Category:Tenacity Modifier
Pages in category "Tenacity Modifier"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,606 total.
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- Abyss Flanchard
- Abyss Flanchard +1
- Abyss Flanchard +2
- Abyss Sollerets
- Abyss Sollerets +1
- Abyss Sollerets +2
- Abyssos Amulet of Fending
- Abyssos Choker of Fending
- Abyssos Helm of Fending
- Abyssos Hose of Fending
- Abyssos Ring of Fending
- Adamantite Broadsword
- Adamantite Circlet of Fending
- Adamantite Gauntlets of Fending
- Adamantite Greatsword
- Adamantite Headsman's Axe
- Adamantite Hoplon
- Adamantite Pauldroncoat of Fending
- Adamantite Scutum
- Adamantite Sollerets of Fending
- Adamantite Tassets of Fending
- Adamantite Winglet
- Adamantite Zweihander
- Aeolian Scimitar
- Agate Ring of Fending
- Agoge Horns
- Agoge Jackboots
- Ala Mhigan Battleaxe
- Ala Mhigan Belt of Fending
- Ala Mhigan Fingerless Gloves of Fending
- Ala Mhigan Guillotine
- Ala Mhigan Kilij
- Ala Mhigan Necklace of Fending
- Ala Mhigan Ring of Fending
- Ala Mhigan Tower Shield
- Alastor
- Alexandrian Bracelets of Fending
- Alexandrian Earrings of Fending
- Alexandrian Mail of Fending
- Alexandrian Metal Buckler
- Alexandrian Metal Guillotine
- Alexandrian Visor of Fending
- Allagan Blade
- Allagan Bracelets of Fending
- Allagan Choker of Fending
- Allagan Earrings of Fending
- Allagan Helm
- Allagan Plate Belt
- Allagan Ring of Fending
- Allagan Round Shield
- Allegiance Blinder
- Allegiance Coat
- Allegiance Longboots
- Alliance Bracelet of Fending
- Alliance Earring of Fending
- Alliance Helm of Fending
- Alliance Necklace of Fending
- Alliance Trousers of Fending
- Alpine War Jacket
- Altered Cobalt Cuirass
- Amaurotine Bracelets of Fending
- Amaurotine Earrings of Fending
- Amber Bracelet
- Amber Choker
- Amber Earrings
- Amber Ring
- Ametrine Choker of Fending
- Ametrine Earrings of Fending
- Ametrine Ring of Fending
- Anabaseios Hose of Fending
- Anabaseios Mail of Fending
- Anabaseios Necklace of Fending
- Anamnesis Choker of Fending
- Anamnesis Circlet of Fending
- Anamnesis Earrings of Fending
- Anamnesis Gauntlets of Fending
- Anamnesis Sollerets of Fending
- Ancient Sword
- Ancile
- Anemos Abyss Flanchard
- Anemos Abyss Sollerets
- Anemos Brutal Breeches
- Anemos Brutal Sollerets
- Anemos Chivalrous Cuisses
- Anemos Chivalrous Sollerets
- Animated Prytwen
- Antiquated Abyss Burgeonet
- Antiquated Abyss Cuirass
- Antiquated Abyss Sollerets
- Antiquated Brutal Breeches
- Antiquated Brutal Lorica
- Antiquated Brutal Visor
- Antiquated Caladbolg
- Antiquated Chaos Cuirass
- Antiquated Chaos Flanchard
- Antiquated Chivalrous Cuisses
- Antiquated Chivalrous Surcoat
- Antiquated Creed Cuirass
- Antiquated Creed Cuisses
- Antiquated Farsha
- Antiquated Hauteclaire
- Antiquated Parashu
- Antiquated Ravager's Breeches
- Antiquated Ravager's Cuirass
- AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Fending
- AR-Caean Velvet Cap of Fending
- Archeo Kingdom Cuirass of Fending
- Archeo Kingdom Helm of Fending
- Archeo Kingdom Sabatons of Fending
- Ardent Belt of Fending
- Ardent Necklace of Fending
- Ardent Ring of Fending
- Arhat Bracelets of Fending
- Arhat Kote of Fending
- Arhat Kyahan of Fending
- Arhat Necklace of Fending
- Ark Angel's Breeches of Fending
- Ark Angel's Circlet of Fending
- Ark Angel's Tunic of Fending
- Armor of Light
- Template:ARR Infobox Item/Preload
- Ascension Earring of Fending
- Ascension Gauntlets of Fending
- Ascension Mail of Fending
- Ash Macuahuitl
- Asphodelos Amulet of Fending
- Asphodelos Circlet of Fending
- Asphodelos Skirt of Fending
- Asphodelos Vambraces of Fending
- Asuran Bracelets of Fending
- Asuran Greatshield
- Asuran Haidate of Fending
- Asuran Kote of Fending
- Asuran Necklace of Fending
- Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Fending
- Atrociraptorskin Breeches of Fending
- Augmented Alastor
- Augmented Archeo Kingdom Cuirass of Fending
- Augmented Archeo Kingdom Helm of Fending
- Augmented Archeo Kingdom Sabatons of Fending
- Augmented Black Willow Armillae of Fending
- Augmented Bozjan Boots of Fending
- Augmented Bozjan Coat of Fending
- Augmented Classical Hoplomachus's Headgear
- Augmented Classical Hoplomachus's Manicae
- Augmented Classical Wristband of Fending
- Augmented Credendum Breeches of Fending
- Augmented Credendum Circlet of Fending
- Augmented Credendum Gauntlets of Fending
- Augmented Crownsblade
- Augmented Cryptlurker's Belt of Fending
- Augmented Cryptlurker's Choker of Fending
- Augmented Cryptlurker's Cuirass of Fending
- Augmented Cryptlurker's Gauntlets of Fending
- Augmented Cryptlurker's Kite Shield
- Augmented Cryptlurker's Manatrigger
- Augmented Cryptlurker's Ring of Fending
- Augmented Cryptlurker's Sword
- Augmented Cryptlurker's War Axe
- Augmented Crystarium Belt of Fending
- Augmented Crystarium Choker of Fending
- Augmented Crystarium Circlet of Fending
- Augmented Crystarium Gauntlets of Fending
- Augmented Crystarium Greatsword
- Augmented Crystarium Kite Shield
- Augmented Crystarium Sword
- Augmented Crystarium Trousers of Fending
- Augmented Deepshadow Bracelet of Fending
- Augmented Deepshadow Claymore
- Augmented Deepshadow Gauntlets of Fending
- Augmented Deepshadow Helm of Fending
- Augmented Deepshadow Manatrigger
- Augmented Deepshadow Necklace of Fending
- Augmented Deepshadow Ring of Fending
- Augmented Deepshadow Sollerets of Fending
- Augmented Diadochos Earring of Fending
- Augmented Diadochos Halfgloves of Fending
- Augmented Diadochos Headband of Fending
- Augmented Diadochos Poleyns of Fending
- Augmented Dominus Shield
- Augmented Eulabeia
- Augmented Exarchic Axe
- Augmented Exarchic Choker of Fending
- Augmented Exarchic Gauntlets of Fending
- Augmented Exarchic Guillotine
- Augmented Exarchic Gunblade
- Augmented Exarchic Hose of Fending
- Augmented Exarchic Plate Belt of Fending
- Augmented Exarchic Sword
- Augmented Exarchic Tower Shield
- Augmented Facet Bracelet of Fending
- Augmented Facet Chain Hose of Fending
- Augmented Facet Circlet of Fending
- Augmented Facet Earrings of Fending
- Augmented Facet Gauntlets of Fending
- Augmented Fighter's Breeches
- Augmented Fighter's Cuirass
- Augmented Fighter's Gauntlets
- Augmented Fighter's Jackboots
- Augmented Gallant Cuisses