Wine and Honey

060958.png Lv. 17   Wine and Honey    30m

Zone: Eureka Anemos - Uncanny Valley (Area)  (34.6-21.9)
As the old saying goes: every wyrm's ending is just a voidsent wyrm's beginning. Banish this particularly vicious example, and remember that no one's to blame—except the adventurers that killed the high dragon whose dying breath summoned forth this monstrosity.
Experience Tomestone
Eureka XP22,059 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png102
Conditional Reward
Anemos Lockbox Icon.png x21 Anemos Crystal Icon.png x43 Wind-up Fafnir Icon.png 
World: ??? (World)
Landmass: ??? (Landmass)
Region: ??? (Region)
Zone: Eureka Anemos
Area: Uncanny Valley (Area)
Coordinates: 34.6-21.9
Level: 17
Type: Notorious Monster
Element: Fire
Spawn Mob: Fossil Dragon

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