Wind-up Yugiri

Wind-up Yugiri Icon.png
Wind-up Yugiri  Seasonalachievementicon.pngQuest Icon.pngDollarsignicon.png
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Her mask may significantly hold far less mystery than it once did.

Use item to acquire the wind-up Yugiri minion.
Level 1
Item Level 1
Statistics & Bonuses:
Repairs, Recycle & Style:
Sells for Unsellable
Noconverticon.png Nodyeicon.png Nocresticon.png Noprojectableicon.png Nodesynthesizableicon.png Nostorableicon.png Nocollectableicon.png
Wind-up Yugiri--Promo.png
Acquisition Edit Wind-up Yugiri's Miscellaneous Acquisition Information Uses Edit Wind-up Yugiri's Miscellaneous Use Information
Divider5.png Divider5.png
Reward from Quests
Quest Level
A World Away 15
Available during Event
The Rising (2015)
Available for Purchase via Mog Station
Mog Station Price
Mog Station ($5 / €3.50 / £2.88 / ¥550)
Used to Summon

Minion Information
Wind-up Yugiri (Minion) Icon.pngWind-up Yugiri (Minion)  Seasonalachievementicon.pngQuest Icon.pngDollarsignicon.png
Lord of Verminion
 Cost: 15  Poppet
HP: 335 ATK: 55 DEF: 50 SPD: ★★
Strengths: LoV Gate Icon.png LoV Shield Icon.png Auto-attack: Single-target
Special Action: Suiyaku
Increases ATK of all allies within range by 20 (40 if the ally is a poppet).
360 Area Icon.png
Type: Enhancing Points: 20 Duration: 6s

MainIcon59.png Minion Guide
In an effort to see his skills remain sharp, a displaced Doman dollmaker now working in the crystal quarries near Revenant's Toll spends his nights crafting wind-up automata, Yugiri serving as his sole model.

She's really good at hide-and-seek, too! - Koharu

Island Sanctuary Icon.png Island Sanctuary Dialogue
I am in your debt!
Acquisition: The Rising (2015), or $5 USD from the Mogstation
Requires: Wind-up Yugiri
Behavior: Independent
Wind-up Yugiri (Minion) Patch.png


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