
Chirp Icon.pngChirp

Puts all nearby enemies to sleep.
Duration: 40s
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.

Patch Changes
Edit Chirp/Version History
Patch 5.15
  • Chirp has been added to the game.

Acquired: Blue Mage Icon 1.png Blue Mage (Lv. 1)
Affinity: Blue Mage Icon 1.png BLU
Mob Notes: This spell mimics the queer cry of the paissa, which is known to impart those who hear it with the answer to life, the universe, and everything—an experience to which the mind reacts by shutting down entirely, plunging its host into a deep slumber.
Cast: The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.2s
Recast: The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
Cost: The cost associated with the use of the ability.400 MP
Radius: Point blank AoE (epicenter: player; angle: 360°)3y
Damage Type: Magic (None)
Spell No.: #56

Acquired from Mob (2)
Name Levels Location
Paissa 50 Zoneicon.png Cloudtop
Squonk 60 Zoneicon.png The Sea of Clouds