Category:Custom Delivery

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Custom Delivery is available starting at level 60, and provides advancements to the Collectable system.

See the Crafting, Gathering and Fishing logs for more information about the systems which form the underlying bases for the Custom Delivery system.

See also: Deliveries for more information about the systems which incorporate crafting and gathering after level 50.

NPC Level Unlock Quest Patch
Zhloe Aliapoh 55 Arms Wide Open 3.55a
M'naago 60 None Forgotten, None Forsaken 4.1
Kurenai 62 The Seaweed Is Always Greener 4.3
Adkiragh 66 Between a Rock and the Hard Place 4.5
Kai-Shirr 70 Oh, Beehive Yourself 5.1
Ehll Tou 70 O Crafter, My Crafter 5.3
Charlemend 70 You Can Count on It 5.5
Ameliance 80 Of Mothers and Merchants 6.15
Anden 80 That's So Anden 6.3
Margrat 80 A Request of One's Own 6.5
Nitowikwe 90 Laying New Tracks 7.15

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