Common Actions
Allagan Rot
Unleashes the plague of the allagan civilization to those unprotected, dealing massive damage.
Unleash waves of Water in a sector shaped area.
Chain Lightning
Fires a bolt of Lightning at a random target.
Diry Cannons
Unleash a barrage of explosive Fire damaging nearby enemies.
Unleashes a burst of Fire in a star shaped pattern.
Gravity Field
Create a gravity well that slows down movement and damages foes over time.
High Voltage (Mob Action)
Release a burst of Lightning, damaging and paralyzing all foes.
Piercing Laser
Fire a beam of Lightning at the ground, damaging foes in a line.
Repelling Cannons
Unleash a barrage of explosive Fire damaging nearby enemies.
Vacuum Wave
Unleash gales of Wind to targets within range.
Additional actions may be used by specific Species or specific Mobs. See specific species/mob pages for additional actions.
Pages in category "Genus:Defender"
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