A Den of Evil

Sidequest1 Icon.png Lv. 56   A Den of Evil

Journal detail hr1 07.png Acquisition
This quest requires you to fight enemies in the open world.
Redwald: Coerthas Western Highlands - Riversmeet - Falcon's Nest (x:31.1, y:37.3)

Map33 Icon.pngClosest Aetheryte: Falcon's Nest

Journal detail hr1 08.png Requirements
071221.png56EnlistedSidequest1 Icon.png Enlisted (Level 56)
071201.png56He Who Would Not Be DeniedMainquest1 Icon.png He Who Would Not Be Denied (Level 56)

Spacer2.png Disciples of War or Magic (Level 56)

Journal detail hr1 03.png Rewards

Experience Points

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Journal detail hr1 04.png Description
Redwald needs your help with an investigation.
Journal detail hr1 01.png Objectives
  • Speak with the knight at Hemlock.
  • Slay heretics. 0/4
  • Report to Redwald.

Journal detail hr1 07.png NPCs Involved
Redwald, House Durendaire Knight
Journal detail hr1 08.png Mobs Involved
Gaunt FigureHeretic Maiden

  • Redwald needs your help with an investigation.
  • Redwald has requested your help in part of Falcon's Nest's ongoing investigations into the heretics' actions. He asks you to travel to the ruins of Hemlock. The knight stationed there will advise you what to do from there.
  • There have been reports that there are heretics hiding within the ruins supposedly with a mind to establish a base of operations. There should be four heretics there. Find them and eliminate them.
  • You have found and killed all four heretics reported as taking refuge within Hemlock. Report back to Redwald that this insidious threat has been dealt with.
  • Redwald thanks you for your work, but goes on to explain that not all heretics truly believe in the Dravanian Horde's doctrine. Many are simply criminals who have nowhere else to run. Of course, their lack of conviction does not make them any less traitorous in the eyes of Ishgardian law.

Edit A Den of Evil's Dialogue

Master Surname, I have a request to make, if I may. My men and I keep a keen and constant eye on the heretics, and there is one investigation we are working on that we would like your help with.

North of here lie the ruins of Hemlock. I have a man stationed at the gates there. Speak with him for further details.
Quest Accepted

So you are the man Ser Redwald sent? Very good. We have received word that there are a number of heretics hiding in the ruins here. We suspect they are planning to establish a base of operations.

Obviously, we cannot let that happen. We need you to infiltrate the ruins and confirm if the heretics are indeed hiding there. If they are, eliminate them. There should be four of them. Good luck.
Travel to the ruins of Hemlock. I have stationed a man at the gates who can provide you with further information.
Travel to the ruins of Hemlock. I have stationed a man at the gates who can provide you with further information.
There should be four heretics hiding in the ruins. Find them and eliminate them. I shall stay here and block their escape.

Thank you, Master Surname. It seems you completed your mission without incident. Unfortunately, with each passing day, the heretics recruit more poor pawns to their contemptible cause.

There are many forms of heretic. While some are men of true conviction, devoted to the Dravanian Horde, others are simply criminals who banded together and decided they have no choice─no place in Ishgard.

Whatever their reasons may be, I cannot condone their actions... Though there is no denying that life in Ishgard can be hard.
Quest Completed
There should be four heretics hiding in the ruins. Find them and eliminate them. I shall stay here and block their escape.

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