
With the influx of refugees, the living conditions of Ul'dah no longer suit the tastes of its wealthiest inhabitants. Hammerlea, then, is their escape—an area upon which great estates will one day be built. At present, mighty towers known as the Hammers pound the ground into a solid foundation, and give the place its name. [1]
Zone: Western Thanalan
Region: Thanalan
Landmass: Aldenard
World: Hydaelyn
Type: Outdoor
Aetheryte: Horizon
Weather: Clear Skies icon.png (Clear Skies)
Clouds icon.png (Clouds)
Fair Skies icon.png (Fair Skies)
Fog icon.png (Fog)
Rain icon.png (Rain)
Expansion: Original
NPC Icon.png
Click here to see NPCs found at this location.
NPCs (10)
  • There are 10 NPCs in this location.
Click here to see Monsters found at this location.
Monsters (50)
  • There are 50 Monsters in this location.
Sidequest1 Icon.png
Click here to see quests originating in this location.
Quests (26)
  • There are 1 Heavensward Main Scenario Quests in this location.
  • There are 2 Hildibrand Sidequests in this location.
  • There are 13 Ul'dahn Sidequests in this location.
Landmarks Landmarkstub.png
Beaconhill Lighthouse

Scorpion Crossing

Silver Bazaar Docks

The East Hammer

The Silver Bazaar

The South Hammer

The West Hammer

Mining (1)
Item Node (Slot) Node Req. Gathering Req.
Muddy Water 1 Level:5 Level: 3
Perception HQ Icon.png 20
Edit Mining: Hammerlea
Copper Ore 3 Level:5 Level: 1
Perception HQ Icon.png 18
Edit Mining: Hammerlea
Water Shard 5 Level:5 Level: 1
Edit Mining: Hammerlea
Fire Shard 6 Level:5 Level: 1
Edit Mining: Hammerlea
Tin Ore 2 Level:10 Level: 6
Perception HQ Icon.png 23
Edit Mining: Hammerlea
Zinc Ore 3 Level:10 Level: 9
Perception HQ Icon.png 26
Edit Mining: Hammerlea
Soiled Femur 4 Level:10 Level: 8
Perception HQ Icon.png 26
Edit Mining: Hammerlea
Water Shard 5 Level:10 Level: 1
Edit Mining: Hammerlea
Obsidian 8 Level:10 Level: 10
Perception HQ Icon.png 27
Edit Mining: Hammerlea
Quarrying (2)
Item Node (Slot) Node Req. Gathering Req.
Water Cluster 5 Level:Unspoiled
(5 AM)
Level: 50
Edit Quarrying: Hammerlea
Grade 3 Thanalan Topsoil 8 Level:Unspoiled
(5 AM)
Level: 50 ★
Perception HQ Icon.png N/A
Edit Quarrying: Hammerlea
Dark Matter Cluster 1-8 Level:Unspoiled
(5 AM)
Level: 50 ★★
Perception HQ Icon.png N/A
Edit Quarrying: Hammerlea
Unaspected Crystal 1-8 Level:Unspoiled
(5 AM)
Level: 50 ★
Perception HQ Icon.png N/A
Edit Quarrying: Hammerlea
Fishing Holes (1)
Location POS Level Type Requirements
The Silver Bazaar 15-29 25
Gallery Add Image
  1. Encyclopaedia Eorzea pg. 142