Unit of Measure

(Redirected from Ilm)


Unit Abbreviation Relation Metric Approximation
Ilm im 2.54 cm An adult Hyuran thumb; a ripe rolanberry
Fulm fm 12 im 30.48 cm An adult Hyuran foot; a grown chocobo tailfeather
Yalm ym 3 fm 0.9144 m A bastard sword blade; an adult Lalafellin male
Malm mm 1,760 ym 1.60934 km The distance an adult Elezen can run in a tenth bell;
The approximate height of O'Ghomoro


Unit Abbreviation Relation Metric Approximation
Onze oz 28.349523125 g An adult Hyuran thumb; a 100-gil coin
Ponze pz 16 oz 0.45359237 kg A merchant's scale stone; a block of kukuru butter
Tonze tz 2,000 pz 907.18474 kg A fully matured goobbue;
600 bottles of Wineport red (1 standard overseas shipment)


Most units of measure in Eorzea mimic United States customary units with slightly altered names. Inches become ilms, ounces become onzes, and so on.