Triple Triad Trial

Featurequest1 Icon.png Lv. 15   Triple Triad Trial
Sidequests ⇒ 

Journal detail hr1 07.png Acquisition
Triple Triad Master: The Gold Saucer - Card Square (x:4.2, y:7.5)

Map33 Icon.pngClosest Aetheryte: The Gold Saucer → Card & Entrance Squares

Journal detail hr1 08.png Requirements
071341.png15It Could Happen to YouFeaturequest1 Icon.png It Could Happen to You (Level 15)

Spacer2.png Any Class (Level 15)

Journal detail hr1 03.png Rewards
Dodo Card
Sabotender Card
Bomb Card
Mandragora Card
Coeurl Card
Miscellaneous Reward
Unlocks Challenging the Masters Active Help
Unlocks ability to purchase Warrior of Light CardYugiri Mistwalker Card
Edit Triple Triad Trial's Miscellaneous Reward
Journal detail hr1 04.png Description
Journal detail hr1 01.png Objectives

Journal detail hr1 07.png NPCs Involved
Triple Triad Master

Edit Triple Triad Trial's Dialogue
Triple Triad is taking Eorzea by storm! Care to try your hand at this entrancing new card game?
Try your hand at Triple Triad?
No Yes
Are you sure? It's easy to begin, and challenging to master! Well, another time, perhaps!
And so another challenger is born! Welcome to the world of Triple Triad, where you pit your cards against an opponent's in a tense battle of skill, strategy...and the odd dose of luck!

Here at the Manderville Gold Saucer, I am pleased to present all new players with the cards they need to get started!

To play a match, however, first you'll need to build a deck composed of five cards from your registered card list.

Oh, and I suggest speaking with the nearby Triple Triad trader should you wish to expand your card collection!
You can now play Triple Triad.

You are now able to challenge opponents to Triple Triad matches. New cards can be obtained from a number of sources, including the Triple Triad trader, victory spoils from winning matches, and prizes from Triple Triad tournaments.

Play against the Triple Triad master to learn the basic rules of the game. Before you can begin, however, there are several steps that must be completed.

First, you must Use the cards in your inventory to register them to your Card List. Your card list can be viewed via the Gold Saucer options found under Character in the main menu.

Next, access your Card Decks, also located within the Gold Saucer options, and build a deck by selecting five cards from those you have registered.

Speak with the Triple Triad master once your deck is ready, and she will engage you in a tutorial match.

You can now play Triple Triad.

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