Wind-up Odin

Wind-up Odin Icon.png
Wind-up Odin  Map75 Icon.png
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Guaranteed not to wipe out your entire party in one fell stroke.

Use item to acquire the wind-up Odin minion.
Level 1
Item Level 1
Statistics & Bonuses:
Repairs, Recycle & Style:
Sells for Unsellable
Noconverticon.png Nodyeicon.png Nocresticon.png Noprojectableicon.png Nodesynthesizableicon.png Nostorableicon.png Nocollectableicon.png
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Divider5.png Divider5.png
Sold by Merchants
Merchant (Shop) Price
Jonathas (Shop)

Old Gridania - Apkallu Falls (10.6-6.3)

Wind-up Odin

Achievement Certificate
 x 2
Used to Summon

Minion Information
Wind-up Odin (Minion) Icon.pngWind-up Odin (Minion)  Map75 Icon.png
Lord of Verminion
 Cost: 30  Monster
HP: 500 ATK: 75 DEF: 65 SPD: ★★★★
Strengths: LoV Gate Icon.png Auto-attack: Single-target
Special Action: Non-tetsuken
Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
120 Area Icon.png
Type: Damage Points: 20

MainIcon59.png Minion Guide
Many have pondered why a dark divinity with roots in northern mythology would wield a blade with a decidedly Far Eastern name. A popular theory is that Odin acquired the blade upon slaying an Auri warrior who was the first ever to notch his theretofore unsullied plate.

If Odin is truly come to the Shroud, time is not on our side. - Lewin

Island Sanctuary Icon.png Island Sanctuary Dialogue
Here I stand--a god amongst men.
Acquisition: 360-day Veteran Reward
Requires: Wind-up Odin
Behavior: Independent
Wind-up Odin (Minion) Patch.png
Involved in Lord of Verminion Challenge
Stage Name
15 Urth's Spout

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