Ultima Totem

Ultima Totem Icon.png
Ultima Totem  Gold chest icon.png
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This unsettling metal totem of unknown origin depicts the Ultima Weapon as if it were a god.
Level 1
Item Level 1
Statistics & Bonuses:
Repairs, Recycle & Style:
Stack Size 999
Sells for Unsellable
Noconverticon.png Nodyeicon.png Nocresticon.png Noprojectableicon.png Nodesynthesizableicon.png Nostorableicon.png Nocollectableicon.png
Acquisition Edit Ultima Totem's Miscellaneous Acquisition Information Uses Edit Ultima Totem's Miscellaneous Use Information
Divider5.png Divider5.png
Acquired from Duty (1)
Raidicon.png The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate)
Traded to:
•  Eschina (Totem Gear (The Ultima Weapon))
•  Rowena's Representative (Kugane) (Healer - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395))
•  Rowena's Representative (Kugane) (Magical Ranged DPS - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395))
•  Rowena's Representative (Kugane) (Melee DPS (DRG and RPR) - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395))
•  Rowena's Representative (Kugane) (Melee DPS (MNK and SAM) - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395))
•  Rowena's Representative (Kugane) (Melee DPS (NIN) - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395))
•  Rowena's Representative (Kugane) (Melee DPS (NIN and VPR) - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395))
•  Rowena's Representative (Kugane) (Physical Ranged DPS - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395))
•  Rowena's Representative (Kugane) (Tank - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395))
Traded for: (16)
NPC Item
Eschina/Totem Gear (The Ultima Weapon) Amakura Ultima Icon.pngAmakura Ultima
Eschina/Totem Gear (The Ultima Weapon) Artemis Bow Ultima Icon.pngArtemis Bow Ultima
Eschina/Totem Gear (The Ultima Weapon) Atlas Ultima Icon.pngAtlas Ultima
Eschina/Totem Gear (The Ultima Weapon) Bravura Ultima Icon.pngBravura Ultima
Eschina/Totem Gear (The Ultima Weapon) Curtana Ultima Icon.pngCurtana Ultima
Holy Shield Ultima Icon.pngHoly Shield Ultima
Eschina/Totem Gear (The Ultima Weapon) Deathbringer Ultima Icon.pngDeathbringer Ultima
Eschina/Totem Gear (The Ultima Weapon) Ferdinand Ultima Icon.pngFerdinand Ultima
Eschina/Totem Gear (The Ultima Weapon) Gae Bolg Ultima Icon.pngGae Bolg Ultima
Eschina/Totem Gear (The Ultima Weapon) Needle Ultima Icon.pngNeedle Ultima
Eschina/Totem Gear (The Ultima Weapon) Omnilex Ultima Icon.pngOmnilex Ultima
Eschina/Totem Gear (The Ultima Weapon) Sphairai Ultima Icon.pngSphairai Ultima
Eschina/Totem Gear (The Ultima Weapon) Stardust Rod Ultima Icon.pngStardust Rod Ultima
Eschina/Totem Gear (The Ultima Weapon) The Veil of Wiyu Ultima Icon.pngThe Veil of Wiyu Ultima
Eschina/Totem Gear (The Ultima Weapon) Thyrus Ultima Icon.pngThyrus Ultima
Eschina/Totem Gear (The Ultima Weapon) Yoshimitsu Ultima Icon.pngYoshimitsu Ultima
Rowena's Representative (Kugane)/Healer - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395) Atlas Ultima Icon.pngAtlas Ultima
Rowena's Representative (Kugane)/Healer - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395) Omnilex Ultima Icon.pngOmnilex Ultima
Rowena's Representative (Kugane)/Healer - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395) Thyrus Ultima Icon.pngThyrus Ultima
Rowena's Representative (Kugane)/Magical Ranged DPS - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395) Needle Ultima Icon.pngNeedle Ultima
Rowena's Representative (Kugane)/Magical Ranged DPS - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395) Stardust Rod Ultima Icon.pngStardust Rod Ultima
Rowena's Representative (Kugane)/Magical Ranged DPS - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395) The Veil of Wiyu Ultima Icon.pngThe Veil of Wiyu Ultima
Rowena's Representative (Kugane)/Melee DPS (DRG and RPR) - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395) Gae Bolg Ultima Icon.pngGae Bolg Ultima
Rowena's Representative (Kugane)/Melee DPS (MNK and SAM) - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395) Amakura Ultima Icon.pngAmakura Ultima
Rowena's Representative (Kugane)/Melee DPS (MNK and SAM) - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395) Sphairai Ultima Icon.pngSphairai Ultima
Rowena's Representative (Kugane)/Melee DPS (NIN) - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395) Yoshimitsu Ultima Icon.pngYoshimitsu Ultima
Rowena's Representative (Kugane)/Melee DPS (NIN and VPR) - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395) Yoshimitsu Ultima Icon.pngYoshimitsu Ultima
Rowena's Representative (Kugane)/Physical Ranged DPS - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395) Artemis Bow Ultima Icon.pngArtemis Bow Ultima
Rowena's Representative (Kugane)/Physical Ranged DPS - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395) Ferdinand Ultima Icon.pngFerdinand Ultima
Rowena's Representative (Kugane)/Tank - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395) Bravura Ultima Icon.pngBravura Ultima
Rowena's Representative (Kugane)/Tank - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395) Curtana Ultima Icon.pngCurtana Ultima
Holy Shield Ultima Icon.pngHoly Shield Ultima
Rowena's Representative (Kugane)/Tank - Primal and Auspice Gear (IL 320-395) Deathbringer Ultima Icon.pngDeathbringer Ultima

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