Body Type
(~79.5 inches)
Option 3
Eye Shape
Option 1
Iris Size
Eye Color
Option 1
Option 4
Ear Shape
Option 1
Option 1
Ear Length
Facial Features/Tattoos/Ear Clasp/Face Paint
Come, listen closely... Can you hear that beating? 'Tis the flow of aether, the very pulse of the land.
Truly, Eorzea is a realm of endless wonders. Every day, my heart is set aflutter with a new discovery!
After: With the Utmost Care
Hush, man. I cannot focus on the flow of aether when your breathing is so loud!
If you intend to remain in my presence, I must insist that you hold your breath.
After: The Hazy Professor
Hm? An honorary pupil, you say? I don't remember having any of those.
Ahaha, I jest, I jest! Who could forget you, Forename? In fact, I have a lesson just for you on my latest theory─ What? Oh, well, if you're busy, I suppose it can wait.
After: Soul Searching
What is it now? I've already spoken to one of your “Scions” about this disappearing aether business.
I consider myself an expert in such matters, but never have I heard of a soul's trail ending without a trace. It's unprecedented. Preposterous!
After: Travelers of Norvrandt
I recently received word from the Rising Stones regarding the whereabouts of the missing Scions. It would seem their spirits have been whisked away to another world entirely. Assuming you believe such nonsense to be possible.
After: Reflections in Crystal
So, I'm told the Scions have returned, and it seems they had indeed traveled to another world. I did not think such a thing possible, but I stand corrected. And now we must focus our minds upon the most important question of all: how did the journey affect their aether? A thorough physical examination is in order, oh yes...