The Ruby Sea (Region)

Zoneicon.pngThe Ruby Sea (Region)
A region in the Far East on the continent of Othard.
Region: The Ruby Sea (Region)
Landmass: Othard
World: Hydaelyn
Expansion: Stormblood

Region Summary & Overview

Area NPCs Quests FATEs Levequests Hunting Log Targets Monsters Logging/Harvesting Mining/Quarrying Fishing Log Locations
Heaven-on-High (Zone) 124
The Ruby Sea 192 136 30 6 73 3/2 5/2 23

Disciples of the Land Summary

Location POS Level Type Requirements
[[Fishing Log: |]]
[[Fishing Log: |]]
Hells' Lid X:25.9 Y:33.3 62 Gulleye V
Isari X: 8.5 Y: 12.0 64 Gulleye V
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Onokoro X: 22.1 Y: 11.0 64 Gulleye V
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Shoal Rock 32.5-8.3 63 Gulleye V
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The Isle of Bekko X: 34.6 Y: 19.7 65 Gulleye VI
The Isle of Zekki X: 8.3 Y: 26.6 70 Gulleye V
[[Fishing Log: |]]
The Ruby Price X: 38.4 Y: 38.5 62 Gulleye V