The Hunt (Lord of Verminion Challenge)

061820.pngThe Hunt (Lord of Verminion Challenge)
 Stage 18   Lord of Verminion Challenge
Lord of Verminion Challenge
First Time Completion Rewards
MGP Icon.png
Baby Bat (Minion) Patch.png
Baby Bat (Minion)  Cost: 10  Monster
HP: 420 ATK: 25 DEF: 40 SPD: ★★★★
Strengths: LoV Gate Icon.png Auto-attack: Single-target
Special Action: Ultrasonics
Delivers 10 points of damage every second to all enemies within range.
120 Area Icon.png
Type: Damage Points: 20 Duration: 20s
Fledgling Apkallu (Minion) Patch.png
Fledgling Apkallu (Minion)  Cost: 30  Critter
HP: 510 ATK: 80 DEF: 70 SPD: ★★
Strengths:  Auto-attack: Single-target
Special Action: Waddle
Changes action party auto-attacks to area of effect attacks.
0 Area Icon.png
Type: Enhancing Points: 20 Duration: 12s
Goobbue Sproutling (Minion) Patch.png
Goobbue Sproutling (Minion)  Cost: 20  Monster
HP: 410 ATK: 55 DEF: 40 SPD: ★★★
Strengths:  Auto-attack: AoE
Special Action: Big Sneeze
Disarms deployed enemy traps.
0 Area Icon.png
Type: Disarming Points: 20
Gravel Golem (Minion) Patch.png
Gravel Golem (Minion)  Cost: 20  Monster
HP: 480 ATK: 60 DEF: 40 SPD: ★★
Strengths: LoV Eye Icon.png LoV Gate Icon.png Auto-attack: Single-target
Special Action: Gravelskin
Increases action party DEF by 40.
0 Area Icon.png
Type: Enhancing Points: 20 Duration: 10s
Mammet 003L (Minion) Patch.png
Mammet 003L (Minion)  Cost: 10  Poppet
HP: 365 ATK: 30 DEF: 45 SPD: ★
Strengths: LoV Arcana Icon.png LoV Gate Icon.png LoV Shield Icon.png Auto-attack: Single-target
Special Action: Storm Standard
Reduces DEF of all enemies within range by 50%.
30 Area Icon.png
Type: Enfeeblement Points: 20 Duration: 15s
Minute Mindflayer (Minion) Patch.png
Minute Mindflayer (Minion)  Cost: 25  Monster
HP: 455 ATK: 75 DEF: 50 SPD: ★★
Strengths: LoV Eye Icon.png Auto-attack: Single-target
Special Action: Kind Blast
Reduces ATK of all enemies within range by 40%.
120 Area Icon.png
Type: Enfeebling Points: 20 Duration: 6s
Slime Puddle (Minion) Patch.png
Slime Puddle (Minion)  Cost: 10  Monster
HP: 430 ATK: 30 DEF: 30 SPD: ★★
Strengths: LoV Gate Icon.png Auto-attack: AoE
Special Action: Cytoplasm
Inflicts a weakness to monsters on all enemies within range.
30 Area Icon.png
Type: Enfeebling Points: 20 Duration: 15s
Tight-beaked Parrot (Minion) Patch.png
Tight-beaked Parrot (Minion)  Cost: 10  Critter
HP: 365 ATK: 50 DEF: 35 SPD: ★★★
Strengths:  Auto-attack: Single-target
Special Action: Parley
Transports action party to the central summoning gate.
0 Area Icon.png
Type: Special Points: 30