Main article: Geography.
Zones are the areas of the game defined by when one "zones" into or out of an area. Common examples are Southern Thanalan, East Shroud or Coerthas Central Highlands.
Pages in category "Zone"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 437 total.
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- Aetherial Rift
- Aglaia (Zone)
- Akadaemia Anyder (Zone)
- Akh Afah Amphitheatre
- Ala Mhigo (Zone)
- Alexandria (Zone)
- Aloalo Island (Zone)
- Alzadaal's Legacy (Zone)
- Amaurot (Zone)
- Amdapor Keep (Hard) (Zone)
- Amdapor Keep (Zone)
- Amh Araeng
- Anamnesis Anyder (Zone)
- Anogg's Lair
- Another Aloalo Island (Zone)
- Another Mount Rokkon (Zone)
- Another Sil'dihn Subterrane (Zone)
- Apartment Lobby
- Template:ARR Infobox Zone/Preload
- Template talk:ARR Infobox Zone2
- Ascension
- Ashfall
- Astragalos (Zone)
- Atlas Peak
- Azys Lla
- Carteneau Flats: Borderland Ruins
- Castrum Abania (Zone)
- Castrum Fluminis (Zone)
- Castrum Marinum Drydocks
- Castrum Meridianum (Zone)
- Central Azys Lla
- Central Decks
- Central Shroud
- Central Thanalan
- Cid's Memory
- Cinder Drift (Zone)
- Coerthas Central Highlands
- Coerthas Western Highlands
- Command Room
- Company Workshop
- Containment Bay P1T6 (Zone)
- Containment Bay S1T7 (Zone)
- Containment Bay Z1T9 (Zone)
- Copperbell Mines (Hard) (Zone)
- Copperbell Mines (Zone)
- Crystalline Conflict Arena
- Cutter's Cry (Zone)
- Earthen Sky Hideout
- East Shroud
- Eastern La Noscea
- Eastern Thanalan
- Elpis
- Elysion
- Emanation (Zone)
- Empyreum
- Empyreum (Subdivision)
- Eorzean Alliance Headquarters
- Estinien's Chambers
- Eulmore
- Euphrosyne (Zone)
- Eureka Anemos
- Eureka Hydatos
- Eureka Orthos (Zone)
- Eureka Pagos
- Eureka Pyros
- Excavation Tunnels
- Eyes of the Creator
- Labyrinth of the Ancients (Zone)
- Labyrinthos
- Lakeland
- Lapis Manalis (Zone)
- Lavender Beds
- Lavender Beds (Subdivision)
- Laxan Loft (Zone)
- Lemures Headquarters
- Lichenweed
- Lily Hills Apartment Lobby
- Liminal Space
- Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
- Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks
- Living Memory
- Lotus Stand
- Lovely Lovering
- Lower Aetheroacoustic Exploratory Site
- Lower Jeuno
- Lower La Noscea
- Lyhe Mheg
- Maelstrom Barracks
- Magna Glacies
- Main Deck
- Main Hall
- Malikah's Well (Zone)
- Manor Basement
- Mare Lamentorum
- Matoya's Cave (Zone)
- Matoya's Relict (Zone)
- Medias Res (Zone)
- Meghaduta Guest Chambers
- Middle La Noscea
- Mist
- Mist (Subdivision)
- Mor Dhona
- Mount Ordeals (Zone)
- Mount Rokkon (Zone)
- Mt. Gulg (Zone)