The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy

Trialicon.pngThe Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy
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Hades's Elegy.png
Hearken unto a requiem for a hero fallen. A man who lived a thousand thousand of our lives clinging desperately to faint hope, never shirking his sworn duty to his long-lost brethren. A man who stood proud and did avow his true name on the threshold of the battle that would see him fall to his rival─the light to quench his shadow. Borrowing liberally from the funereal rites of the Night's Blessed, the minstreling wanderer weaves an elegy in that hero's honor─the tragic-yet-triumphant tale of a man and a battle that ne'er shall be forgotten.


1 to 8 players (2 Tanks, 2 Healers, 4 DPS)
Class: Disciples of War or Magic
※ Limited jobs can participate only in a preformed party meeting party size requirements or an unrestricted party, and if duty rules allow.
Level: 80
※ Level will be synced upon entry.
Average Item Level: 450
※ While synced, all item stats are adjusted.
※ Role and item level restrictions are lifted for parties meeting minimum size requirements.

Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png
2 2 4
Minimum Level: 80 (Sync from 80)
Minimum iLevel: 450
Time Limit: 60 Minutes
Unrestricted Party: Allowed
Echo Icon.png The Echo: Party wipe: +5%
(max +25%)
Epic Echo (Status Effect) Icon.png Epic Echo: Default +30%
Unlock Quest: Talk about Hades
Regular Duty: Trials: Shadowbringers
Type: Trial
Zone: The Dying Gasp (Zone)
Region: Norvrandt
Expansion: Shadowbringers
Background Music: Invincible
Who Brings Shadow
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png

Edit The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy's Dialogue

Thumosis Icon.png Eleos Icon.png Odune Icon.png Menis Icon.png Zelos Icon.png Aischune Icon.png Phthonos Icon.png Deima Icon.png Ekplexis Icon.png Zelotupia Icon.png Oknos Icon.png Epikairekakia Icon.png Agonia Icon.png Kelesis Icon.png Enochlesis Icon.png
Himeros Icon.png Hades's Auracite Icon.png Hades Weapon Coffer (IL 465) Icon.png Paladin's Hades Arms (IL 465) Icon.png Shadow Gwiber Trumpet Icon.png Faded Copy of Invincible Icon.png
(Fixed Rate Drop)

Hades Totem

Hades Card

Drop Table (23)
Item Type iLvl Requirements Stats
 Hades Weapon Coffer (IL 465) Icon.png  
Hades Weapon Coffer (IL 465)
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A chest containing a weapon of Hades.

Required level: 80. IL: 465. Weapon type determined by current job or class at time of opening. Cannot be opened in instanced areas such as dungeons, PvP areas, or raids.

 Shadow Gwiber Trumpet Icon.png  
Shadow Gwiber Trumpet
Gold chest icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Other  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
This horn-carved instrument emits an ethereal tone that beckons a dark-touched shadow gwiber from its refuge.

 Paladin's Hades Arms (IL 465) Icon.png  
Paladin's Hades Arms (IL 465)
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 GLAPLD
Req. Level 1
A set of arms containing Misos and Eulabeia.

Required level: 80. IL: 465.

 Faded Copy of Invincible Icon.png  
Faded Copy of Invincible
Gold chest icon.png
 Orchestrion Roll  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Timeworn pages of sheet music containing the full score for Hades's theme, Invincible.

 Hades Card Icon.png  
Hades Card
Seasonalachievementicon.pngGold chest icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Triple Triad Card  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A legendary (★★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 257

 Hades Totem Icon.png  
Hades Totem
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Perhaps this hard-won idol carved in the likeness of Hades is proof enough that he once lived.

 Hades's Auracite Icon.png  
Hades's Auracite
Gold chest icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
 Stone  &0000000000000465000000465&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A small chip of the auracite in which Hades was sealed. May you keep it close, and ever remember.

 Menis Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Lancer's Arm  &0000000000000465000000465&000000000000008000000080 LNCDRG
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 99Magic Damage 50
Strength &0000000000000180000000+180
Vitality &0000000000000182000000+182
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000180000000+180
Critical Hit &0000000000000126000000+126

 Zelos Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Pugilist's Arm  &0000000000000465000000465&000000000000008000000080 PGLMNK
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 99Magic Damage 50
Strength &0000000000000180000000+180
Vitality &0000000000000182000000+182
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000180000000+180
Critical Hit &0000000000000126000000+126

 Thumosis Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Marauder's Arm  &0000000000000465000000465&000000000000008000000080 MRDWAR
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 99Magic Damage 50
Strength &0000000000000180000000+180
Vitality &0000000000000182000000+182
Critical Hit &0000000000000180000000+180
Determination &0000000000000126000000+126

 Phthonos Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Rogue's Arm  &0000000000000465000000465&000000000000008000000080 ROGNIN
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 99Magic Damage 50
Dexterity &0000000000000180000000+180
Vitality &0000000000000182000000+182
Critical Hit &0000000000000180000000+180
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000126000000+126

 Oknos Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm  &0000000000000465000000465&000000000000008000000080 THMBLM
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 99Magic Damage 99
Intelligence &0000000000000180000000+180
Vitality &0000000000000164000000+164
Spell Speed &0000000000000180000000+180
Critical Hit &0000000000000126000000+126

 Odune Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Gunbreaker's Arm  &0000000000000465000000465&000000000000008000000080 GNB
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 99Magic Damage 50
Strength &0000000000000180000000+180
Vitality &0000000000000182000000+182
Critical Hit &0000000000000180000000+180
Determination &0000000000000126000000+126

 Agonia Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Red Mage's Arm  &0000000000000465000000465&000000000000008000000080 RDM
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 99Magic Damage 99
Intelligence &0000000000000180000000+180
Vitality &0000000000000164000000+164
Critical Hit &0000000000000180000000+180
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000126000000+126

 Kelesis Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Two-handed Conjurer's Arm  &0000000000000465000000465&000000000000008000000080 CNJWHM
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 99Magic Damage 99
Mind &0000000000000180000000+180
Vitality &0000000000000164000000+164
Piety &0000000000000180000000+180
Determination &0000000000000126000000+126

 Himeros Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Astrologian's Arm  &0000000000000465000000465&000000000000008000000080 AST
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 99Magic Damage 99
Mind &0000000000000180000000+180
Vitality &0000000000000164000000+164
Piety &0000000000000180000000+180
Critical Hit &0000000000000126000000+126

 Aischune Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Samurai's Arm  &0000000000000465000000465&000000000000008000000080 SAM
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 99Magic Damage 50
Strength &0000000000000180000000+180
Vitality &0000000000000182000000+182
Critical Hit &0000000000000180000000+180
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000126000000+126

 Epikairekakia Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Arcanist's Grimoire  &0000000000000465000000465&000000000000008000000080 ACNSMN
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 99Magic Damage 99
Intelligence &0000000000000180000000+180
Vitality &0000000000000164000000+164
Critical Hit &0000000000000180000000+180
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000126000000+126

 Enochlesis Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Scholar's Arm  &0000000000000465000000465&000000000000008000000080 SCH
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 99Magic Damage 99
Mind &0000000000000180000000+180
Vitality &0000000000000164000000+164
Critical Hit &0000000000000180000000+180
Determination &0000000000000126000000+126

 Eleos Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Dark Knight's Arm  &0000000000000465000000465&000000000000008000000080 DRK
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 99Magic Damage 50
Strength &0000000000000180000000+180
Vitality &0000000000000182000000+182
Determination &0000000000000180000000+180
Critical Hit &0000000000000126000000+126

 Ekplexis Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Machinist's Arm  &0000000000000465000000465&000000000000008000000080 MCH
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 99Magic Damage 50
Dexterity &0000000000000180000000+180
Vitality &0000000000000182000000+182
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000180000000+180
Determination &0000000000000126000000+126

 Deima Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Archer's Arm  &0000000000000465000000465&000000000000008000000080 ARCBRD
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 99Magic Damage 50
Dexterity &0000000000000180000000+180
Vitality &0000000000000182000000+182
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000180000000+180
Critical Hit &0000000000000126000000+126

 Zelotupia Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Dancer's Arm  &0000000000000465000000465&000000000000008000000080 DNC
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 99Magic Damage 50
Dexterity &0000000000000180000000+180
Vitality &0000000000000182000000+182
Critical Hit &0000000000000180000000+180
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000126000000+126

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