Grants 3 stacks of Magicked Swordplay, each stack allowing the use of Enchanted Riposte, Enchanted Zwerchhau, Enchanted Redoublement, Enchanted Moulinet, Enchanted Moulinet Deux, or Enchanted Moulinet Trois without cost. Duration: 30s Additional Effect: Grants 6 stacks of Manafication Manafication Effect: Increases magic damage dealt by 5% Duration: 30s Additional Effect: Grants Prefulgence Ready upon consuming 6 stacks of Manafication Duration: 30s
All combos are canceled upon execution of Manafication.
Can only be executed while in combat.
Enhanced by:
Enhanced Manafication: Reduces Manafication recast timer to 110 seconds and adds an additional effect that increases magic damage dealt by 5%.
The additional effect "Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 50" has been changed to "Grants 3 stacks of Magicked Swordplay, each stack allowing the use of Enchanted Riposte, Enchanted Zwerchhau, Enchanted Redoublement, Enchanted Moulinet, Enchanted Moulinet Deux, or Enchanted Moulinet Trois without cost."