arise from homespun legends. No, it feels all too purposeful. Calculated.

But such musings are for another time. I have some few things to prepare in order to make use of the aforementioned back door. In the meantime, would you go and pay Gerolt a visit?

I understand he's devised yet more ways to ease your labors. Come and find me when you're done speaking with him.
A moment, Master Forename. There is one more matter I wish to speak with you about.

It pertains to the members of the Students believed trapped inside the headquarters. We've been speaking of rescue, but based on what we know, that may be an overly optimistic view.

The concentration of aether we've measured inside the tower is, to be blunt, not conducive to life. Certainly not over long periods. And all this time, there's been no observable movement from within.

Of course, the Students are knowledgeable and skilled folk, and they may have found some way to survive. But even as we cling to this hope, we should prepare ourselves for the worst.

Forgive me for bothering you with gloomy talk. I won't keep you any longer; pray go and seek out Master Gerolt!
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
Everythin' sorted with Krile? Good, good. As before, I've got a bunch o' things to catch ye up on. Prick up yer ears an' listen.

First, regardin' the logos manipulator. We've improved the vials we use to store transubstantiated mnemes, meanin' ye can carry around more o' the stuff. The expedition alchemist can tell ye all about it.

Next, yer magia board. If ye was already impressed with six pieces o' magicite─rejoice! We can now augment the thing to hold seven stones. If ye talk to the expedition engineer, he'll fix ye up rightwise.

An' last but not least, me favorite topic.
...No, not me godsdamned debts, ye cheeky bloody sod. Weapons! I've found a way to make yer weapons even stronger. If this tickles yer fancy, ye jus' let me know.

Ah, an' while yer here...

Drake! Get yer arse over here an' tell the man about the logograms!
Sir, I am pleased to inform you that we have discovered new varieties of logograms here in Hydatos.
Certain combinations of these may yield heretofore unseen mnemes, and I encourage you to experiment with the logograms you come upon.
...So, this is lookin' to be the final stage o' the expedition. I've stuck with ye all this way, so don't go disappointin' me now, eh? See the job finished!
From myself as well, sir, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors here!
Right, everythin' what needed sayin's been said. If ye want to know about weapon enhancement, we can talk now. Otherwise ye can piss off back to Krile.
Upon recording fifty-six or more unique entries in your Logos Action Log and speaking with Drake, you will be able to acquire new items.
Please be advised that these items will only become available after you have gained access to the Eureka armor offered by the expedition artisan in Northpoint.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Everything sorted with Gerolt? Excellent. Let us set out at once!

...Is what I'd like to say, but I'm afraid I need more time to complete my tasks.

Rather than standing idle at camp, though, may I suggest you acquaint yourself with the area outside? I should be able to complete my tasks meanwhile.
You may continue the Eureka expedition upon reaching elemental level 51.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
Apologies for the wait! We now have everything we need to make use of the back door. To be sure, there's still a couple of things that require doing out there.

First, let us head to the Central Columns. It's due south of here, at the Val River Source. I'll explain everything once we arrive.

Oh, and I should mention that, from this point on, I'll be delegating the bulk of my duties to the good scholar. If you ever want for guidance, she's the first person you should seek out. Without further ado, then!
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

<pant> Once again, I'm reminded of this isle's dangers... <pant> And how much of a boon you are to our efforts.

Without the lessons of your field investigations to draw upon, I don't think I would've made it here in one piece.

So, the back door. It's an aetherbridge that conveys you to the tower's entrance, built for those who lack the ability to teleport.

It's usable only by those with special permission, and right now it's not usable at all due to the obstruction in the Lifestream.

In order to restore operation, we must repair the three sets of columns of the aetherbridge.

This requires that we seek out spots of pooled aether...

...And deploy these regulators to restore the flow. I would be grateful if you could assist with this task.

According to my readings of the nearby area, the aether has pooled in two locations along the river source, one in the north and another in the south.

I will search in the north, if you would do likewise in the south. You should have luck looking east of the Aetherbridge Foundation.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
You deploy the regulator at the spot of pooled aether. It appears to have immediate effect.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

By my readings, I presume you've found and rectified the pooled aether. Excellent. With some minor adjustments, these columns will be in good order again.
This may take a little time, though, so sit tight for now. Or go and smite the local wildlife if you prefer. I'd certainly welcome fewer of them snapping at my heels.
You may continue the Eureka expedition upon reaching elemental level 54.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
The adjustments are complete, Forename! Let's put our handiwork to the proof, shall we?

Yes, everything appears to be in order. Hopefully the remaining two sets of columns will prove no more difficult.

With that, let us make for the Western Columns. It's just south and east of Unverified Research. Right, silent as a mouse, silent as a mouse...
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
B-By the gods, but that was close... I literally saw into its gullet. Ugh, cannot unsee... <shudder>

...Forgive me, I'm all right now. So, it appears there are two spots of pooled aether in this area as well.

Both are located in the northern reaches of the west bank. Let us split up and find them.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
You deploy the regulator at the spot of pooled aether. It appears to have immediate effect.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

There you are, Forename, and I see you managed to locate the other spot of pooled aether. I'll begin making my adjustments at once. As before, it may take a bit of time.
You may continue the Eureka expedition upon reaching elemental level 57.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
There you are, Forename, and I see you managed to locate the other spot of pooled aether. I'll begin making my adjustments at once. As before, it may take a bit of time.

Sorry for keeping you waiting! I've finished with my adjustments─let us see if they did the trick.

Good, no dramas here either. That leaves us with just the Eastern Columns.

As the name suggests, they're located on the eastern bank of the river. Off we go, then─and no more harrowing encounters!
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

After all this sneaking about, I've gotten somewhat used to it. Still, I'm a long way off strolling around this island as if it were a flower garden like you do.

But on to business. Again, we have two spots of pooled aether to account for. One is due east of here, while the other appears to lie at the northern edge of the river bank area.

I'll head east if you wouldn't mind taking your search north. See you back here afterwards, Forename.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
You deploy the regulator at the spot of pooled aether. It appears to have immediate effect.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

The regulator is in place? Excellent. As before, I'll need to carry out some adjustments. Pray bear with me a while.
You may continue the Eureka expedition upon reaching elemental level 60.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
Apologies for making you wait repeatedly. I'm pleased to say I've completed my adjustments, and with even greater care than usual. I don't even need to try to know that this will work.

See, what did I tell you? With all three sets of columns thus repaired, the aetherbridge should be operational again. At long last, we may enter the tower.

I've taken the liberty of granting you permission to use the bridge, so we may make the crossing at any time. Come, let us make our way thither.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

This is it, Forename. The path to the tower lies wide open.
Within, we are like to encounter both Ejika and Eureka's avatar. They won't allow us to simply walk in and restore the ward, yet that is precisely what we must do. After all of our toils to reach this point, we cannot stop now. Let us go!

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.

Well, I don't think any of us expected it to be right by the entrance. I know for a fact that it wasn't here before. One can only assume it was moved from its hiding place.

At any rate, this saves us the trouble of a search, so I shan't complain. Now, as much as I would like to restore the ward at once, that restraint will interfere with its effects.

It's a safety measure that prevents Eureka from escaping, but by the same token it prevents us from acting against it.

I'll wager that Ejika is searching for a way to deactivate the restraint and release Eureka. Which means that we must find it first.

Grandfather's office adjoins this hall. If there is any information to be had, I daresay it will be there.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Despite our best efforts, we are unable to find any literature allowing us to trace Eureka's creation back to a definitive legend.

Our brief questioning of its avatar, however, did yield some intriguing details. Namely that Eureka, who claims to cast down the wicked, was imprisoned by one who bears the Light─a champion of Hydaelyn.

How these words may be interpreted is a subject for debate, but taken at face value, they are suggestive of Ascian involvement. Regardless of the truth, we must do our utmost to safeguard the knowledge of the eikon.
It is believed that a weapon forged by Eureka takes control of its wielder by usurping his aether. Eventually, naught can be said to remain of the host.

Having thus acquired the means to move, the weapon then begins to act autonomously, setting forth to fulfill its purpose─the wish which impelled its creation.

To date, we have discovered five such arms and sealed them away, but there is no telling how many more exist. For now, we can but continue our investigation.
Apart from the mess, it's pretty much as it was. I can almost see Grandfather sitting at his desk.

Hmmm, if Ejika had been here, he is long gone. What could that boy possibly be up to...?

Well, never mind him for now. Come, Forename, help me look for information on the restraint.
Scattered Tomes
Hidden beneath the pile of tomes, you discover a single sheet of parchment─Galuf Baldesion's memo.
Read Galuf's memo?
Yes No
I, Galuf Baldesion, hereby commit these words to parchment in the event that the unthinkable should come to pass.

You who are reading this will by now be aware of the existence of the eikon Eureka and its ability to forge dangerous weapons.

What you may not know, however, is that said ability is not limited to simply implements of war. Nay, Eureka is capable of creating any and all things.

And the implications of this? Imagine, if you will, that he who is Eureka's master commands it to create a new Mothercrystal. The eikon would attempt to do so, we believe, even if it meant draining the land of all its aether.

Such a reforging of the world would entail destruction of a scale to rival any calamity. This is the true danger of Eureka.

For long years we kept the being's location a closely guarded secret, but in spite of our best efforts, it was eventually discovered by the Ascians.

Lest Eureka be used to a calamitous end, my comrades and I resorted to drastic measures. Having given the order to evacuate, we invoked a powerful magick to drown the entire isle within the Lifestream.

Thence we combined our strength to defeat the Ascian known as Emmerololth, consigning her essence to be scattered within that raging torrent of aether, never again to reform.

And now, we await our own end. Even as I write, the Isle of Val drifts in the Lifestream. Ere long it will become as one with the flow─as will all that remains within.

However, that these words have survived means that, unlikely though it is, the isle has somehow reemerged in the corporeal realm. It means that Eureka remains a grave threat.

You who have found my message─to you I make the most urgent of entreaties. Seek out the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and alert them to these events. See that Eureka is sealed away and guard it from those who would use its power for ill. The fate of the very star depends upon it.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
Found something, did you? Excellent, so did I. A wealth of information inside an unassuming tome.

Grandfather describes the ward the founders raised, the contrivances they employed to keep Eureka hidden, and─most pertinently─instructions on deactivating the restraint.

He also writes in detail about Eureka's avatar. Contrary to what we first assumed, the entity appears to be more akin to an instrument. 'Tis Eureka's means of manipulating aether, without which the primal cannot forge its weapons.

So long as Eureka itself exists, the instrument can be recreated over and over again, but it will disappear if we sever the aetheric connection between them. This we can accomplish by restoring the ward and sealing Eureka away.

While it falls short of outright eliminating the primal, it presents an effective way to keep it in check. I wonder, perhaps Ejika is...

Well, all will come to light in due course. That is all from me. Let's hear what you have learned.

I see... Yes, I remember. On that fateful day, Grandfather gave the order for immediate evacuation.

But when I attempted to teleport away, the magick failed owing to an unnatural surge in the Lifestream. So I turned my steps towards Port Surgate to find a boat.

I never got there, of course. I was swallowed up by the Lifestream.

Judging by the state of the headquarters, the others too were pulled into that raging torrent. But there was no divine intercession for them.

I had braced for this. From the beginning, I had resigned myself to being the sole survivor. But to now be confronted with the truth...

Confound it all! Aaahhhhhh!

Right. There'll be time for tears later. We have work to do, and Grandfather would expect us to do it.

Come, Forename. Let us deactivate the restraint.

This, Forename. According to Grandfather's notes, this little thing is the crux of the restraint. Apparently, it shares a history with Eureka...but such details aren't relevant at the moment.

What matters is it allows us to release the restraint. Here I go.

That did the trick. Let us return to the hall.

Of course they would choose this moment to appear.
Our enemy standeth before us, bearing light most vile. Strike him down, my champion.
Aye, I was waiting for you to lift the restraint, as I knew you would.
Ejika, please! Come to your senses!
Come to my senses? My dear Krile, I never took leave of them. Come, we settle this now─the task that Master Galuf entrusted to us!
Adventurer, the blessing of Light shields you from the primal's influence! Take the sword, and strike down the avatar!
Thou wouldst betray me? Wicked mortal!
Wicked, you say? Yours is the existence that threatens the world, primal. My conscience is quite clear.
Before making wise retorts to the primal, perhaps you would care to explain...well, everything?
What is there to explain? I acquired the weapon needed to defeat Eureka's avatar and set up an ambush. Isn't it obvious?
I thought that you would be able to deduce my plan of winning the enemy's confidence, but it seems I overestimated you.
<sigh> That's our Ejika. All's well that ends well.
Ahem. Aren't we celebrating a little early?
...Yes, our Ejika indeed. My apologies. I'll restore the ward at once.
No, Krile. That is not what we need to do.

Echo Starts
I'm against sealing it. If it's possible to slay Eureka, that is what we must do.
In the absence of an avatar, its master might command it to forge more weapons than the aether it harbors. This is true.
And without the means to replenish its aether, it will eventually consume itself.
This will not work, my friends. Surely you see the flaw in this method.
What, that master and eikon are one and the same? That our aether would be Eureka's aether? Aye, we know this, but we've got a responsibility.
As those who unearthed the being... If my life can set things to rights, gladly would I render it up. Yet therein lies the problem.
Eureka harbors tremendous aether. Far more than the four of us combined. We would all perish long before we succeed.
...Well, my friends, it seems we have no choice at all.
Echo Ends

Let me guess: you had another vision?
How very timely. And now you know what I seek to do.
Now, wait here! What exactly are you planning to do?
Hmph, how many times must you make me state the obvious?
Master Galuf conceived of a way to destroy Eureka, and I mean to carry it out.
Out of the question! If the four founders together couldn't do this, what makes you think you alone can?
Eureka expended vast amounts of aether to bring the Isle of Val out of the Lifestream. Even accounting for what it has since recovered, my aether alone should more than suffice.
If that's the case, then I should be the one to do it! It's my solemn responsibility as the sole survivor of the destruction!
Protected by your blessing as you are, Eureka will not recognize you as its master. Only I can do this.
Having read Master Galuf's memo, you should know the danger the primal poses. We cannot risk it falling into Ascian hands again. Destroying it now is the ideal solution.
There's nothing ideal about a solution that requires you to sacrifice yourself. Besides, I didn't think a self-centered fellow like you would aspire to martyrdom!
Such puerile provocation ill becomes you, Krile. And no matter what you say, you cannot deny the truth. Sealing Eureka away would only be a temporary measure. Nay, we must destroy it, here and now.
If Master Galuf believed it possible, he himself would have done the deed. And it is possible now. I have already made my peace; let me do what must be done.
What you seek to do, there's no undoing! It's suicide, plain and simple, and as your comrade I cannot allow it!
With Emmerololth vanquished, there's no immediate danger! While Eureka is contained, we can search for other ways to deal with it!
Your assertions are all too easily refuted, but 'tis plain you have already made up your mind on the matter. The best thing to do here is to defer to a third party.
Adventurer. Without you, we couldn't have gotten this far. You have as much say as any of us on how we should proceed.
...Very well. I trust Forename's judgment. Whatever be his decision, I will accept it.
There you have it. To defeat Eureka here and now, or to restore the ward and delay the inevitable... Make your choice, adventurer.
The story will unfold differently depending on whose approach you choose to support.

Once you begin upon one path, the other will no longer be available to you.

Please note, however, that your choice will not affect the rewards and challenges to come.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

As Master Galuf had intended, we destroy Eureka once and for all. It is the only true solution.
You of all people should understand the danger the primal poses. You know what must be done. I am prepared for the cost─you needn't burden your conscience over it.
Should you give your support to Ejika's approach, Krile's path will no longer be available to you.
Please note, however, that your choice will not affect the rewards and challenges to come.
Support Ejika's approach?
Yes No
Are you certain you want to support Ejika's approach?
*By proceeding, Krile's path will no longer be available to you.
Admittedly, sealing Eureka away does not end it, but we shouldn't rush our decision as Ejika seems to believe we must.
Once the ward is operational again, we'll have ample time to consider the best course of action. Surely you agree with me?
Should you give your support to Krile's approach, Ejika's path will no longer be available to you.
Please note, however, that your choice will not affect the rewards and challenges to come.
Support Krile's approach?
Yes No
Are you certain you want to support Krile's approach?
*By proceeding, Ejika's path will no longer be available to you.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
Good. You have made the right choice.
There you have it. The adventurer has sided with reason.
Is this truly what you wish, Ejika?
What I wish? I merely do what must be done. Sentiment has no place in it, so spare me your pity.
Blessed with your powers as you are, you are needed elsewhere. If you have time to grieve, do your duty instead.
Very well. I will not stop you.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
Yes, this is right... Take care of the rest, Krile.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
...It's over. And yet again I'm the one left behind.

Grandfather, Raha, Minfilia...and now Ejika. They all did what they believed they had to do. And they're all gone.

Why am I always the one who survives? The one who has to suffer the heartache?

What will you say?
Ejika was a valiant soul. ...
...Yes. Yes, he was, and we owe him our gratitude. Forgive me, Forename, I shouldn't be marring his sacrifice with my insecurities.
Forgive me my unseemly display, Forename. I will be fine. I still have work to do, and I will do it. Ejika would expect no less.
I shall go on ahead back to camp. Come and see me when you have returned.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
Ah, there you are. I received word a short while ago, but our financiers have come to observe our efforts.
I had reported that our mission was close to completion, and it seems they wished to see things with their own eyes.
My friends, I am heartened to see you hale and whole! By this, may I assume that business is indeed concluded here?
We've read the report. Tell us what happened after.
...And that's how it unfolded, Ejika sacrificing his own life to defeat Eureka.
By the kami, such a brave and selfless act... He will not soon be forgotten.
So, what now? This did turn out to be your isle, after all.
There's considerable cleaning up to be done, retrieving all the research material and the like. For this task, I will request that a team be dispatched from the Sharlayan motherland.
We would be grateful if your two concerns could provide support to said Sharlayan contingent. In return, the Students shall grant you the rights to use the isle for your trading activities.
We will need to draw up the details of the agreement, but I see no reason why we would reject your proposal. On a personal note─what of yourself, Mistress Krile? What do you intend to do next?
Myself? Hmmm...
I will rejoin the Scions. My presence is no longer required here. Rest assured I will make the necessary arrangements with my countrymen.
I see. In that case, perhaps it would be best to save discussing the finer points for afterwards. In the meantime, would you mind if the expedition continues with its work?
Not at all. Be my guest.
That's all for now, then. We'll be in touch again come negotiation time.
Well, we should be getting back to our duties as Scions. We mustn't let grief halt our steps, lest a certain someone smirk at us from beyond.
Come, my friend. Let's carry on─for Ejika.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
Thank you, Forename. I knew we would be on the same page.
So, Ejika. That is two against one in favor of restoring the ward.
Hmph, lost your nerve, have you? I would try to impress upon you the danger of this course, but I would only be wasting my breath.
It it's to be the ward, then so be it. I will cooperate with you. Be thankful.
I'm thankful, truly I am. If you were to lend us your keen mind, I'm confident we will find a true solution.
Without further ado, then I will reactivate the ward.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
'Tis done. Eureka lies sealed again.
I would sooner see it destroyed, as you know, but it's at least a step in the right direction. What next?
We have much and more to discuss. Shall we return to camp for the time being?
We will go on ahead. See you anon, Forename.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Ah, there you are. I received word a short while ago, but both Rowena and Hancock have come to observe our efforts.
To spare ourselves a bit of repetition, let us wait to have our discussion in their presence.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
The troubles of this isle are our responsibility—Krile's and mine. We shouldn't depend on an outsider such as you to solve them.
Yet I would be lying if I said that we weren't glad for your assistance. For all of your labors on our behalf, I give you my thanks.
Allow me to thank you as well. Without you to blaze a trail for us, we couldn't have possibly arrived at a solution.
My friends, I am heartened to see you hale and whole! By this, may I assume that business is indeed concluded here?
We've read the report. Tell us what happened after.
...Thus did we succeed in restoring the ward and sealing away Eureka within the tower.
Oh my, it appears the expedition proved to be rather more perilous than we first reckoned. But you were evidently the best people for the task.
So you took care o' your own business. Good for you. But what I really want to know is whether the House stands to gain.
Oh? I was under the impression that you've already gained quite considerably through Gerolt's weapons and contrivances?
Not to say that our own company isn't interested in profit. Might we discuss the matter of our access to Eureka—begging your pardens, the Isle of Val?
This indeed being the Isle of Val, we assert claim over it in the name of the Students of Baldesion. Let us negotiate a deal.
A deal?
We will lease to you a tract of land upon which you may establish a port and carry out your activities. In return, we ask that your two concerns provide support to the scholars we will summon here.

Though we have succeeded in sealing away Eureka, much remains to be done. For one, we intend to find a way to destroy the primal outright.

Given the distance from the Sharlayan motherland, however, it's a challenge to procure provisions. Thus we would turn to you in order to continue our work.
You've got yourself a deal. There's still profit to be milked out o' this isle, and the more residents, the merrier.
We will need to draw up the details of the agreement, of course, but I see no reason why we would reject your proposal.
From hereon I shall speak for the Students. You and Krile will be leaving the isle.
What are you saying, Ejika?
I'm saying that I will tend to the affairs on Val henceforth. Blessed with your powers as you are, you are needed elsewhere.
Ejika has matters well in hand. As she says, we have our duties as Scions, so let us be on our way.

Of course, dealing with the primal threat is part of our stated mission, and we will continue searching for a permanent way to defeat Eureka.

Take good care of this place, all right?
That goes without saying.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Eureka Complete!

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
So, you've done it─destroyed all of Eureka's unholy creations. Excellent work, Forename.

...What brings me back to the isle? In short, I have a plan. One that required the success of your mission.

That you were on a foray to the upper level when I arrived was opportune, and I decided to seek you out.

As you know, when a primal is vanquished, its aether is given back to the aetherial realm. However, I believe this was not the case with Eureka, owing to the nearby presence of its weapons.

Having become primals in essence, the weapons would have been quick to absorb such untethered aether.

This fact gave me hope, Forename─hope that Ejika may still live.

You see, when Ejika set about destroying Eureka, he didn't have the air of a person going to his death. I couldn't shake the feeling that he was planning something. Thus did I decide to see where the trail of his aetheric essence led.

And what should I find but evidence that he had used a teleportation magick. I believe he intended to escape into the Lifestream before Eureka drained him of all his aether.

The idea was that he would reappear after the primal's demise. Yet he never did, and it's highly likely that his aether was caught in the tenacious pull of Eureka's weapons.

But thanks to you, the weapons are no more. There is a chance that we may pluck Ejika out of the aether─as the Elder Seedseer once did for Y'shtola.

To that end, I went to Gridania to learn this technique. And I mean to put it to the proof right now.

Without further ado, then. Wish me luck!
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
Let me guess: the adventurer destroyed Eureka's weapons, then you pulled me out of the aether.
That's...precisely what we did. Don't tell me you had anticipated this too?
That's too much credit even for me. As accomplished as he is, I did not count on the adventurer defeating all the weapons. And it was highly unlikely that my aether could be reformed.
There was a sliver of a chance that I would survive, but the fact is I was prepared for the worst.
An unbegrudging show of gratitude from you? Well now, strange things do happen.
Ejika is doubtless tired. I will accompany him back to camp and see that he gets some rest. Come and join us later.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

You saved my life. And for that, I thank you.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
'Twas a long and arduous road, for you not least of all, but we were able to rescue Ejika. Permit me to thank you as well, Forename.
So, I've heard what took place in my absence, but what now for the two of you?
Forename and I both have our duties, and we shall return to them.
In that case, you may leave the isle's outstanding affairs to me. I had considered myself a dead man; the least I can do is tend to the aftermath.
Thank you. It's reassuring to know that the isle is in your care.

I shall be on my way, then. Thank you, Forename, for everything.

Take care, Ejika.
...You too, Krile.
Allow me to thank you again. Among other things, I wouldn't be standing here were it not for you. Should your path ever lead you back to this isle, know that you will always be welcome here.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

You truly did it... To achieve what you did requires uncommon strength─and no small amount of foolhardiness.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
So, you've done it─destroyed all of Eureka's unholy creations. Excellent work, Forename.

...What brings us here? In short, we have a plan.

An idea occurred to me at the Waking Sands, you see, and I had returned to the isle to discuss it with Ejika.
While promising, it was contingent upon the success of your mission. I'm pleased to see that you didn't squander my efforts to send you to the upper level.

So, it is as we had deduced. The weapons had gained sentience owing to their awakening as primals.

Tell me, adventurer. If Eureka were destroyed, what do you suppose would become of its aether?
To spare you Ejika's riddling—ordinarily, it would return to the aetherial realm, but this is not the case when the weapons are near. Nay, being primals in essence, they would be quick to absorb such untethered aether.
Aye, and thus were the weapons an impediment to the plan.

I had conceived of a number of methods to defeat Eureka without the need to sacrifice my life.

The most promising of these involves the use of teleportation. In the moments before Eureka drains me of all my aether, I would retreat into the Lifestream to safely emerge after the primal's demise.

However, all it takes is one of Eureka's voracious weapons to cause the plan to go awry.

For even should its maker cease to exist, there is a high probability that it would consume my aether ere I can make good my escape.
Lest you wonder, my idea was based on Y'shtola's use of Flow to flee into the Lifestream. I put it to Ejika, but of course he had already considered it and explained to me this caveat.
But thanks to you, adventurer, the weapons are no more. Naught remains to hinder the execution of the plan.
Indeed. We may now defeat Eureka while ensuring Ejika's safety. I shall stand at the ready to deal with the unforseen.
Well, I suppose your assistance would be better than none at all. I'm in your hands, Krile.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
Whew... Though the risk was small, I couldn't help but feel nervous.
On that, we are in agreement. I must say I'm a little tired.
Let us return to camp, then. I daresay you've earned a good rest.
We will go on ahead. Come and see us after you've made your own way back.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

All of the isle's woes are resolved. I do not expect we will require further assistance from you.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
'Twas a long and arduous road, for you not least of all, but we finally did it. We defeated Eureka.
If truth be told, I did not expect that you could rally so many comrades and destroy all of the weapons.
You are a paragon of your kind, adventurer. Should the opportunity arise, I shall look forward to depending on you again.
Well, I do not rightly recall a time when Ejika admitted to depending on anyone. You may consider that an honor, Forename.

Now then, as much as I'd like to linger and savor our success, I do have other responsibilities. I shall be on my way. Thank you, my friend, for everything.

Take care, Ejika.
...You too, Krile.
Allow me to thank you as well. None of this would have been possible without you. Should your path ever lead you back to this isle, know that you will always be welcome here.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.


Getting Started

Access Eureka Hydatos upon completion of And We Shall Call It Hydatos (Kugane via Rodney).

While technically an instance, it has a few unique rules on entering. First off, you enter by talking to Rodney rather than via the duty finder, and you can enter solo without a queue and find other players inside. In many ways, it is like an open zone, just one that allows you to meet people across the whole data center and with a 3 hour timer.

The Magia Board

Magia Melder

Welcome to your best friend: Magicite and the magia board. By allocating magicite to the board at the Magia Melder in Port Surgate, you can increase your elemental parameters and increase your attack and defense against certain monsters. You begin Eureka with 1 magicite, and will earn more as you perform quests for Krile.

Elemental Relationships

There are essentially two triangles on the board to show the pair of elemental patterns. Lightning is strong against water, which is strong against earth, which is strong against lightning. Fire is strong against ice, which is strong against wind, which is strong against fire. The board UI itself has lines to illustrate this point.

Magia Board

As for how it interacts with enemies, magicite allocated to an element strong against the monster's element (for instance, lightning against a water element monster) will increase your offensive capabilities. Allocating the SAME element (Such as water against water monsters) will increase your defensive capabilities. How you choose to allocate is up to you, but generally it's useful to either put them all in the same node to maximize your benefits, or to split them up in some fashion between nodes two spaces apart to have some offense and defense against a foe.

Lastly, you can freely spin the wheel. This allows you to change your element depending on what you're fighting. This will cost you one Magia Aether (represented by a number in the middle of the board), but only once it "settles". When you spin the board there is a timer that appears, refreshing with each spin. If you spin again before the timer empties, that extra spin costs nothing. This allows you to spin the wheel until it matches up exactly where you want it for just one MA. Lastly, MA fills up slowly over time, and fully refills when checking the Magia Melder. So, in short, allocate for offense, defense, or a mix against a single element, and then spin to match whatever new camp you're at.

The Logos System

Main article: Logos Actions.
There are 9 unidentified crystal logograms which can be acquired through various means in Pyros. Appraising the unidentified crystal logograms with Drake, will yield one of 25 mnemes. Combine up to three of these mnemes in the logos manipulator to be granted one of 56 logos actions. Any logos action granted will be usable during that instance of Pyros only. After upgrading your logos manipulator, you can combine 2 sets of 3 mnemes and gain 2 separate logos actions at one time. You can set up to three Logos actions (or combinations of 2 actions) at any given time.


Eureka Hydatos Monster and NM map

All of the FATEs located inside of Eureka: Hydatos are NM fates. They can often be be spawned by defeating a specific enemy type at the location of the FATE after a certain amount of time has passed since the FATE was previously active. Some have other conditions that must be met such as time or weather.

Upon completion, the FATE will reward Elemental EXP, Hydatos Lockboxes, and Hydatos Crystals. Some FATEs also have special rewards such as minions and equipment.

Please use the map to the right to view the locations of monsters and NMs.

Name Level XP Tomes Rewards
060958.png Drink Me  &000000000000005000000050{{{Custom Fate_Chain}}}Drink Me Eureka XP2,536,625 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png30 Hydatos Lockbox Icon.png x3 

060958.png I Ink, Therefore I Am  &000000000000005000000050{{{Custom Fate_Chain}}}I Ink, Therefore I Am Eureka XP11,161,152 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png63 Hydatos Lockbox Icon.png x4 Hydatos Crystal Icon.png x5 Obscure Logogram Icon.png x1 Hydatos Cluster Icon.png x1 

060958.png From Tusk till Dawn  &000000000000005100000051{{{Custom Fate_Chain}}}From Tusk till Dawn Eureka XP12,277,267 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png69 Hydatos Lockbox Icon.png x4 Hydatos Crystal Icon.png x5 Obscure Logogram Icon.png x1 Hydatos Cluster Icon.png x1 

060958.png Bullheaded Berserker  &000000000000005200000052{{{Custom Fate_Chain}}}Bullheaded Berserker Eureka XP13,529,549 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png75 Hydatos Lockbox Icon.png x5 Hydatos Crystal Icon.png x6 Molech's Horn Icon.png x1 Hydatos Cluster Icon.png x1 

060958.png Mad, Bad, and Fabulous to Know  &000000000000005300000053{{{Custom Fate_Chain}}}Mad, Bad, and Fabulous to Know Eureka XP14,936,622 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png81 Hydatos Lockbox Icon.png x5 Hydatos Crystal Icon.png x6 Hydatos Cluster Icon.png x1 

060958.png Fearful Symmetry  &000000000000005400000054{{{Custom Fate_Chain}}}Fearful Symmetry Eureka XP16,519,904 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png87 Hydatos Lockbox Icon.png x6 Hydatos Crystal Icon.png x7 Obscure Logogram Icon.png x1 Hydatos Cluster Icon.png x1 

060958.png Crawling Chaos  &000000000000005500000055{{{Custom Fate_Chain}}}Crawling Chaos Eureka XP18,304,054 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png96 Hydatos Lockbox Icon.png x6 Hydatos Crystal Icon.png x7 Hydatos Cluster Icon.png x1 

060958.png Duty-free  &000000000000005600000056{{{Custom Fate_Chain}}}Duty-free Eureka XP19,393,977 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png99 Hydatos Lockbox Icon.png x7 Hydatos Crystal Icon.png x8 Goldemar's Horn Icon.png x1 Hydatos Cluster Icon.png x1 Dvergr Card Icon.png x1 

060958.png Leukewarm Reception  &000000000000005700000057{{{Custom Fate_Chain}}}Leukewarm Reception Eureka XP21,566,102 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png105 Hydatos Lockbox Icon.png x7 Hydatos Crystal Icon.png x8 Hydatos Cluster Icon.png x1 

060958.png Robber Barong  &000000000000005800000058{{{Custom Fate_Chain}}}Robber Barong Eureka XP24,390,235 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png108 Hydatos Lockbox Icon.png x8 Hydatos Crystal Icon.png x9 Hydatos Cluster Icon.png x1 

060958.png Stone-cold Killer  &000000000000005900000059{{{Custom Fate_Chain}}}Stone-cold Killer Eureka XP25,699,605 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png114 Hydatos Lockbox Icon.png x8 Hydatos Crystal Icon.png x9 Ceto's Claw Icon.png x1 Hydatos Cluster Icon.png x1 

060958.png Crystalline Provenance  &000000000000006000000060{{{Custom Fate_Chain}}}Crystalline Provenance Eureka XP25,699,605 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png120 Hydatos Lockbox Icon.png x9 Hydatos Crystal Icon.png x10 Crystalline Scale Icon.png x3 Provenance Watcher Card Icon.png 

060958.png I Don't Want to Believe  &000000000000006000000060{{{Custom Fate_Chain}}}I Don't Want to Believe Eureka XP25,699,605 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png120 Hydatos Lockbox Icon.png x9 Hydatos Crystal Icon.png x10 Obscure Logogram Icon.png x1 

060958.png The Baldesion Arsenal: Expedition Support  &000000000000006000000060{{{Custom Fate_Chain}}}The Baldesion Arsenal: Expedition Support Eureka XP  Hydatos Lockbox Icon.png x9 Hydatos Crystal Icon.png x30 

Eureka Elemental

The Hydatos Elemental will appear randomly around Hydatos. It will occasionally cast an AoE spell that will give the player two buffs which will last for 59 minutes. After a time, the Eureka Elemental will vanish, appearing somewhere else in the zone.

  • Elemental EXP Up: Elemental EXP earned through battle is increased.
  • Elemental Blessing: Receiving the blessing of Eureka's elementals. Damage dealt is increased and restoring HP over time.

XP Chart

eLevel Experience Points Total (from eLvl 0) % Progress 50 to 60
50~51 50,732,512 333,411,203 6%
51~52 55,805,763 389,216,966 12%
52~53 61,497,951 450,714,917 19%
53~54 67,893,738 518,608,655 26%
54~55 75,090,474 593,699,129 35%
55~56 83,200,246 676,899,375 44%
56~57 92,352,273 769,251,648 54%
57~58 102,695,727 871,947,375 65%
58~59 128,369,659 1,000,317,034 80%
59~60 183,568,612 1,183,885,646 100%

The Baldesion Arsenal

Main article: The Baldesion Arsenal.
This is a special open dungeon within Eureka Hydatos, entered through special Aetherial Nodes that only appear during specific weather(?), and can hold 56 players at a time. The dungeon is meant to be extremely difficult and challenging, with a wipe likely causing you to lose elemental experience and elemental levels. See here for more information.

Progression Guide

On Entry
060091.png Talk to Krile and then, after a cutscene, to Gerolt. After another cutscene, speak again with Krile. Upon finishing the quest, you can speak with Gerolt again to begin purchasing the Hydatos weapons; you must have a matching, finished Pyros weapon to do so.
Level 51
060091.png Talk to Krile. Head to The Central Columns at 20.3-24.8 and talk again to Krile. Head south to The Val River Source 25.7-30.7 to find the Pooled Aether. Return to the The Central Columns and speak to Krile.
Map33 Icon.png
You can attune to the aetheryte at Unverified Research.
Level 54
060091.png Talk to Krile. Head to The Western Columns at 10.6-29.6 and talk to Krile again. Head to The West Val River Bank 6.5-15.7 to find the Pooled Aether after walking up the large column. Return to The Western Columns at 10.6-29.6 and talk to Krile.
Level 55
Map33 Icon.png
You can attune to the aetheryte at Dormitory.
Level 57
060091.png Talk to Krile at the The Western Columns at 10.6-29.6. Then head east to The Eastern Columns at 31.3-27.2 and talk to Krile again. Head north to The East Val River Bank at 30.8-14.4 to find the Pooled Aether. Return to The Eastern Columns at 31.3-27.2 and talk to Krile.
Level 60
060091.png Talk to Krile at the The Eastern Columns at 31.3-27.2. Head to The Aetherbridge Foundation at 24.0-30.6 and talk again to Krile. Head into the Headquarters Entrance and talk to Krile, then talk to her again in the Board Room. Interact with the Scattered Tomes and talk again to Krile for a few lengthy cutscenes. Choose between Krile's path (sealing) or that of Ejika Tsunjika (destruction) for another cutscene. Return to Central Point and talk to Ejika Tsunjika (when doing Krile's path) or Krile (when doing Ejika's path) to complete the quest.
Dungeon Icon.png Able to use the Aetherial Nodes to access The Baldesion Arsenal. Speak with the Expedition Scholar to unlock.
Drop Table (26)
Item Type iLvl Requirements Stats
 Mitigative Logogram Icon.png  
Mitigative Logogram
Gold chest icon.png
 Other  &00000000000000010000001 Crystallized memory that likely contains a master's knowledge of defensive arts.

 Inimical Logogram Icon.png  
Inimical Logogram
Gold chest icon.pngFATE Icon.png
 Other  &00000000000000010000001 Crystallized memory that likely contains a master's knowledge of enfeebling arts.

 Protective Logogram Icon.png  
Protective Logogram
Gold chest icon.pngFATE Icon.png
 Other  &00000000000000010000001 Crystallized memory that likely contains a master's knowledge of chivalrous arts.

 Offensive Logogram Icon.png  
Offensive Logogram
Gold chest icon.png
 Other  &00000000000000010000001 Crystallized memory that likely contains a master's knowledge of destructive arts.

 Curative Logogram Icon.png  
Curative Logogram
Gold chest icon.pngFATE Icon.png
 Other  &00000000000000010000001 Crystallized memory that likely contains a master's knowledge of healing arts.

 Fundamental Logogram Icon.png  
Fundamental Logogram
Gold chest icon.png
 Other  &00000000000000010000001 Crystallized memory that likely contains a journeyman's knowledge of his art.

 Penthesilea's Spear Icon.png  
Penthesilea's Spear
Gold chest icon.png
 Lancer's Arm  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 LNCDRG
Req. Level 1
Physical Damage 9Magic Damage 5
Strength &0000000000000000000000+0
Vitality &0000000000000000000000+0

 Moisture-warped Lockbox Icon.png  
Moisture-warped Lockbox
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A firmly sealed box discovered deep in the Hydatos wilds, its shape made irregular by prolonged exposure to the elements. Only a skilled picker of locks might grant you access to the treasure within.

 Aetherially Conductive Plate Icon.png  
Aetherially Conductive Plate
Gold chest icon.png
 Metal  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A thin piece of metal that assists in dampening fluctuations in the aetherial current. Used in the creation of aetherytes.

 Absolute Lance Icon.png  
Absolute Lance
Gold chest icon.png
 Lancer's Arm  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 LNCDRG
Req. Level 1
Physical Damage 9Magic Damage 5
Strength &0000000000000000000000+0
Vitality &0000000000000000000000+0

 Happy Bunny Card Icon.png  
Happy Bunny Card
Gold chest icon.pngGold Saucer6 Icon.png
 Triple Triad Card  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 216

 Gil Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.pngMob Family Icon.pngGold chest icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.png
 Other  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Standard Eorzean currency.

 Eurekan Petrel Horn Icon.png  
Eurekan Petrel Horn
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.png
 Other  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A delicate shell horn that summons the beautiful and dangerous gastropod known as the Eurekan petrel.

 Aethertight Flask Icon.png  
Aethertight Flask
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
An utterly impermeable vessel of Sharlayan design, created for the purpose of securely storing experimental alchemical concoctions.

 Heavens' Eye Materia V Icon.png  
Heavens' Eye Materia V
Gold chest icon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Materia  &0000000000000160000000160&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1

Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000006000000+6

 Battledance Materia V Icon.png  
Battledance Materia V
Gold chest icon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Materia  &0000000000000160000000160&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1

Tenacity &0000000000000006000000+6

 Quickarm Materia V Icon.png  
Quickarm Materia V
Gold chest icon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Materia  &0000000000000160000000160&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1

Skill Speed &0000000000000006000000+6

 Quicktongue Materia V Icon.png  
Quicktongue Materia V
Gold chest icon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Materia  &0000000000000160000000160&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1

Spell Speed &0000000000000006000000+6

 Savage Aim Materia V Icon.png  
Savage Aim Materia V
Gold chest icon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Materia  &0000000000000160000000160&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1

Critical Hit &0000000000000006000000+6

 Savage Might Materia V Icon.png  
Savage Might Materia V
Gold chest icon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Materia  &0000000000000160000000160&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1

Determination &0000000000000006000000+6

 Heavens' Eye Materia VI Icon.png  
Heavens' Eye Materia VI
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Materia  &0000000000000290000000290&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Cannot be melded onto a piece of equipment past the first advanced materia melding slot.Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000016000000+16

 Battledance Materia VI Icon.png  
Battledance Materia VI
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Materia  &0000000000000290000000290&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Cannot be melded onto a piece of equipment past the first advanced materia melding slot.Tenacity &0000000000000016000000+16

 Quickarm Materia VI Icon.png  
Quickarm Materia VI
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Materia  &0000000000000290000000290&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Cannot be melded onto a piece of equipment past the first advanced materia melding slot.Skill Speed &0000000000000016000000+16

 Quicktongue Materia VI Icon.png  
Quicktongue Materia VI
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Materia  &0000000000000290000000290&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Cannot be melded onto a piece of equipment past the first advanced materia melding slot.Spell Speed &0000000000000016000000+16

 Savage Aim Materia VI Icon.png  
Savage Aim Materia VI
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Materia  &0000000000000290000000290&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Cannot be melded onto a piece of equipment past the first advanced materia melding slot.Critical Hit &0000000000000016000000+16

 Savage Might Materia VI Icon.png  
Savage Might Materia VI
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Materia  &0000000000000290000000290&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Cannot be melded onto a piece of equipment past the first advanced materia melding slot.Determination &0000000000000016000000+16

Gallery Add Image


Hydatos Lockbox

Lockboxes drop from FATEs located in the zone. They can then be opened by talking to an Expedition Lockpick.

Moisture-warped Lockbox

Moisture-warped lockboxes drop from mutated mobs at higher levels. They can also be opened by talking to an Expedition Lockpick.

Bunny Coffers

Bunny coffers are found after completing two Bunny FATES and finding buried treasure. They can contain the following items.

Bunny Bronze Coffer
 Gil Icon.png Gil x10,000
 Inimical Logogram Icon.png Inimical Logogram
 Protective Logogram Icon.png Protective Logogram
 Curative Logogram Icon.png Curative Logogram
 Battledance Materia V Icon.png Battledance Materia V
 Quickarm Materia V Icon.png Quickarm Materia V
 Quicktongue Materia V Icon.png Quicktongue Materia V
 Savage Might Materia V Icon.png Savage Might Materia V
 Savage Aim Materia V Icon.png Savage Aim Materia V
 Heavens' Eye Materia V Icon.png Heavens' Eye Materia V

Bunny Silver Coffer
 Gil Icon.png Gil x25,000
 Aethertight Flask Icon.png Aethertight Flask
 Aetherially Conductive Plate Icon.png Aetherially Conductive Plate
 Happy Bunny Card Icon.png Happy Bunny Card
 Mitigative Logogram Icon.png Mitigative Logogram
 Battledance Materia VI Icon.png Battledance Materia VI
 Quickarm Materia VI Icon.png Quickarm Materia VI
 Quicktongue Materia VI Icon.png Quicktongue Materia VI
 Savage Might Materia VI Icon.png Savage Might Materia VI
 Savage Aim Materia VI Icon.png Savage Aim Materia VI
 Heavens' Eye Materia VI Icon.png Heavens' Eye Materia VI

Bunny Gold Coffer
 Gil Icon.png Gil x100,000
 Penthesilea's Spear Icon.png Penthesilea's Spear
 Aetherially Conductive Plate Icon.png Aetherially Conductive Plate
 Eurekan Petrel Horn Icon.png Eurekan Petrel Horn
 Absolute Lance Icon.png Absolute Lance
 Offensive Logogram Icon.png Offensive Logogram
 Battledance Materia VI Icon.png Battledance Materia VI
 Quickarm Materia VI Icon.png Quickarm Materia VI
 Quicktongue Materia VI Icon.png Quicktongue Materia VI
 Savage Might Materia VI Icon.png Savage Might Materia VI
 Savage Aim Materia VI Icon.png Savage Aim Materia VI
 Heavens' Eye Materia VI Icon.png Heavens' Eye Materia VI

Monster Drops

Monster Drops
 Fundamental Logogram Icon.png Fundamental Logogram
 Offensive Logogram Icon.png Offensive Logogram
 Moisture-warped Lockbox Icon.png Moisture-warped Lockbox