Unrest for the Wicked

BozjaSlayEnemies.png Lv. 80   Unrest for the Wicked    20m

Zone: Bozjan Southern Front - Southern Entrenchment  (24.3-27.6)
Scouts report that an enemy patrol has halted to rest in an easily assaulted position. Seize this opportunity to thin the imperials' ranks.
Experience Tomestone Mettle
Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry Icon.png
The Bozjan Southern Front XP150-6,000
Conditional Reward
Southern Front Lockbox Icon.png x1 Bozjan Coin Icon.png x1 Forgotten Fragment of Preparation Icon.png x1 Garlean Synthetic Fabric Icon.png x1 
World: ??? (World)
Landmass: ??? (Landmass)
Region: ??? (Region)
Zone: Bozjan Southern Front
Area: Southern Entrenchment
Coordinates: 24.3-27.6
Level: 80
Type: Slay Enemies

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