My Little Chocobo (Immortal Flames)

Featurequest1 Icon.png Lv. 20   My Little Chocobo (Immortal Flames)

Journal detail hr1 07.png Acquisition
Swift: Ul'dah - Steps of Nald - Hall of Flames (x:8.4, y:9)

Map33 Icon.pngClosest Aetheryte: Ul'dah - Steps of Nald

Journal detail hr1 08.png Requirements

Spacer2.png Any Class (Level 20)

Flameprivatethirdclass.png Private Third Class with the Immortal Flames
Journal detail hr1 03.png Rewards

Experience Points

Chocobo Whistle
Miscellaneous Reward
Unlocks Personal Chocobos Active Help
Edit My Little Chocobo (Immortal Flames)'s Miscellaneous Reward
Journal detail hr1 04.png Description
Swift believes you should get yourself a chocobo.
Journal detail hr1 01.png Objectives
Journal detail hr1 02.png Unlocks Quests
071341.png30My Feisty Little ChocoboFeaturequest1 Icon.png My Feisty Little Chocobo (Level 30)

Journal detail hr1 07.png NPCs Involved
Swift, Mimigun, Chocobo (NPC)
Journal detail hr1 08.png Quest Lock
071341.png20My Little Chocobo (Twin Adder)Featurequest1 Icon.png My Little Chocobo (Twin Adder) (Level 20)
071341.png20My Little Chocobo (Twin Adder)Featurequest1 Icon.png My Little Chocobo (Twin Adder) (Level 20)

  • Swift believes you should get yourself a chocobo.
  • To obtain your personal chocobo, you must present Mimigun with a Flame Chocobo Issuance. This document can be obtained by exchanging company seals with the flame quartermaster. Here's hoping you have been setting aside your seals...
  • Mimigun brings you your bird, and it is love at first sight. Name your new companion, and make it official.
  • After much deliberation, you decide on a name worthy of the noblest steed. Inform Mimigun to complete the last of the formalities.
  • And so begins the adventures of Forename Surname and <Highlight>ObjectParameter(55)</Highlight>. May their friendship last for eternity!

Edit My Little Chocobo (Immortal Flames)'s Dialogue

Want a bird issued, you say? Then I'll need to see your Flame Chocobo Issuance.

Of course, you will need to exchange Flame Seals for it. You can earn these by completing tasks for the Immortal Flames, Ul'dah's Grand Company.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.
If you wish to acquire your own personal chocobo, you'll need to get a Flame Chocobo Issuance from the quartermaster. Show the deed to Mimigun at the stables, and he'll furnish you with your own bird.


Name Your Chocobo


Names must be between 2 and 20 alphabetic characters.

Now then, to make it official, you'll want to give your noble steed a name.

Heh heh! I daresay he likes his name!

Here is your very own chocobo whistle. Simply blow into it, and your feathered friend will come bounding to your side.

But do forgive him if he doesn't respond when summoned in crowded city areas or monster-infested lairs. Chocobos are stout-hearted creatures, but they have their limits.

And lastly, I present you with your chocobo rider's license, as is required by law.

And that concludes all the formalities! I wish you and your chocobo long years of fulfilling companionship!
Quest Completed

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