
Orange Brightlilies Icon.png
A subset of Gardening, flowers can be grown and colored and displayed for decorative purposes.


Model-Riviera Flowerpot.png
Riviera Flowerpot
Model-Oasis Flowerpot.png
Oasis Flowerpot
Model-Glade Flowerpot.png
Glade Flowerpot


Item Description
Arum Bulbs Icon.png
Arum Bulbs
Map75 Icon.png
Bulbs such as these are the most efficient means of cultivating arums, and thus a must-have for busy hostesses needing to prepare decorative centerpieces or significant volumes of poison in a hurry.

※For use in planters.
Brightlily Seeds Icon.png
Brightlily Seeds
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
When planted in nutrient-rich soil, these large black seeds will grow into vibrant lily plants more than several fulms high.

※For use in planters.
Byregotia Seeds Icon.png
Byregotia Seeds
Map75 Icon.png
They say it is by Byregot's very hand that these flowers are coaxed to blossom...but you should still water them nevertheless.

※For use in planters.
Campanula Seeds Icon.png
Campanula Seeds
Map75 Icon.png
These seeds grow into what are commonly known as “bellflowers,” which are said to be edible. Good to know if one were to find oneself with a lack of victuals but an abundance of these dainty blooms.

※For use in planters.
Carnation Seeds Icon.png
Carnation Seeds
Map75 Icon.png
Given the right conditions, these seeds will produce near endless amounts of beautiful carnations. Assuming that is, that the bag has been correctly labeled. If not, they may very well produce man-eating morbols...or worse.

※For use in planters.
NewCattleya Seeds Icon.png
Cattleya Seeds
Map75 Icon.png
With sufficient care, these seeds will grow into resplendent, and surprisingly resilient, orchid plants.

※For use in planters.
Chrysanthemum Seeds Icon.png
Chrysanthemum Seeds
Map75 Icon.png
These seeds will grow into spectacular blooms, commonly held as the symbol for friendship, happiness, and well-being.

※For use in planters.
Cosmos Seeds Icon.png
Cosmos Seeds
Map75 Icon.png
These seeds will grow into bright and cheery cosmos blooms─unless one is a terrible gardener, in which case they will grow into a sense of self-loathing.

※For use in planters.
Dahlia Bulbs Icon.png
Dahlia Bulbs
Map75 Icon.png
Though commonly referred to as “bulbs,” these nascent dahlia plants are more akin to tubers. Despite currently looking like stunted popotoes, they will grow to produce lovely flowers.

※For use in planters.
Daisy Seeds Icon.png
Daisy Seeds
Map75 Icon.png
Daisy, Daisy. Give me your answer, do. Go half crazy waiting for these godsdamned seeds to bloom.

※For use in planters (built for two).
Garden Sunflower Seeds Icon.png
Garden Sunflower Seeds
Map75 Icon.png
The perfect seeds for novice gardeners. If at first you don't succeed, you can simply give up and eat the rest.

※For use in planters.
Hyacinth Bulbs Icon.png
Hyacinth Bulbs
Map75 Icon.png
Each bulb is the nascent and substantially more hideous form of the many-flowered hyacinth.

※For use in planters.
Hydrangea Seeds Icon.png
Hydrangea Seeds
Map75 Icon.png
Plants from these seeds will burst into bloom in brightly colored clusters─like fireworks in your very own home, without the danger of burning down your very own home.

※For use in planters.
Lily of the Valley Pips Icon.png
Lily of the Valley Pips
Map75 Icon.png
Mature rootstalks that will grow and flower with sweet-smelling (though highly poisonous) bell-shaped blooms.

※For use in planters.
Lupin Seeds Icon.png
Lupin Seeds
Map75 Icon.png
Despite their wolfish namesake, the pointed flowering plants that bloom from these seeds are, in fact, a variety of legume.

※For use in planters.
Moth Orchid Seeds Icon.png
Moth Orchid Seeds
Map75 Icon.png
Disagreement over whether these seeds thrive best in sunlight or lamplight has ended many a friendship between botanist and naturalist.

※For use in planters.
Oldrose Seeds Icon.png
Oldrose Seeds
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Some say love, it is a river. Some say love, it is a flower. Plant these seeds and learn the truth.

※For use in planters.
Shroud Cherry Sapling Icon.png
Shroud Cherry Sapling
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Looks so good, bring a tear to your eye.

※For use in planters.
Sweet Pea Seeds Icon.png
Sweet Pea Seeds
Map75 Icon.png
These seeds are mildly poisonous when eaten, but will grow into a climbing plant known for its beautiful blooms.

※For use in planters.
Triteleia Seeds Icon.png
Triteleia Seeds
Map75 Icon.png
The triteleia is also known as the triplet lily─as the various parts of the flower come in threes─care has been taken to ensure the number of seeds is divisible by three, so as not to ruin the pattern. After all, “three is the mandatory number,” as the saying probably goes.

※For use in planters.
Tulip Bulbs Icon.png
Tulip Bulbs
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Several hard, brown bulbs the size of a gigantoad's eye.

※For use in planters.
Viola Seeds Icon.png
Viola Seeds
Map75 Icon.png
And there is pansies, that's for thoughts. And there is pansy seeds, that's for growing pansies.

※For use in planters.


These flowers are specifically for growing in planters and, once harvested, can be placed in vases to create customized furnishings. Once seeds are planted, there are nine possible colors into which the flower can bloom. The outcome is dependent on the use of pigmented fertilizers, which come in three variations and can be applied once per hour throughout the 24h growth window:

Red Pomace Icon.png
Red Pomace
Increases red pigment in flowers.
Blue Pomace Icon.png
Blue Pomace
Increases blue pigment in flowers.
Mountain Pomace Icon.png
Mountain Pomace
Increases yellow pigment in flowers.

These fertilizers follow the basic rules of subtractive color and influence the likely outcome. However, any fertilizers used increase the pool of total possible outcomes, presumably weighted towards the outcome stated as the most likely upon checking the plant. For example, one Red Pomace and one Blue Pomace is likely to result in a purple flower, but might also result in a red or a blue flower, as well. Note that the default color of most flowers is red (violas default to purple, daisies default to yellow), but that this default color does not contribute to color mixing (e.g. a default red rose with blue fertilizer will result in a blue-weighted flower; weighting it towards purple will require a red fertilizer, as well.)

Using these mixes, six variations of flowers can be obtained:


Using one of each fertilizer will trigger a message claiming that "unusual" results may occur, adding three previously unattainable outcomes to the possible pool. This also resets the color balance to the default color (red except for violas), and the flowers can then be re-weighted towards a specific likely outcome while retaining the possibility for "unusual" outcomes.

Unusual Outcomes:

Rainbow, (pink instead for the Shroud Cherry Sapling)

Quick Reference

Fertilizer Likely Result
0 0 0 red flowers
1 0 0 red flowers
1 0 1 orange flowers
0 0 1 yellow flowers
0 1 1 green flowers
0 1 0 blue flowers
1 1 0 purple flowers
1 1 1 default color + "Unusual" Results
2 1 1 red flowers + "Unusual" Results
2 1 2 orange flowers + "Unusual" Results
1 1 2 yellow flowers + "Unusual" Results
1 2 2 green flowers + "Unusual" Results
1 2 1 blue flowers + "Unusual" Results
2 2 1 purple flowers + "Unusual" Results


Flower Black Blue Green Orange Purple Rainbow Red White Yellow
Arums Black Arums Icon.png Blue Arums Icon.png Green Arums Icon.png Orange Arums Icon.png Purple Arums Icon.png Rainbow Arums Icon.png Red Arums Icon.png White Arums Icon.png Yellow Arums Icon.png
Brightlilies Black Brightlilies Icon.png Blue Brightlilies Icon.png Green Brightlilies Icon.png Orange Brightlilies Icon.png Purple Brightlilies Icon.png Rainbow Brightlilies Icon.png Red Brightlilies Icon.png White Brightlilies Icon.png Yellow Brightlilies Icon.png
Byregotia Black Byregotia Icon.png Blue Byregotia Icon.png Green Byregotia Icon.png Orange Byregotia Icon.png Purple Byregotia Icon.png Rainbow Byregotia Icon.png Red Byregotia Icon.png White Byregotia Icon.png Yellow Byregotia Icon.png
Campanulas Black Campanulas Icon.png Blue Campanulas Icon.png Green Campanulas Icon.png Orange Campanulas Icon.png Purple Campanulas Icon.png Rainbow Campanulas Icon.png Red Campanulas Icon.png White Campanulas Icon.png Yellow Campanulas Icon.png
Carnations Black Carnations Icon.png Blue Carnations Icon.png Green Carnations Icon.png Orange Carnations Icon.png Purple Carnations Icon.png Rainbow Carnations Icon.png Red Carnations Icon.png White Carnations Icon.png Yellow Carnations Icon.png
Cherry Blossoms Black Cherry Blossoms Icon.png Blue Cherry Blossoms Icon.png Green Cherry Blossoms Icon.png Orange Cherry Blossoms Icon.png Purple Cherry Blossoms Icon.png Pink Cherry Blossoms Icon.png Red Cherry Blossoms Icon.png White Cherry Blossoms Icon.png Yellow Cherry Blossoms Icon.png
Chrysanthemums Black Chrysanthemums Icon.png Blue Chrysanthemums Icon.png Green Chrysanthemums Icon.png Orange Chrysanthemums Icon.png Purple Chrysanthemums Icon.png Rainbow Chrysanthemum Bouquet Icon.png Red Chrysanthemums Icon.png White Chrysanthemums Icon.png Yellow Chrysanthemums Icon.png
Cosmos Black Cosmos Icon.png Blue Cosmos Icon.png Green Cosmos Icon.png Orange Cosmos Icon.png Purple Cosmos Icon.png Rainbow Cosmos Icon.png Red Cosmos Icon.png White Cosmos Icon.png Yellow Cosmos Icon.png
Dahlias Black Dahlias Icon.png Blue Dahlias Icon.png Green Dahlias Icon.png Orange Dahlias Icon.png Purple Dahlias Icon.png Rainbow Dahlias Icon.png Red Dahlias Icon.png White Dahlias Icon.png Yellow Dahlias Icon.png
Daisies Black Daisies Icon.png Blue Daisies Icon.png Green Daisies Icon.png Orange Daisies Icon.png Purple Daisies Icon.png Rainbow Daisies Icon.png Red Daisies Icon.png White Daisies Icon.png Yellow Daisies Icon.png
Hyacinths Black Hyacinths Icon.png Blue Hyacinths Icon.png Green Hyacinths Icon.png Orange Hyacinths Icon.png Purple Hyacinths Icon.png Rainbow Hyacinths Icon.png Red Hyacinths Icon.png White Hyacinths Icon.png Yellow Hyacinths Icon.png
Hydrangeas Black Hydrangeas Icon.png Blue Hydrangeas Icon.png Green Hydrangeas Icon.png Orange Hydrangeas Icon.png Purple Hydrangeas Icon.png Rainbow Hydrangeas Icon.png Red Hydrangeas Icon.png White Hydrangeas Icon.png Yellow Hydrangeas Icon.png
Lilies of the Valley Black Lilies of the Valley Icon.png Blue Lilies of the Valley Icon.png Green Lilies of the Valley Icon.png Orange Lilies of the Valley Icon.png Purple Lilies of the Valley Icon.png Rainbow Lilies of the Valley Icon.png Red Lilies of the Valley Icon.png White Lilies of the Valley Icon.png Yellow Lilies of the Valley Icon.png
Lupins Black Lupins Icon.png Blue Lupins Icon.png Green Lupins Icon.png Orange Lupins Icon.png Purple Lupins Icon.png Rainbow Lupins Icon.png Red Lupins Icon.png White Lupins Icon.png Yellow Lupins Icon.png
Moth Orchids Black Moth Orchids Icon.png Blue Moth Orchids Icon.png Green Moth Orchids Icon.png Orange Moth Orchids Icon.png Purple Moth Orchids Icon.png Rainbow Moth Orchids Icon.png Red Moth Orchids Icon.png White Moth Orchids Icon.png Yellow Moth Orchids Icon.png
Oldroses Black Oldroses Icon.png Blue Oldroses Icon.png Green Oldroses Icon.png Orange Oldroses Icon.png Purple Oldroses Icon.png Rainbow Oldroses Icon.png Red Oldroses Icon.png White Oldroses Icon.png Yellow Oldroses Icon.png
Sweet Peas Black Sweet Peas Icon.png Blue Sweet Peas Icon.png Green Sweet Peas Icon.png Orange Sweet Peas Icon.png Purple Sweet Peas Icon.png Rainbow Sweet Peas Icon.png Red Sweet Peas Icon.png White Sweet Peas Icon.png Yellow Sweet Peas Icon.png
Triteleia Black Triteleia Icon.png Blue Triteleia Icon.png Green Triteleia Icon.png Orange Triteleia Icon.png Purple Triteleia Icon.png Rainbow Triteleia Icon.png Red Triteleia Icon.png White Triteleia Icon.png Yellow Triteleia Icon.png
Tulips Black Tulips Icon.png Blue Tulips Icon.png Green Tulips Icon.png Orange Tulips Icon.png Purple Tulips Icon.png Rainbow Tulips Icon.png Red Tulips Icon.png White Tulips Icon.png Yellow Tulips Icon.png
Violas Black Violas Icon.png Blue Violas Icon.png Green Violas Icon.png Orange Violas Icon.png Purple Violas Icon.png Rainbow Violas Icon.png Red Violas Icon.png White Violas Icon.png Yellow Violas Icon.png
Sunflowers Black Sunflowers Icon.png Blue Sunflowers Icon.png Green Sunflowers Icon.png Orange Sunflowers Icon.png Purple Sunflowers Icon.png Rainbow Sunflowers Icon.png Red Sunflowers Icon.png White Sunflowers Icon.png Yellow Sunflowers Icon.png


Model-Riviera Vase.png
Riviera Vase
Model-Glade Vase.png
Glade Vase
Model-Oasis Vase.png
Oasis Vase
Model-Paramour Vase.png
Paramour Vase
Model-Authentic Paramour Vase.png
Authentic Paramour Vase
Model-Eggplant Knight Flower Vase.png
Eggplant Knight Flower Vase
Model-Garlic Jester Flower Vase.png
Garlic Jester Flower Vase
Model-Mandragora Queen Flower Vase.png
Mandragora Queen Flower Vase
Model-Onion Prince Flower Vase.png
Onion Prince Flower Vase
Model-Tomato King Flower Vase.png
Tomato King Flower Vase
