Book of Iconoclasm

Book of Iconoclasm Icon.png
Book of Iconoclasm  Gold chest icon.png
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A short apocryphal tome presumably created by Eden for recordkeeping purposes.

Copies of the same Eden's Verse apocrypha can be traded for special gear.
Level 1
Item Level 1
Statistics & Bonuses:
Repairs, Recycle & Style:
Stack Size 999
Sells for Unsellable
Noconverticon.png Nodyeicon.png Nocresticon.png Noprojectableicon.png Nodesynthesizableicon.png Nostorableicon.png Nocollectableicon.png
Acquisition Edit Book of Iconoclasm's Miscellaneous Acquisition Information Uses Edit Book of Iconoclasm's Miscellaneous Use Information
Divider5.png Divider5.png
Acquired from Duty (1)
Raidicon.png Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm (Savage)
Traded to:
•  Ghul Gul (Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoM))
•  Ghul Gul (Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoW) I)
•  Ghul Gul (Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoW) II)
•  Mowen's Merchant (Healer - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505))
•  Mowen's Merchant (Magical Ranged DPS - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505))
•  Mowen's Merchant (Melee DPS (DRG and RPR) - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505))
•  Mowen's Merchant (Melee DPS (MNK and SAM) - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505))
•  Mowen's Merchant (Melee DPS (NIN) - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505))
•  Mowen's Merchant (Melee DPS (NIN and VPR) - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505))
•  Mowen's Merchant (Physical Ranged DPS - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505))
•  Mowen's Merchant (Tank - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505))
•  Yhal Yal (Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoW) I)
•  Yhal Yal (Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoM))
•  Yhal Yal (Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoW) I)
•  Yhal Yal (Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoW) II)
Traded for: (7)
NPC Item
Ghul Gul/Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoM) Edenchoir Breeches of Casting Icon.pngEdenchoir Breeches of Casting
Ghul Gul/Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoM) Edenchoir Breeches of Healing Icon.pngEdenchoir Breeches of Healing
Ghul Gul/Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoW) I Edenchoir Cuisses of Fending Icon.pngEdenchoir Cuisses of Fending
Ghul Gul/Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoW) I Edenchoir Cuisses of Maiming Icon.pngEdenchoir Cuisses of Maiming
Ghul Gul/Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoW) I Edenchoir Trousers of Striking Icon.pngEdenchoir Trousers of Striking
Ghul Gul/Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoW) II Edenchoir Breeches of Scouting Icon.pngEdenchoir Breeches of Scouting
Ghul Gul/Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoW) II Edenchoir Trousers of Aiming Icon.pngEdenchoir Trousers of Aiming
Mowen's Merchant/Healer - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505) Edenchoir Breeches of Healing Icon.pngEdenchoir Breeches of Healing
Mowen's Merchant/Magical Ranged DPS - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505) Edenchoir Breeches of Casting Icon.pngEdenchoir Breeches of Casting
Mowen's Merchant/Melee DPS (DRG and RPR) - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505) Edenchoir Cuisses of Maiming Icon.pngEdenchoir Cuisses of Maiming
Mowen's Merchant/Melee DPS (MNK and SAM) - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505) Edenchoir Trousers of Striking Icon.pngEdenchoir Trousers of Striking
Mowen's Merchant/Melee DPS (NIN) - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505) Edenchoir Breeches of Scouting Icon.pngEdenchoir Breeches of Scouting
Mowen's Merchant/Melee DPS (NIN and VPR) - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505) Edenchoir Breeches of Scouting Icon.pngEdenchoir Breeches of Scouting
Mowen's Merchant/Physical Ranged DPS - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505) Edenchoir Trousers of Aiming Icon.pngEdenchoir Trousers of Aiming
Mowen's Merchant/Tank - Edenchoir Gear (IL 500-505) Edenchoir Cuisses of Fending Icon.pngEdenchoir Cuisses of Fending
Yhal Yal/Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoW) I Edenchoir Cuisses of Fending Icon.pngEdenchoir Cuisses of Fending
Yhal Yal/Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoW) I Edenchoir Cuisses of Maiming Icon.pngEdenchoir Cuisses of Maiming
Yhal Yal/Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoW) I Edenchoir Trousers of Striking Icon.pngEdenchoir Trousers of Striking
Yhal Yal/Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoM) Edenchoir Breeches of Casting Icon.pngEdenchoir Breeches of Casting
Yhal Yal/Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoM) Edenchoir Breeches of Healing Icon.pngEdenchoir Breeches of Healing
Yhal Yal/Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoW) I Edenchoir Cuisses of Fending Icon.pngEdenchoir Cuisses of Fending
Yhal Yal/Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoW) I Edenchoir Cuisses of Maiming Icon.pngEdenchoir Cuisses of Maiming
Yhal Yal/Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoW) I Edenchoir Trousers of Striking Icon.pngEdenchoir Trousers of Striking
Yhal Yal/Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoW) II Edenchoir Breeches of Scouting Icon.pngEdenchoir Breeches of Scouting
Yhal Yal/Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (IL 500-505) - Eden's Verse Apocrypha Exchange (DoW) II Edenchoir Trousers of Aiming Icon.pngEdenchoir Trousers of Aiming

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