The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2
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Melusine Abilities
Melusine StrategyMelusine casts AOE Fireballs on party members that do around 2k damage. Do not stand near other party members or you risk taking 2 Fireballs and dying. Circle blade is just a red circle AOE that does barely any damage but you shouldn't stand near Melusine if you're not melee. Melusine casts Cursed Voice and Cursed Shriek. It is imperative you know the difference between these two debuffs, because one mistake means a wipe. Cursed-Voice has a triangle debuff icon while Cursed Shriek has a circular debuff icon. When the Cursed Voice debuff wears off it casts a conal AoE that petrifies enemies and allies in the direction your character is facing when the debuff wears off. When Cursed Shriek debuff wears off it casts a AoE petrifaction that petrifies all of the players in an area.
Throughout the fight, Renaud (the cyclops) spawns and tethers to the first person that strikes it and will follow him or her and one shot if him or her if it reaches them. The strategy for handling Renaud is to petrify it with the Cursed voice conal aoe. Renaud can be afflicted with heavy and cause them to basically stand still due to their inherent heavy debuff. Binds should be avoided at all costs as it removes their innate slow. The person Renaud is tethered to should kite around the outside to position the Renaud until Cursed Voice wears off and someone can petrify it. Damaging a petrified Renaud kills it, but do not kill them immediately because read on. Cursed Shriek is a petrify that covers the entire area so you must use a petrified Renaud to break Line-Of-Sight with the raid and sort of "hide behind" it. Successfully being behind a Renaud when Cursed Shriek wears off will prevent Cursed Shriek from petrifying everyone.
Renauds spawn at a pretty constant rate, and as you progress into the fight other adds will spawn alongside it. Lamia Deathdancer is the first add that spawns at around 80% HP. It is a melee mini-medusa. It casts cleave and Circle Blade. Archers spawn at ~50% HP. These adds do a few abilities that deal lots of damage including an AOE and a targeted ability with a visible mark. The Prosecutor add will spawn at 35% HP. This add deals heavy magic damage, and has the ability to cast Petrifaction. When it uses the ability, if you are facing the boss, you will be petrified. Simply look away to avoid this effect. When Prosecutor dies, Melusine will gain this ability and begin to use it periodically. Be sure to kill The Prosecutor quickly as it deals heavy damage and when it is kept alive, Melusine absorbs it, gaining a buff and its remaining HP. When Melusine is around 50% HP, the boss room begins to glow with poison in one of the three areas it is split into. After 15 seconds the glowing area explodes, it's pretty obvious and you are safe to run through it until it explodes but do not stand in it. Additionally she gains a new ability called Tail venom. The ability that adds a poison that must be dispelled off or it triggers an AOE.
Drop Table (5)
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After battling your way through to the base of the colossal fragment that impales the ground in Alder Springs, your party enters the structure through an opening in its outer shell. The sight that greets you is of an endless procession of azure-lit passages, within which can be glimpsed the grotesque silhouettes of chimeric monstrosities. |