In the years after the Calamity, this place was a barren wasteland, with nary a shrub to be found. It was Guildmaster Fufucha─her skill, her knowledge, and her love for the trees most of all─who gave this forest new life.
Were it not for her, I would not be here today. as not, I would never have chosen the botanist's path. The profound joy and satisfaction that my life's work has brought me─I owe it all to her.
If I have served in my own humble way to restore Fufucha's faith in her profession, it is the very least I could have done after all that she has imparted to me.
Verily, there is much I would still learn from my mentor. I can but hope she will grace these bleak highlands with her presence once more.
Lest you wonder, Basyle and I trained as botanists together. You might even call us rivals, if you can imagine such a thing between people who grow and harvest plants.
But even as we competed against one another, we held each other in esteem. So when it was decided that he would go to settle the frontier, I wished him every success. Please aid him in whatever way you can.
Basyle wrote to me of all that has happened. Allow me to offer you my personal thanks for saving him.
In his letter, he expressed his determination to continue the work you helped him start. It will be a few seasons yet before his efforts bear fruit, but I have no doubt that the crops and knowledge you have contributed will prove to be of immeasurable worth to Camp Cloudtop.