The Great Work

Mainquest1 Icon.png Lv. 80   The Great Work

Journal detail hr1 07.png Acquisition
Matsya: Thavnair - Saltwind's Welcome - Akyaali (x:15.9, y:32.2)

Map33 Icon.pngClosest Aetheryte: Yedlihmad

Journal detail hr1 08.png Requirements
071201.png80House of DivinitiesMainquest1 Icon.png House of Divinities (Level 80)

Spacer2.png Any Disciple of War or Magic (excluding limited jobs) (Level 80)

Journal detail hr1 03.png Rewards

Experience Points

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Journal detail hr1 04.png Description
Matsya has a shine in his eyes that wasn't there before.
Journal detail hr1 01.png Objectives
Journal detail hr1 02.png Unlocks Quests
071201.png80Shadowed FootstepsMainquest1 Icon.png Shadowed Footsteps (Level 80)

  • Matsya has a shine in his eyes that wasn't there before.
  • At the mere mention of Nidhana's name, Matsya begins to gush over the alchemist, whom you gather is also Matanga. With this additional piece of knowledge, you make your way north to the Great Work, where she may be found.
  • To your shock, you arrive at the Great Work to find its residents collapsed on the ground, though there are no signs of struggle. Spotting whom you believe to be Nidhana, you go to render aid...and are relieved to find that the alchemists are simply in a deep slumber. But no sooner does Varshahn, a servant of the satrap of Radz–at–Han, arrive bearing dragon scales than they are back on their feet again, excited as children with a new toy. The material, Nidhana explains, is vital to their efforts to create a talisman capable of nullifying the tower's corruptive influence. Nidhana then bids you follow her, that she might explain the crux of the situation.
  • At the behest of the satrap, Nidhana and her alchemists have been laboring to create enchanted talismans that will allow those without innate protection to venture near the tower. This they seek to do by amplifying the superior resistance to disruptive forces that dragon scales possess. Soon they will be ready to conduct a field test, for which they require an individual with the blessing of Light─your good self. For your own safety, however, Nidhana wishes first to confirm how well the blessing shields you, and asks that you meet her on top of a hill just outside the Great Work.
  • Nidhana explains that you are to follow the peculiarly named “drunken deepa,” a converted lantern which will expose you to powerful blasts of aether. Four blasts should be enough to ascertain the potency of your protection, and Nidhana bids you begin when you are ready.
※You must be following the drunken deepa to complete this task. Speak with it again should you become separated.
  • You are exposed to the first blast of aether, but are fine as far as you yourself can tell. It should be safe to tell the drunken deepa to continue the test.
  • You are exposed to another blast of aether, but if there are any problems, you do not feel them yet. Hopefully the third blast will be equally harmless.
  • You are exposed to a third blast of aether, but your blessing of Light continues to protect you. Just one more blast remains.
  • You are exposed to the fourth and final blast of aether, and yet again you come out unscathed. The test thus concluded, you go to collect the drunken deepa.
  • With the drunken deepa in hand, you head back to where Nidhana awaits at the top of the hill.
  • You return the drunken deepa to Nidhana, who is satisfied with the protection the blessing of Light affords you. With this, the alchemists will be able to request your aid for the task ahead with easy hearts.

Edit The Great Work's Dialogue

D-Did you say you're going to see Nidhana!? Oh, how I envy you!

She's brilliant and beautiful, kind and understanding...and did I say she's beautiful?

<sigh> I could stare at her dainty ears and adorable trunk all day... And those eyes! When you meet her, take care you don't drown in them!
Quest Accepted

The Great Work is situated at a cove to the north. Follow the road north to reach it.
If there was a battle, there's a conspicuous lack of blood.
In such manner did we find them... What could have befallen these people?
What in the world...?

Player7 Icon.png The Unending Journey: # 1: Voiced cutscene start.
What happened here?
Their dress marks them as alchemist. I see no evidence of injury or poison.
Thinkest thou they but slumber?
I believe so. Whether it is by choice is another question entirely.
Oh, we have guests.

You must excuse the poor welcome. Long days and longer nights have taken their toll, as you can see...

I am Varshahn. Servant to the satrap. My task was, in fact, to wake these good men and women. If you will allow.

People of the Great Work! I come bearing new scales!
Mmm... Scales...?
We have new scales!?
Yes, my friends. Gather round. I have them right here.
Oh, happy day! Now I can continue my experiment!
Those are dragon scales.
Yes─such materials are vital to their most pressing research.
And we are fortunate to have them. Our experiments are so close to bearing fruit...

Soon we will have a talisman capable of nullifying the aetheric emissions from that accursed tower!

Did...Did I say something wrong? Are you not here with Varshahn? Wait, who are you people?

Of course! You're the one Krilesent─the "Warrior of Light" we've been waiting for!
This is a day of celebration! Praise be to Cinduruva!
The winds have shifted. I feel it! The end to our toil is near!
I feel it, too. My head hasn't been this clear in days...
Tell me, how did you acquire those scales?
Curious that it concerns you so.
But worry not. They were given freely by the dragon with whom our satrap has forged a lawful pact.
That is well...
You must be quite familiar with dragonkin, yes?
Is this their congealed blood I see on your weapon?
Hrm... Speaking of dragon yourself have been infused with it, have you not?
I should like to draw a phial or two, if so!
Now, see here...!
Come along, come along! I must insist that you visit our laboratory!
(- Estinien -)
Cease your shoving, or so help me...!
Oh dear, your poor companion. What with the new scales and your timely arrival, my colleagues are a little giddy with excitement.
No harm will come to him, I promise! Meanwhile, shall we find a quiet place to talk?
As you may have guessed, I am Nidhana─the alchemist who sent the request to your Mistress Krile. We have workshops across the nation collaborating on this research project, but it is here─at the Great Work─where I collate our results.
Come with me, all of you, and I can explain the crux of the situation.
Player7 Icon.png The Unending Journey: # 1: Voiced cutscene end.

Pray pay me no mind. I am here that I may be of service. Nothing more.
'Tis said that shellfish is ideal for those who have suffered blood loss. Mayhap we should have acquired some from Matsya...
Oh, for the days when I enjoyed such fervent adoration. But on this occasion I am glad to entrust the burden of popularity to Estinien.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
Allow me to thank you for answering our call. Many towers have appeared around the world, and we are grateful that you would assist us with ours.
Though Krile herself is tied up with another investigation, Forename is an eminently capable substitute, and we will spare no effort to aid you.
So, if I understand correctly, you seek to make talismans that can nullify aetheric emissions.
Indeed we do. As you know, the tower emits vast concentrations of aether; one cannot go anywhere near it without being tempered.

As such, we can only study the tower from afar, and are powerless to deal with it in any consequential way.

In order to strike back, the satrap bade us alchemists create enchanted talismans. Talismans that will allow our soldiers to venture into the tower, even should they lack innate protection.
Could such a thing be possible?
Admittedly, we are still in the midst of testing, but we are quite confident.

Even prior to this, our people have long pursued countermeasures against the aetheric corruption of primals.

Of the methods tested to date, those utilizing dragon scales proved the most promising.

Owing to their aetheric density, the scales are highly resistant to disruptive forces. The mightier the dragon, the greater the resistance.

We seek to amplify this protective property through our alchemy.

Thanks to the scales provided by His Excellency, we have been able to make steady progress with the talisman.

Soon we will be ready to conduct a field test...and here is where you and your blessing of Light come in.
What will you say?
Whatever it is, just leave it me! What exactly is it that you need me to do? Better than having my blood drawn, I suppose...
Thank you! Lest you wonder, we ask only that you serve as an escort.
Nothing complicated, I assure you. We ask only that you serve as an escort.
Ahaha, perhaps so! And knowing my colleagues, they won't be satisfied with blood alone...
But as for your task, we ask only that you serve as an escort.
I will explain in greater detail later, but you will be venturing into the tower's field of influence.
And so, for your own safety, I would first test how well your blessing shields you. With your permission, of course.
In that case, Urianger and I will find other ways to make ourselves useful. Seeing as you all work to the point of collapse, I suspect you could do with more hands.
We would be grateful for any assistance you can provide!

If you are ready, then let us put your blessing to the proof.

If you exit the Great Work and turn south, there will be a hill to the right. I will meet you at the top after seeing to some preparations.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Good luck with the test. I shall remain here to assist the other alchemists.

You see a lantern designed in the local style.
I hope you didn't have trouble finding this place─or climbing the hill. Not all are accustomed to the physical strain.

I give you the fruit of our sweat, tears, and many a sleepless night: the drunken deepa!

A deepa is a lantern presented to the gods as an offering. Taking inspiration from the tradition, we created this device to test the talisman's efficacy.

Upon activation, it will move a certain distance before emitting a powerful blast of aether.

In lieu of corruption, those lacking sufficient protection will experience severe aether sickness.

For your test, you will be exposed four times. That should be enough to ascertain your blessing's protective capability.

Please begin whenever you're ready. I shall be observing from a safe distance.
To reduce the risk of accidental exposure, the drunken deepa will emit a blast only after it has moved a certain distance. Follow it closely and bathe in the aether four times!
Commencing aetheric exposure testing. Repeat: commencing aetheric exposure testing. Retreat to a safe distance if you are not the subject.
Follow the drunken deepa's lead and try not to fall behind.
Readying aether. Please stand back.
Ready to discharge. Test subjects, please gather near.
Warning: discharging aether!
You are struck by a powerful blast of aether, but suffer no ill effects.
Subject has no irrepressible urge to empty their stomach? Confirmed─resuming test. Please follow.
The Drunken Deepa leads the way.
Readying aether. Please stand back.
Ready to discharge. Test subjects, please gather near.
Warning: discharging aether!
You are struck by another powerful blast of aether, but suffer no ill effects.
Subject stomach and bowel integrity holding? Confirmed─resuming test. Please follow.
The Drunken Deepa leads the way.
Readying aether. Please stand back.
Ready to discharge. Test subjects, please gather near.
Warning: discharging aether!
You are struck by yet another powerful blast of aether, but suffer no ill effects. The blessing of Light appears to be keeping you safe from harm...
Subject fortitude rated...impressive! No irregularities...confirmed. Resuming test. Please follow and brace for final discharge.
The Drunken Deepa leads the way.
Readying aether. Please stand back.
Ready to discharge. Test subjects, please gather near.
Warning: discharging aether!
You are struck by the strongest blast of aether yet, but survive completely unscathed!
Aetheric exposure testing concluded. Please collect and deliver me to the supervising alchemist.
Congratulations on retaining your composure and your humours.
Ah, you've returned─and not on your knees. A promising sign! But come, let me take the deepa off your hands.
Thank you! I shall replenish its aether for when we test the talisman.

So, no dizziness or nausea or anything of the sort? You're feeling perfectly fine?

Then the strength of your blessing is beyond doubt. There is no risk that the tower will corrupt your aether.

With this, we can request your aid for the task ahead with easy hearts.
Quest Complete

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