Archbishop Thordan VII Card
Triple Triad Card
Req. Level 1
A legendary (★★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad. Card No. 107
Faded Copy of Heroes
Orchestrion Roll
Req. Level 1
Timeworn pages of sheet music containing the full score for King Thordan's theme, Heroes.
Round Lanner Whistle 
Req. Level 1
This whistle emits a shrill tone that is said to summon a legendary falcon of the heavens.
Paladin's Heavens Arms (IL 205)
GLA, PLD Req. Level 1
A set of arms containing a Sword of the Heavens and Shield of the Heavens.
Required level: 60. IL: 205.
Heavens' Ward Helm Fragment
Req. Level 1
A small piece of steel salvaged from a helm worn by one of the Heavens' Ward.
Heavens Weapon Coffer (IL 205)
Req. Level 1
A heavy chest containing a weapon of the Heavens.
Required level: 60. IL: 205. Weapon type determined by current job or class at time of opening. Cannot be opened in instanced areas such as dungeons, PvP areas, or raids.
Daggers of the Heavens 
Rogue's Arm
ROG, NIN Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73Magic Damage 37 Dexterity &0000000000000077000000+77 Vitality &0000000000000076000000+76 Determination &0000000000000083000000+83 Critical Hit &0000000000000058000000+58
Knuckles of the Heavens 
Pugilist's Arm
PGL, MNK Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73Magic Damage 37 Strength &0000000000000077000000+77 Vitality &0000000000000076000000+76 Critical Hit &0000000000000083000000+83 Determination &0000000000000058000000+58
Staff of the Heavens 
Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm
THM, BLM Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73Magic Damage 73 Intelligence &0000000000000077000000+77 Vitality &0000000000000068000000+68 Spell Speed &0000000000000083000000+83 Critical Hit &0000000000000058000000+58
Sickle of the Heavens 
Reaper's Arm
RPR Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73Magic Damage 37 Strength &0000000000000077000000+77 Vitality &0000000000000076000000+76 Critical Hit &0000000000000083000000+83 Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000058000000+58
Bow of the Heavens 
Archer's Arm
ARC, BRD Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73Magic Damage 37 Dexterity &0000000000000077000000+77 Vitality &0000000000000076000000+76 Determination &0000000000000083000000+83 Critical Hit &0000000000000058000000+58
Rapier of the Heavens 
Red Mage's Arm
RDM Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73Magic Damage 73 Intelligence &0000000000000077000000+77 Vitality &0000000000000068000000+68 Determination &0000000000000083000000+83 Spell Speed &0000000000000058000000+58
Cane of the Heavens 
Two-handed Conjurer's Arm
CNJ, WHM Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73Magic Damage 73 Mind &0000000000000077000000+77 Vitality &0000000000000068000000+68 Spell Speed &0000000000000083000000+83 Piety &0000000000000058000000+58
Milpreves of the Heavens 
Sage's Arm
SGE Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73Magic Damage 73 Mind &0000000000000077000000+77 Vitality &0000000000000068000000+68 Determination &0000000000000083000000+83 Critical Hit &0000000000000058000000+58
Katana of the Heavens 
Samurai's Arm
SAM Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73Magic Damage 37 Strength &0000000000000077000000+77 Vitality &0000000000000076000000+76 Skill Speed &0000000000000083000000+83 Determination &0000000000000058000000+58
Codex of the Heavens 
Scholar's Arm
SCH Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73Magic Damage 73 Mind &0000000000000077000000+77 Vitality &0000000000000068000000+68 Determination &0000000000000083000000+83 Piety &0000000000000058000000+58
Astrologian's Arm
AST Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73Magic Damage 73 Mind &0000000000000077000000+77 Vitality &0000000000000068000000+68 Critical Hit &0000000000000083000000+83 Piety &0000000000000058000000+58
Machinist's Arm
MCH Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73Magic Damage 37 Dexterity &0000000000000077000000+77 Vitality &0000000000000076000000+76 Determination &0000000000000083000000+83 Critical Hit &0000000000000058000000+58
Axe of the Heavens 
Marauder's Arm
MRD, WAR Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73Magic Damage 37 Strength &0000000000000077000000+77 Vitality &0000000000000076000000+76 Skill Speed &0000000000000083000000+83 Critical Hit &0000000000000058000000+58
Claymore of the Heavens 
Dark Knight's Arm
DRK Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73Magic Damage 37 Strength &0000000000000077000000+77 Vitality &0000000000000076000000+76 Critical Hit &0000000000000083000000+83 Tenacity &0000000000000058000000+58
Halberd of the Heavens 
Lancer's Arm
LNC, DRG Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73Magic Damage 37 Strength &0000000000000077000000+77 Vitality &0000000000000076000000+76 Critical Hit &0000000000000083000000+83 Determination &0000000000000058000000+58
Gunblade of the Heavens 
Gunbreaker's Arm
GNB Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73Magic Damage 37 Strength &0000000000000077000000+77 Vitality &0000000000000076000000+76 Critical Hit &0000000000000083000000+83 Determination &0000000000000058000000+58
Grimoire of the Heavens 
Arcanist's Grimoire
ACN, SMN Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73Magic Damage 73 Intelligence &0000000000000077000000+77 Vitality &0000000000000068000000+68 Critical Hit &0000000000000083000000+83 Determination &0000000000000058000000+58
War Quoits of the Heavens 
Dancer's Arm
DNC Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73Magic Damage 37 Dexterity &0000000000000077000000+77 Vitality &0000000000000076000000+76 Critical Hit &0000000000000083000000+83 Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000058000000+58