Body Type
(~64.6 inches)
Muscle Tone
Bust Size
Option 2
Eye Shape
Option 2
Iris Size
Eye Color
Option 1
Option 5
Option 3
Lip Color
Lip Shade
Facial Features/Tattoos/Ear Clasp/Face Paint
A warm welcome to you, sir! Please, feel free to visit our many, many shops. You are bound to find something to satisfy your every need.
After: Turndown Service
Welcome back, sir. Thinking of assisting Elde, are we? News travels quickly along the Crozier.
After: Unrest in Ishgard
Hello again, sir. In spite of the recent disturbance, it's business as usual here on the Crozier, and our merchants peddle on with purpose.
After: A Winter's Sale
Elde's shop has become the jewel of the Crozier─but we of the guild believe she can do more, and neither Gerhardt nor I will not shy away from aiding her further.
After: Heavensward
Ishgard's return to the Eorzean Alliance has breathed new life into the Jeweled Crozier. The announcement had scarce been made when the merchants began eyeing opportunities in foreign markets.
After: Litany of Peace
The founding of the Houses of Lords and Commons will greatly impact the manner in which Ishgard is governed. No longer will we be able to ensure our prosperity by pandering to the needs of the nobles.
After: Towards the Firmament
Since the reconstruction of the Firmament commenced, the Crozier has been struggling to meet demand. It is a dilemma of the welcome kind.
Triple Triad Player Card
On Challenge:
You wish to play a game of Triple Triad? Normally I only deal in matters of coin, but very well.
If Unavailable:
Terribly sorry, sir, but I am expecting a rather important client to arrive at any moment. Perhaps another time.
On NPC Win:
With more challengers than customers in recent days, I suppose my skill at this game has improved.
On Player Win:
You would make an excellent businessman with such skill. Have you considered taking up a trade here at the Jeweled Crozier?
On Draw:
A good business deal leaves both sides better off... But this is no business deal. I insist that we play again.
- Affiliation
- Ishgard
- Biography
- The de facto leader of Ishgard's Jeweled Crozier, Elaisse is a merchant with nigh three score winters' experience under her belt. Though she works in a society wary of outsiders, the Midlander does not hesitate to seize opportunities provided by foreign traders. Her husband, a knight, has since passed, but her two grown daughters have followed in their mother's footsteps, flourishing as merchants in their own right.