Grinding It Out

Levequest1 Icon.png
 Lv. 20   Grinding It Out
Rewardsicon.png Rewards
Experience Gil
Expicon.png17,120 Gil Icon.png~293
Possible Items
Wind Shard
Wind Shard
Wind Shard
Wind Shard
Ice Shard
Ice Shard
Ice Shard
Ice Shard
Yew Log
Yew Log
Yew Log
Yew Log
Wind Shard
Wind Shard
Wind Shard
Wind Shard
Ice Shard
Ice Shard
Ice Shard
Ice Shard
Informationicon.png Description
A good sharp spear can spell the difference between life and death, so all Wood Wailers are taught early on to tend to their weapons daily. While many of those stationed in the field rely on whetstones carried in their satchels, lancers given assignments in larger outposts employ grinding wheels to give the spearheads a wickedly sharp edge. The unit stationed in Quarrymill has issued a request for the construction and delivery of these wheels, and are offering a sizable sum of gil in return.
Objectivesicon.png Objectives
Client: Fifth Spear Wood Wailer, Juliembert Loitalant
Issuing NPC:

South Shroud (x:25.5, y:20.3)

Classes: Carpenter
Type: Tradecraft
Guildleve: Constancy (Guildleve)
Location: Quarrymill
Required Items
Mudstone Grinding Wheel Icon.png
NPCs Involved: Juliembert
Items Involved: Mudstone Grinding Wheel
Reward Details
Item iLevel Requirements Stats
 Ice Shard Icon.png  Ice Shard
Seasonalachievementicon.pngBotanist icon.pngMap35 Icon.pngMiner icon.pngMap40 Icon.pngGold chest icon.pngQuest Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngMob Family Icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngUmbrella Fig Seeds Icon.png
Req. Level 1

A tiny crystalline manifestation of aetheric ice energy.

 Wind Shard Icon.png  Wind Shard
Seasonalachievementicon.pngBotanist icon.pngMap35 Icon.pngMiner icon.pngMap40 Icon.pngGold chest icon.pngQuest Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngMob Family Icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngUmbrella Fig Seeds Icon.png
Req. Level 1

A tiny crystalline manifestation of aetheric wind energy.

 Yew Log Icon.png  Yew Log
Botanist icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Req. Level 1

A rough-cut log of yew timber.

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