Maiden Carp

Maiden Carp Icon.png
Maiden Carp  Seasonalachievementicon.pngFisher icon.pngExplorationicon.pngMap75 Icon.png
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Large schools of these dark silver fish can be found in the White Maiden and her tributaries.

[Suitable for printing on small canvases.]
Level 1
Item Level 10
Statistics & Bonuses:
Repairs, Recycle & Style:
Stack Size 999
Sells for Gil Icon.png x 1
Noconverticon.png Nodyeicon.png Nocresticon.png Noprojectableicon.png Desynthesizableicon.png Nostorableicon.png Nocollectableicon.png
Model-Maiden Carp.png
Acquisition Edit Maiden Carp's Miscellaneous Acquisition Information Uses Edit Maiden Carp's Miscellaneous Use Information
Divider5.png Divider5.png
Sold by Merchants
Merchant (Shop) Price
Holasfhis (Shop)

Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks - The Hyaline (10.4-13.7)

Maiden Carp

 x 21
Fishing Overview:
Type: Rivers
Prime Locations: The Black Shroud - Central Shroud
Baits: Crayfish BallBloodwormStreamer
Level: 10
Large schools of these dark silver fish can be found in the White Maiden and her tributaries. Their tendency to gather in great numbers makes them quite easy to catch, and as such they have been a staple for those living in the Twelveswood since the time of the first settlers.
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Fishing Locations:
Available during Event
Moonfire Faire (2015)
Moonfire Faire (2017)
Moonfire Faire (2019)
Acquired from 1-hour Fishing Exploration Venture
Fishing Exploration Venture (Retainer Level 11)
Recipes using Maiden Carp (1)
Item Skill
Grilled Carp Icon.png Grilled Carp
Culinarian Icon 5.png
Used in Supply Mission (1)
Supply and Provisioning Mission Item
Fisher Supply Mission (Level 10) x 1
Culinarian Icon 5.png
Desynthesis data is user generated and therefore may be incomplete or inaccurate. Use caution and know that no particular result is ever guaranteed.
Potential Results:
Fine Sand Icon.png Fine Sand
Allagan Tin Piece Icon.png Allagan Tin Piece
Edit Maiden Carp's Desynth Results

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